'ello 'ello…what's all this then?
Hello its me again! Sailor kairi91 back with another fanfic! I wrote this one based on the song "Far away" by Nickelback! I thought of this one the way up to Melbourne.
Please R&R
Disclaimer: I don't own nothing…..though if I did….Darien would be all mine….
I waited and waited…three hours. Sitting on my stool in the Crown Arcade, slowly sipping on my triple choc-fudge milkshake…waiting for him to walk though that door. It had been one year…one long, sad year without him by my side. He had been away…so far away for too long.
He never showed.
I was there for three hours waiting, hopefully looking at the door every time someone walked in. I couldn't take it anymore…he wasn't coming because he didn't want to see me…I looked at Andrew and gave a sad smile. He gave one right back. I could see it in his eyes that he wanted to kill him for standing me up. I shuffled out of the Arcade and just walked around until I ended up here, sitting on OUR bench, in OUR Park, in the pouring rain, trying my hardest not to cry.
My stupid plane was delayed, my luggage was lost, my car never showed up and I was late to see my Usagi. One year… one painfully long year without her. I couldn't take it anymore…thank god it was only a year! I couldn't wait to see her.
She wasn't there.
I walked into the arcade, to see Andrew giving me a death stare. He explained to me that she had waited and waited…for me. I explained to him what had happened. I had to see her, touch her, and kiss her… I ran out the door and looked up and own the busy streets. There where people everywhere, carrying umbrellas in a pathetic attempt to stay dry. I sprinted down the over-crowded street…trying to find my blonde angel…my Usagi…
The rain had soaked my clothes. They were sticking to me like a second skin. My tears covered my face…my bright, sparkling blue eyes where now a dull blue-grey and bloodshot. He didn't come back to me…he doesn't love me anymore…how could he. I looked around…there was no one. I was all alone. I needed him…I would stop breathing if I didn't see him anymore.
Though my tear soaked eyes I saw a distant figure running towards me, called my nickname he had for me "Usagi!"
I had found her… sitting on OUR bench, in OUR Park. I ran towards like my life had depended on it. I called to her, she looked up…my god she was beautiful…
I jumped up and ran towards my love. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.
"I Love you… I loved you all along" He whispered in my ear.
"I forgive you…" he looked at me "for being away for far too long"
I buried my face into his neck. I missed my Mamoru so much…I missed his touch, his smell, his taste…
I couldn't stop smiling, I was so happy…He came back to me…he still loves me.
"So keep breathing" I placed my forehead against his "Cause I'm not leaving you anymore"
"Believe it…hold on to me, never let me go"
He captured my lips in a passionate kiss. I closed my eyes so tight, praying for this to never end…and for my Mamoru to never, ever leave me again.
When we came up for breath, I whispered in my love's ear.
"I'm never letting you go far away from me again"
"Usagi…I never letting you go"
And once again the two lovers where reunited
Hope you enjoyed that!
I love you all!
Jimbob says hi!