This story has no point. Toph's pov.


I sighed. They were at it again. Sokka and Katara, always with the arguing. There was nothing Aang or I could do about it, so we just ignored it. I took this chance to do nothing, and simply take a break. Aang of course, had to be the nice guy. He unloaded Appa's saddle and set up the tent.

I chuckled to myself. I knew exactly why he did that. Because, some times when he did something nice like that, Katara would kiss him on the cheek. That seems like his life's dream. It was hilarious. It was even funnier, because Katara obviously enjoyed giving him kisses. I mean, she kisses him on the cheek, and he daydreams the rest of the day, while she sits and thinks. They stare at each other most of the time while doing this. Could it be any more obvious?

Anyways, I had a great idea for a prank. The argument ended, and Katara took note that camp was already set up. Aang had busied himself with the fire, and didn't notice Katara walking up to him. I had myself situated so that Katara would be between Aang and I. She probably wanted to surprise him or something like that, so my plan would work perfectly.

Right as I sensed Katara leaning in for the kiss, I called out, "Hey, Aang!"

Aang of course, turned towards me, which, conveniently, was also toward Katara. She had been about to kiss his cheek, but when he turned his head they came face to face, the kiss catching Aang on the lips. I could barely contain my laughter!

I of course, expected them to pull away and mumble weird excuses at each other. What I didn't expect was for them to hold the kiss. And hold it. And hold it. And hold it some more. They were broken apart by a wolf whistle and an obnoxious call. "Aang and Katara sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G."

They jumped apart immediately and turned towards Sokka. I just chucked. I otta prank them more often.