-Kaede's village-

"It's gorgeous, isn't it?" Kagome asked as she looked up at the stars on that clear summer night.

"I don't get what the big deal is. They're just dots." Inuyasha mumbled.

At that, she just sighed and kept staring at the sky. With the gentle hum of crickets and the silver glow emanating from the full moon, this night truly was one of rare beauty. Especially in these feudal times, when cries of pain and anger seldom cease, such peace and tranquility was a thing to be treasured.

They made their way thru the forest side by side silently as if words were irrelevant. They had grown so accustomed to each other's company, over their months of fighting together to thwart Naraku's plans that they could read the other's movements and body language like a book. Inuyasha grabbed her arm gently motioning for her to stop. Before she could ask why, he pointed to the tree of ages.

"This is where we first met," she noticed

"Seems that no matter what we do, we always end up back here," he thought.

"It's also where Kikyo died" her expression hardened somewhat as she turned to face him.

He simply stared at her wordlessly with his piercing yellow eyes and she quickly realized that she could not hold his gaze. She brushed her hand thru her raven hair nervously, looking down at her feet and Inuyasha said: "Why is it always about Kikyo?"

"It is not always about Kikyo!" she exclaimed.

"Yes it is!"

"I know that you love her and that you have history together and I think that that's so unfair!"

"Why is it unfair!"

"Because I love you!" she answered quickly. Her eyes widened as she realized what she had said.

Inuyasha managed a small smile. He picked her chin up with his clawed hand so that they were face to face.

"Shut up, stupid." He said softly.

He touched her cheek gently with his other hand and kissed her on the lips.