Hey, this is my first fan fic, so don't be too critical with the reviews please.
L was sleeping soundly in his chair with his eyes open. Raito glanced over at him and decided to play a prank on him.
"Heh heh." he said softly to himself. "This is what you get for handcuffing us together." The handcuff had since come off and Raito had regained his memories. He snuck into the kitchen and located all of L's sweets. After he made a large pile of them in the middle of the floor, he loaded them into several large suitcases. Raito chuckled to himself some more as he hefted the cases downstairs. He had calculated the time that the garbage truck would come and placed the suitcases on the street corner. He crept to a nearby wall and watched as the cases were loaded into the truck. After giggling venomously like a school girl, he made his way back upstairs. He entered the room and was immediatly struck in the face with a frying pan. Blood ran from his nose as he crashed to the ground.
"Oh, sorry Yagami-kun." said L. He was holding the bloody frying pan . He looked paler then usual. His hair was messier and his eyes were even darker then usual. Raito regained his senses and stood up. He looked into the room and saw the other members of the investigation team all passed out and bloody on the floor.
"W-What's going on, Ryuuzaki?" asked Raito as he wiped the blood away from his nose.
L was stuttering now. "S-s-sorry, Y-Yagami-kun. I c-can't find m-my sw-sweets anywhere." despite this, he stayed in his usual calm demeaner.
Raito was suddenly regretting his prank as he noticed the frying pan splitting the air once again. Raito felt a sharp pain before his vision went black and he passed out.
"But y-your a suspect t-too." L said darkly. L tied the investigation team members to chairs and gagged them. He didn't bother with his ratty old tennis shoes as he left to go outside to find his fix of sweets. He went to his favorite cake shop which just happened to be located right near the headquarters and went in. As he entered, he was barraged by a flurry of shouts.
"All the flours gone!" shouted one of the employees.
L ignored this and slouched over to the counter. "One s-strawberry shortcake, p-please."
"Sorry!" shouted the manager. "There's no more flour and the last cake was just bought! We won't get any more for a week or more!"
L stood, frozen for a full five minutes. He began to shake. Without saying a word, he picked up a chair and broke all of the windows.
"What are you doing?" shouted the manager just as he was smacked with a glass plate. L preceded to destroy the entire store. He calmly left and walked to a supermarket a block away.
Just as he was about to walk into the door, the manager closed and locked the doors. "Sorry." he said, "We're closed."
L didn't know what to say. But, actions speak louder then words, so he destroyed this store as well. This continued for three days. L walked to every store that sold sweets that he knew of, but all had some complication, so he couldn't get his fix. As he made his way to an ice cream parlor, he was surrounded by police cars.
"Sir!" said someone through a loud speaker. "Put your hands behind your head and lie down on the pavement!"
L stared at the man. The man blinked and L was gone. Needless to say, L destroyed the entire squad of cars and officers without breaking a sweat. In the next week, L destroyed everyone and thing in the world. As he was walking through the rubble and fires that had once been Canada, he saw something on the ground. He walked over and picked it up. It was a strawberry hard candy, still in it's wrapper. He unwrapped it and ate it.
"That's better." he said, his stutter gone.