Twenty Lotus Petals
By Animelover5.6
Hiya! So this is a new chapter fic called Twenty Lotus Petals. It's not really a chapter thing, just a collection of 20 one-shots. Please Enjoy!
-----Petal One-----
-----Useless Fluff-----
-----Dedication: happychica-----
-----Reason: She really made me want to try useless fluff-----
"The beginning is the most important part of the work"—Plato
The sun beamed brightly on that particular day, making the atmosphere perfectly beautiful, and Rock Lee was soaking up all of the glory of the perfect day, under the perfect tree, with the perfect amount of shade, in the perfect park littered with assorted flowers of all kinds and cherry blossoms floating in the air like rain.
But most importantly, with the perfect girl.
Sakura Haruno, his actual girlfriend of four months, five hours, ten minutes and seven seconds (yes, he kept the accurate timing) was peacefully sleeping under a fully blossomed cherry tree, snuggled against him like he was a teddy bear she loved dearly.
Every time Lee looked down to stare at her flawlessness, a bright blush would works its way to his cheeks and stretch as far back as his ears. He couldn't help it, besides; Sakura had already informed him that she adored the sight of his reddening face.
But as she slept and sighed from utter ecstasy, Lee again questioned if he was asleep himself. Ever since he had asked Sakura to be his girlfriend, and her finally accepting, his life had felt like a dream, and if it was, he surely never wanted to awaken from it.
"Sakura-chan…" Lee whispered to her "…I love you…"
Instantly, Sakura's jade orbs of eyes popped open and smiled genuinely as he waited patiently for the reply he had longed for since they had first met.
"I love you too, Lee-kun…"
Each time he heard Sakura's lovely voice say that she loved him, Lee's eyes became watery and he held her close, the first person to take her away from him would receive a punch in the jaw, and kiss her cheek and forehead ever so fondly. Though Sakura's had a little bit different way of responding when he said 'I love you'.
She would first crawl atop him and place her lips sweetly over his upon his own, running her hands through his hair and the other along his arm, Lee almost trembling at the delicate feel of her fingers. When she broke away from his lips, Sakura would move slowly off of him to the left side. She would then commence to massage his arm muscles, loosening up the nervous tension earlier training might have inflected and sing softly into his ear. Lee sighed blissfully and permitted his face to turn a scarlet red as Sakura's beautiful voice calmed him mentally, while her touch clamed him physically.
Sakura giggled slightly as she took noticed of the redness engulfing her boyfriends cheeks and tried anything and everything she could think of to make it as read as possible, from flirtatiously nipping at his ear to kissing him passionately until they were both out of breath.
"Sakura-chan…" Lee whispered once again and took her into his arms "You are so wonderful. I do not deserve all of this; the love you give me."
"You're wrong…" she murmured back "You've got it backwards."
Lee knew it was pointless to urge that he was right; Sakura always managed to win that argument, so he changed the subject on her.
"Thank you, Sakura-chan. You are so beautiful…"
"You aren't bad looking either, Lee!"
Lee was forced to rebuttal at that statement.
"What about my eyebrows?"
"What about them?"
"Lee-kun, you are sweet and adorable. I love you for you. You make me feel better about myself. You protect me. That is why I love you! And your eyebrows make you…Rock Lee!"
Lee sat frozen for a few seconds, and then rubbed his cheek against his girlfriend's, smiling the whole way.
"Thank you, Sakura-chan. What an angel you are."
"You're welcome, Lee. I love you too…so much…"
Sakura yawned and buried herself within the arms of her boyfriend, and hopefully one day soon fiancé, and drifted back off into a tranquil slumber under the protection of the cherry tree, forgetting all of her worries and troubles in one moment.
There the lay together, not talking, not even kissing, just being.
And it was only another day of there lives.
Yeah, okay, I know it was kinda short, and a horrid version of useless fluff. I CANNOT WRITE FLUFF! Please do not attack or flame (hides behind happychica)
I dedicated this to happychica as an apology for the angst one-shot "What's Left of Me" and because she inspired me to write fluff. Thankies to happychica! YOU ROCK!
-----Next Time-----
-----Petal Two-----
-----Game of Love-----
-----Dedication: bluesilver-soul-----