I was watching a movie where someone got beat up. Don't know why or how but this idea came to mind. All three chapters have been revised and reposted.
Chapter 1: Beating
They were too strong for her.
The largest of the four threw her against the wall.
She tried to fight back. There was too much force and strength in their powerful blows and kicks as she fell to the floor. How could something so simple and easy go so horribly wrong? She'd ponder that if she lived through the brutal beating.
More kicks to her ribs. One actually hit her in the face as she tried to curl up in a ball to protect her face and ribs. The foot connected with her nose and she felt and heard it break. One simple undercover job gone wrong. Who knew or who had even thought that it could go this wrong.
Megan bit bat another cry of pain as the kicks and blows continued. For the first time since they had begun the beating, one of the men spoke. "Come on. I thought you were a tough kick ass FBI agent." Another kick. "What happened to all that training you got in Virginia Meg?" Punch. "What about those tough guys you work with? Where are they?" The man bent down and Megan saw his features in the scant light. Scott Branson. Typical dark hair, dark eyes, dangerous looking type. Only Scott didn't just look dangerous, he was. She had found that much out in college. "I can tell you where they are." He lifted her bloodied and bruised face with his left hand. "They're sitting on their asses down at that fancy office downtown wondering how the hell they're gonna get you back. Well, they're not getting you back." He let go and stood up. "Not alive anyway. Right boys?" Megan watched the men that Scott seemed to be commanding cheer and slap high fives. He turned back to Megan who was still lying on the ground. "Now, how do you want to play this Meg? The easy way?" The some of the men pressed their knuckles to the palms of the opposite hands. "Or the hard way?" The rest of the men drew out random weapons that looked to Megan like they were used to torture. How the hell was she going to get away from this one without help?