Title: Clearing Her Head

Author: Tsarina Smith

Rating: PG-13 (for now)

Disclaimer: Let's see... What do I own… hmm. I own designer handbags, a bookcase full of chick lit, 3 crammed DVD racks and the most beautiful emerald green coat you've ever seen. But I don't own JAG. Damn it.

Spoilers: Lifeline mainly. HOWEVER. The show has been over for a year. Consider the whole series fair game.

Summary: After the infamous engagement party, Mac has a lot of thinking to do

Authors Notes: Thanks for the e-mails, feedback and support with this story. I appreciate it so much. I hope all of the people who have read it have enjoyed it, and will read my next one. Look for it in early June!

AN 2: Some of the vows are from Nile's and Daphne's wedding(s) on Frasier. It was on the other night and was just so sweet I wanted to incorporate some of the wording.

And as always, feedback is much wanted and appreciated.


Mac took a deep breath and took one last look in the mirror before heading down to the beach. She was back at The Sanctuary at Kiawah Island for another wedding- hers. It wasn't going to be as elaborate as the one she had gone to with Jack, but it would be beautiful just the same. The ceremony was actually going to be on the beach and the reception inside in one of the ballrooms. Her and Harm hoped that they wouldn't offend anyone, but the guest list for the wedding was strictly close friends and family. Harriet and Bud would stand up for them, Harm's parents, grandmother and Sam were the only family there, and Chloe, AJ, Sturgis and Jack and their significant others made up the rest of the guest list.

She made it outside and saw her friends and new family gathered around Harm, Bud and Harriet in a cluster. Harriet took note of her, smiled and had everyone sit so the ceremony could begin. A soft piece of music wafted through stereo speakers as she made her way to Harm. He looked almost devastatingly handsome in white chinos and a baby blue polo shirt. He had a white rose pinned over the tiny, embroidered alligator and looked at her with awe.

He had never seen anything so beautiful in his life. She wore a simple, white silk dress that fell just below her knees and was held up with two delicate spaghetti straps with white flip flops. She carried a simple bouquet of white roses tied with a sheer baby blue ribbon and had the most radiant smile he had ever seen on anyone. She finally made her way to his side after what seemed like hours. He took one of her hands and kissed it gently.

"You look beautiful." She blushed and smiled.

"You look pretty handsome yourself."

They were being married by the hotel chaplain. It was a very simple ceremony, with the two of them exchanging vows they had written themselves.

"I, Harmon Rabb, Jr. take you Sarah Mackenzie to be my wife. I promise you my love and my friendship, my trust and my fidelity, my honor and protection for the rest of our lives. You are my one and only love and I am so grateful that we have finally reached this point on our amazing journey together."

She took one of her hands out of his briefly to wipe a tear from her eye and then took her turn. "I, Sarah Mackenzie take you Harmon Rabb Jr. to be my husband. I promise to love and cherish you for all of our lives. I promise you my love and friendship, my trust as well as my respect. I promise to be faithful to you and to these vows for the rest of my life."

The party was in full swing. Everyone was so happy for the newlyweds and had wanted to celebrate with them. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves and the company of the other guests.

Harm twirled Mac around the dance floor after being presented in public for the first time. After a second spin, he pulled her back into his arms and held her close. He noticed she looked pensive. "Everything okay?"

She nodded and smiled brightly. "Absolutely perfect. I was just wondering why we have so many people here. I didn't think we had that many friends."

"I guess we're more popular then we thought."

Mac laughed and allowed him to dip her. "When did you become such a good dancer?"

He blushed and stammered for a minute before confessing to dance lessons.

"That is so sweet, honey."

They moved silently to the music for a moment before he stopped almost completely. "Thank you, Sarah."

She searched his face for some clue as to what he was talking about. "Honey, what are you talking about?"

"Thank you for giving us a chance after that night on the Admiral's porch. Thank you for not taking the easy was out and marrying Mic."

Mac smiled and cupped his cheek in her palm. "I've loved you for so long, Harm. After that night I just had to leave. I couldn't marry him until I figured out exactly what I was feeling for you."

"I'm glad you took that time."

She stood up on her tip-toes to gently kiss him. "Me too."


I hope you guy enjoyed reading this as much as I did writing it, and I hope I gave you all the ending you were hoping for.