and now it comes to an end. thanks to all that read this, and sorry if it got a little corny towards the end. please R&R!
Chapter Thirty-One
Abby's POV
I lay on the couch, my eyes were closed and my body ached like anything. I heard the elevator pop open, and I opened my eyes to see Nigel walking in. I couldn't read his expression properly, but I did see both sadness and joy mixed together. I sat up with great difficulty, and looked at him with a guilty eye. Luckily he didn't pick it up.
"How are you feeling?" He asked, sitting at the end of the couch with my feet. I merely shrugged.
"Bit battered and bruised, but I'll be fine." I said softly. "What about you? Are you ok?"
He nodded. "I'm fine. That fight took a lot out of me, but you get that."
"Abby wasn't talkin' about he fight." I managed a smirk.
"Well, you must be feeling better, if you want to play guess the problem." He replied sarcastically.
"Fine, if y'all don't wanna tell me, that's fine." I folded my arms, and leant back.
"Look, you get some rest." He said, getting up and briefly holding my hand. "I'll see you in the morning."
"Sure thang boss." I lay back down on the couch, and fell asleep the moment my head hit the pillow.
It was Monday, and once again we were trudging to school. But we were one person short. Today Nigel was walking with his hands in his pockets. He was a little angry that I had refused to stay home, but I had to come to school. Only because of my parents. I walked with Kuki and Fanny, who was supporting a nice cut to her lip, and a slight limp.
"And Nigel was complainin that Abby needed to stay home today." I stated to them.
"Well, I had to make an excuse for being late, and for this. And even though I'm in immense pain, I still gotta come." Fanny mumbled, wincing as she put too much weight on her bad leg.
Hoagie and Kuki helped her get up the stairs and through the door, and then escorted her to the lockers. I looked a little away from them, and noticed Lizzie walking alone. She seemed a little upset, and headed straight for the bathroom. I decided to stick my nose in her business and follow.
"I'll catch you up, just need to go to the bathroom." I said lamely as I left before anyone could stop me. I pushed open the door, and noticed Lizzie was standing at the sink. She noticed me in the mirror, and turned to me. I saw she had been crying, and had obviously attempted to wash her face before anyone could notice. Guess I caught her at a bad time.
"You ok?" I asked, walking to her and placing a hand upon her shoulder. She merely nodded.
"I'm fine." She could see I wasn't buying it. "Okay, I guess I'm not ok."
"Abby can see that." I replied softly. "So, tell her what's wrong."
She sniffed, and nodded again. "It's just, I know Nigel doesn't love me anymore, and he let me down as best he could, but it still hurts."
I felt guilt swallow me whole. I tried to reassure her as best I could. "I know it hurts now, but later on, you'll realize you deserve better. Jus' hold your head up high, and you'll find someone soon."
"Ugh…sure. I bet there's a lot of guys wanting to be your boyfriend."
"I guess you're right." She looked around for a moment. "Abby, why are you helping me? I tried to kill you the other night."
That I couldn't figure out either. Maybe because I was the reason they broke up? "Well, I dunno. I guess I don't see the point in hating someone I spend a lot of time with in the same environment."
"I guess so." She smiled, and headed for the door. "Thanks for your help."
I merely shrugged. She went to exit the door, but stopped to face me again. "Just promise me one thing. Promise you'll keep him happy."
She left, and I looked in confusion. I had no idea what she was getting at, but I was sure I was gonna find out sooner or later.
I had decided to stay after school and practice my dance routine, and to stretch out my muscles. I grabbed the cd player and put it to the floor. I slipped the cd in, and waited for the music to start. Live Your Dreams came on, and I started my routine. It was a mix of hip-hop and pop dance. I stamped my foot and bobbed my shoulders a few times, then stamped forward a few times as the music did. As I did a turn around, I noticed someone was watching my every move. I turned back around, and saw Nigel standing at the doorway. I stopped, and he came over to me.
"Thought I'd find you here." He said. "We need to talk."
"Knew you'd give in." I said. "Were you plannin' to tell Abby yo broke up with Lizzie?"
"Well, eventually." He rubbed the back of his head. "It was for the best."
"For the best huh?"
"Yes well, I was thinking long and hard about how I felt. And I realized the love we had just wasn't there anymore. I felt that love for someone else."
"Man, that is corny." I joked. His face seemed unimpressed. "Sorry, but it was."
"Yes, anyway." He continued. "I came to tell you that…well, I…this is hard to say…"
"Hold up." I said, placing hands on hips. "yo saying I was the other person? You like me over Lizzie?"
"Well…" there was silence. I mentally slapped myself. How could I have not picked it up sooner? A new song came on, and I figured what was coming next. It was Sanctuary by Utada Hikaru, and as the calm rhythm swayed on, I felt Nigel wrap his arms around my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and very slowly, we leant into each other. Our lips intertwined, I felt in heaven. My mind was racing, and my heart felt like it was about to explode. We broke apart, and I stared into his glasses.
"So, does that mean we're official?" Nigel asked.
"Nuh uh, a date makes it official." I said with a wink.