Disclaimer: I do not own anything that belongs to Stephenie Meyer. Grrrrr

A/N: I AM SO SORRY FOR THE DELAY! I have been in Mexico and I JUST started a new job when I got back. (You have no idea how many alerts I have right now to go through "/ )

Explanations 101

Edward and I walked down the hallway to Carlisle's office. His arm around my waste and me tracing his face with my left hand while my right held on securely to the fingers that were wrapped around my waste. We took the stairs down a flight and turned to walk in the doors that led to Carlisle's study. Alice and Jasper opened the door and allowed us to walk in first. Carlisle was reading a book and, upon hearing us enter, set the book down and looked up.

The look on his face was something I will never forget. He really had no idea that I was still alive. I suddenly heard his voice in my head though his mouth was not moving.

Oh my goodness. How is this possible? Edward how is this possible?

I giggled at what I assumed to be his thoughts. I looked up at Edward to see his amused eyes dancing as they caught and held mine. Only when Carlisle spoke did we look away.

"Bella? Is that really you? How is this possible?" He asked. His smooth and even voice lined with curiosity. He had a grin upon his face that made me smile involuntarily at the happiness I was feeling radiating off of everyone.

We all sat down in the seats surrounding the room and the desk that Carlisle occupied.

"Where to begin, where to begin?" I asked out loud. I looked at Alice and saw her encouraging smile. I then turned to Edward and saw the curiosity burning in his eyes.

"Well, I suppose I should begin at where you left me with Alice." I knew that somewhere in my explanation Edward's face would grow grim and he would feel sorry about something and blame himself when really there was nothing he could do about it, so I was ready when his face conformed into the look of pure guilt and resign.

"Don't worry, there was nothing you could have done. And anyways I would not want for you all to have been sent to jail just because of me. That would have been horrible. But anyways, after you left I kind of came back to life. I died and everything but when I got there I was thrown into this all white room. I was shocked to say the least." Edward's face was of complete curiosity at my story. Although I did not want to look away from him, I did to see Carlisle's expression as well.

His expression was along the same lines as Edward. Both had raised eyebrows that left an unfamiliar line across their foreheads that would never be permanent. There eyes held questions that hoped could be answered.

"Then, someone started talking to me. They said that I had a choice to make. They said that they had never seen such love as the love between Edward and I. They said I had to choose," I looked back at Edward then, smiling wide with happiness. "I had to choose between Heaven or to live forever with Edward. The only catch was that I had to share our love with the people of earth. To give meaning to life." As I spoke I saw two conflicting emotions playing through Edwards eyes. First there was sorrow, sorrow for my soul and sorrow for what I had to ender just to stay with him. The other was happiness, happiness that he was able to see me, to hold me, to tell me he loves me and I would be able to reciprocate the words and feelings.

"Obviously I choose Edward, What is the point of heaven without my angel?" Edward's hand tightened around mine and we stared into each other's eyes. I had to remember we were not alone then, that there were others in the room, others in the world, not only us. I shook my head and forced my eyes reluctantly to look to Carlisle, my new father.

I hadn't thought of that. The loss of one family for another. I suddenly felt sorrow that I would have to live through the death of everyone I ever met dying around me. I hadn't had much time with Charlie, but what I did have was more then I could have wished for. In a few days I would never be able to see him again. We would probably have to relocate. Surely Edward would be in trouble here with the law. My body would never be found. I would be the mysterious girl of Forks whom died and body vanished. We would have to leave. There was nothing else we could do.

As I saw Carlisle's face I realized that things would be ok. It would be heard, and things would happen that simply would test us, but in the end would make us stronger. Carlisle's loving and calm expression gave me a reassurance of this.

"Well, we are glad. We always knew you would be a part of the family, and here you are. So I do assume that your power is mind reading?" he raised an eyebrow with obvious curiosity.

"Actually," I began not really knowing what to say or call my power. "I believe I have the power to take on anyone's power through the contact of skin. I could see visions after I touched Alice's skin. I was the ultimate hunter when Victoria attacked I-" I was going to finish when suddenly Edward was in my face.

"WHAT?!" He was checking me for bumps and bruises when I started laughing. "When did this happen, I swear she will pay. Did she hurt you?"

"Not much." I answered cryptically. "And I do not think that revenge will be necessary." I added with a slight smile. Happy to finally be rid of the being that haunted my dreams.

Edward looked at me curiously and then to Alice. I saw her replay the day in the forest when I destroyed Victoria once and for all. It was a small satisfaction though. I was officially a killer and I didn't really know how I felt about that.

Edward looked back over to me when Alice finished the memory. His eyes held an ancient sorrow for having seen me that way. Maybe he wouldn't love me anymore now that he knows I'm a murderer. Why would he want to stay with someone who could so brutally destroy another being; no matter how awful said being was. I began to worry about the thought of Edward leaving me. For some reason I knew that if that happened I wouldn't be able to live through it.

He saw something in my eyes to hint as to what I was thinking and spoke to clarify his look before I could ask.

"No, Bella, I am not disgusted at you, I am disgusted at myself and at Victoria and the fact that you had to go through that alone." I was so relieved to hear he wasn't disgusted with me that I nearly leapt into his arms. I settled for a warm smile instead.

"Well I wasn't really alone. Alice was with me the whole time." I told him through my smile.

With the mention of her name Edward turned on his sister to question her motives and actions. I heard the questions running through his head before he even spoke them so that I could take care of them before he asked her.

"Edward, she did what she had to. She knew I wanted to be one of you, she went against your will because she knew it was what you really wanted too. She loves us Edward and she only wants us to be happy. She wants to be able to see us smiling together for eternity." I answered all of his questions that were the most dire. As I spoke his eyes began to grow more, and more, gentle, and as they sank in he turned to his sister.

Alice held her breath waiting for what ever he was going to throw at her, but he surprised us all when he suddenly flung his arms around her and pulled her into a bone crushing hug. We all sat there stunned, even Alice, the Vision seer, was surprised by his actions. Soon she relaxed and returned the hug. We all were smirking as they pulled away from each other. Edward turned to me with a new kind of happiness in his eyes.

"So this is all real? You're here forever?" he asked excitedly.

I nodded yes and he was instantly by my side. No sooner did I realize he was in front of me were his lips on mine. I was surprised to say the least, but I soon fell into the embrace and hugged him close to me. When we pulled away I remembered that Alice and Carlisle were still in the room, but when I looked around the room I saw that they were no longer there.


Edward answered my incomplete question, "Giving us some privacy. Come on let's go back up to my room." Edward took my hand and walked out of Carlisle's study and up the stairs, never once taking his eyes off me. We walked into his room and suddenly I was flung onto Edward's couch. And as he leaned into me I thought I could do this for eternity. I could stay here for eternity.

So... That's is perty much it... I was thinking of a sequel.. but I've already started another story (Which so far is a lot of plot fun!) so maybe when I am done with that one (or bored with it) then I will start up a sequel. I have a few plots in mind... But no worries, we have the epilogue still and I will decide by then if I want to continue... I hope you all enjoyed!