"I'm With You"
by: Hoshi G. Tsukino
Summary: Life just isn't going right for my favorite shinobo and kunoichi. Both live in two different worlds. The kunoichi comes from one of Konoha's well respected, famous and prestigious families and the shinobo is a nobody hated by his village. At least he seems to be a nobody, with no family. NaruHina (first attempt at Naruto fic)
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.
It was raining night in Konoha. Most of the villagers were in the house sleeping. One kunoichi stood on the bridge that Team 7 usually met on for training. The kunoichi's dark blue hair was dripping with water as it clung to her forehead. Hyuuga Hinata had her head down, her tears blending in with the rain.
The cold metal of her forehead protector touched her chin. Neji and Hiashi's cruelty and hatred of her finally took its toll on her as she belittled herself for not being stronger. The rain hitting the wooden bridge, the cool breeze blowing, the Hyuuga heiress knew she would be sick tomorrow. Hinata's sobs were covered by the rain drops. The girl was sure her father would've sent someone from the branch part of their clan for her. Yet there wasn't a single sound, but the rain. A shiver ran up Hinata's spine, the white jacket she wore did nothing to keep her warm.
Naruto Uzumaki sat in the wooden swing outside of the Ninja Academy. Despite how wet he was getting he couldn't shake Sakura's words earlier.
The cool sunny day was broken by a shout of, "Come on Naruto! Get real! You've asked me out a thousand times and I always say no! Why don't you grow up and bother some other girl! Your a totally dork and the only reason I tolerate you is because you are my teammate." Sakura's words were cold and something clicked in Naruto's head. Naruto placed on his usually grin. The one that everyone believed, the one that hid his pain.
"Er...Is that a yes?" He asked playing a dumb. A role that was rather easy to slip in after practicing for many years.
Sakura looked at Naruto as if he were dumb. "No Naruto. That wasn't a yes. It was a get the hell out of my face until its time to train or there's a mission." Inner Sakura was watching her, chalk lips in a huge grin as she finally gave Naruto a piece of her mind. Naruto frowned as he watches the pink haired kunoichi walk off leaving him on the bridge.
-end flashback-
Naruto sighed and pulled out a kunai and threw it aimlessly towards the closes thing...a tree. Naruto got off the swing and decide to head home...the long way.
Leaving the academy he headed towards the bridge ignoring the fact the he would get wetter. His jacket wasn't soaked to the bone as Hinata's he doesn't know she's on the bridge.
Hinata wiped away the water from her face and sighed. 'I've broken the important rule of being a shinobo. Never show emotion.' Hinata couldn't help, but smile as her thoughts continued.
'Although, Naruto-kun breaks that rule so often. It shouldn't be a rule.' Hinata's smile disappeared as the sound off thunder reminded the girl she was in the middle of a storm. Hinata's white eyes notice movement coming towards the bridge. Was someone coming to get her?
Naruto's blue eyes held a gleam in them. One that was usually dangerous for his enemies. Naruto snapped out of his thoughts involving the death of his teammates, which Kyuubi seemed to approve of, when he saw figure standing in the rain. Blue eyes narrowed in confusion as tried to see who it was.
Hinata's white eyes met Naruto's narrowed blue through the rain. Hinata froze on the spot, 'N-Naruto-kun? W-What's he doing here?'
Naruto's blue eyes met Hinata's shy white ones through the dark night. Naruto watch the girl freeze up. 'What's with Hinata-Chan? Why is she in the rain wearing such a tiny jacket?'
Kit, more of the question, why is it your concern? Leave her alone Kyuubi stated even though it was unwanted...as usual. Naruto promptly told the nine-tailed fox to shut up.
Naruto was stand right in front of the shorter girl; he frowned when the girl quickly averted her glaze to the ground. "Hinata-Chan, What are you doing out here?"
Hinata was prepared for the questioned, but the explanation left her mind the moment Naruto said 'Hinata-Chan'.
"I-uhm...well..." Hinata trailed off as she started poking her index fingers together. Naruto looked at the girl's odd habit in annoyance. Did she always have to do that? Hinata blinked; did Naruto-kun just question one of her habits?
"Hinata-Chan, why are you in the rain?" Hinata like Naruto a lot...and he was protective and supportive of her. He was like that with everyone, Hinata reasoned with herself.
Naruto led Hinata to his house to dry off and warm up. Naruto couldn't help but wonder what was wrong with the Hyuuga girl. If
Neji-teme had something to do with it...Well Naruto will be paying him a visit, shinobo style of course.
"Hinata-Chan, we're at my house." Hinata had been quiet letting her crush think, yet the girl wondered that maybe he did return her feelings. Naruto was the abnormal ninja, he always had something new and weird going on. Hinata shivered as the cold air wiped passed her once again.
"N-Naruto-kun t-this i-isnt your apartment." Hinata said looking at the manor in front of her. Naruto had a grin on his face when he turned around.
"Eh...Hinata-Chan you're the first of the Rookie Nine to actually visit the Uzumaki Manor...hehe" Naruto said a grin on his face despite the rain. Hinata blushed, but she still smiled back.
Hoshi: I have an idea of where this going and I know some of you don't like a NaruHina, but that's not my problem. Also this is AU. Although there will be bits and piece of stuff from the anime and manga used/mentioned. Chapter two is almost finished, gimme 2 or 3 days. I hate AP homework!