a/n: my second she's the man fic. after seeing how good "Unsure and Hard to Explain" wenti wanted to post this, will update both stories frequently...dont forget to R&R thanks much love
---mssexximixx AKA mya.
Resisting the Enemy Summary:
After a freak accident occurs in gym of Cornwall private school, taking more then half the school down with it. Many students are left disappointed when finding out that they must relocate to other schools for at least the first semester. What happens when a whole girls team moves under the name of their rival school in attempt to be seen by college scouts? But everything changes when Illyrian students are suspected for the damage done to Cornwall. The Cornwall transfers are ready for war.
Chapter 1: True sportsmanship
"Common Orsino! Bring it!" Justin Drayton, goalie and captain for team Cornwall's soccer team hollered from his post
"Man I'm gonna kill that guy." Duke Orsino, captain of Illyria's (rivals to Cornwall) soccer team sharply whispered under his breath
"Don't worry man, just beat him on the boards. That's where it hits hard." one of Duke's best friends Andrew pointed out running back for the ball
Since the beginning of time and for as long as anyone can remember private school's Cornwall and Illyria prep have been enemies. In every sport, assembly, musical or play. Each side has put in more then their share, all to claim victory. To be better then the other.
This tradition of competing has been passed down through out generations. No one wanting to break the cycle. But the biggest match up of every year is the opening and closing soccer games against the two rivalling schools. For the past 4 years Illyria has taken the title of reining champions.
"This is it folks, 5 minutes and 22 seconds left on the clock the score at 3 - 2. Cornwall has a small window of opportunity to score. If only they could pass Illyria's determined defence." the announcer spoke obvious passion and excitement in his voice
"This is it Drayton, your done."
"Not yet Orsino, we still got 5 minutes on the clock."
"Mannn, you couldn't do it if you had 5 years." Duke laughed
"DUUUUUKKKKKKE! Get Back In That Game! You Wanna Talk Get Off The Field!" Illyrian coach Dinklage hollered from the side lines.
"2 minutes and it doesn't look good for Cornwall. Ladies and gentleman this could be the end."
"Common guys work the offence!" Viola Hastings blazed jumping in her seat
"Don't be scared to go after it!"
Viola Hastings was an all Cornwall kinda girl. She was captain of the girls soccer team and girlfriend to Justin Drayton captain of the guys team. Though the girls were undefeated for the past 3 years. She never bragged, especially around Justin. Though, no matter how disappointed in the boys team, she always went to cheer and give her support. Along with the rest of the spirit filled school.
Sadly this time all the cheering wasn't enough. The 2 minutes were up, the buzzer sounded, the refs blew their whistles and signalled victory towards the ecstatic Illyrian's. Game over.
Emotions were split, into a cheering mob running down towards the field to celebrate their victory. Along with a disappointed bunch of people slowly making their way out of the stadium. Even if this defeat was expected it didn't hurt any less.
Viola's pro:
After the game Viola wandered around through the tons of students, parents and teachers before coming across a narrow hall, with a wall painted changing rooms. She thought that would be a good place to wait for her boyfriend to emerge. Once far enough down the hall Viola stopped and leaned against the side of the wall opposite the locker room door. Patiently waiting.
Finally after about 15 minutes Viola stood up and knocked on the door. No reply. She knocked again, still nothing.
"Justin?" She loudly asked
Frustrated Viola pounded on the door continuously
Viola's rant was cut short when the door opened and she fell inward, being caught by a strong pair of arms that didn't belong to her boyfriend.
She was set back up slowly and looked at her hero of the day. Duke Orsino. She had heard of him. Never met. He was captain of Illyria's soccer team, that much she was sure. A complete hottie? Second sure fact. Anything else? Not so sure.
Duke's pro:
The cheering never ended, and that was fine with him. Who didn't love the praise every now and then? But to see the looks on his team's faces, the looks of the fans, coach. Those were priceless, because when they won, the team didn't just win. The whole school won as well. That was also the reason Duke hated loosing, he wasn't the only one that lost, his whole team lost, the school lost. It was disappointing and unbearable.
After a short glee of celebration Duke decided to hit the showers early before any of the other guys would. Though he knew for a fact that all of them would be out on the field for a good hour or so. Why not get an early shower then look good for the ladies at the celebration?
Ya, look good for the ladies. That was all. Look but don't touch, with Duke it was more like cant touch. He was a mess around all girls, attractive or not, sweet or sour, bitchy or lovable. Duke Orsino could not interact with the opposite sex. That was how it had been since puberty…or at least since Duke was able to notice girls that had hit puberty.
Shortly after changing into his usual snug fitted plain t-shirt and jeans, Duke was finishing up his hair when he heard a knocking on the door.
Who would knock? he wondered to himself, but chose to ignore it. That became hard to do since just a few seconds later the knocking became more rapid. Sighing he slowly made his way out from the dressing room, passing the showers when…
A girl's voice came from the hall. Duke froze. Knowing that she technically wasn't in the room but was near and talking, caused his stomach to slowly begin knotting. Nevertheless he continued, passing the showers, passing the lockers and approaching the door when the voice louder this time and pounding on the door startled him to a halt.
Before the voice could finish Duke opened the door and in fell a girl with brunette hair. Surprised but not slow or stupid, Duke's reflexes kicked in and he bent down holding out his arms to catch the falling body. For a second or two she laid in his arms, breathing fast from the unexpected fall. Feeling her breath on the skin of his arm, her hair lightly brushing against his body. The knot in his stomach completely tying.
Not wanting to let this go on any further, Duke slowly set the girl back up and looked at her. Hastings, her last name. He knew from the talk of her soccer abilities, her twin brother some musician, and the obvious factor. She was Justin Drayton's girl. His number one rival.
Other then that he didn't know much else, except that she was really good looking and grinning. A grin that caused his knot to relocate from his stomach to a clump in his throat. He couldn't breath. So this was how he would die. Lack of breath and gazing at a beautiful unknown grin. It showed how nervous and humiliated she was. But at the same time it showed her feeling sorry and anxious to speak.