ok people we weren't actually planning on making this chapter, but since your all a great audience, we have decided why not, and put this chapter in for a bonus, you get to see what Cameron's idea was. (I said we because this story was not only created by me, but my friend too)

FRIEND: Mostly ME!

Chapter 9-Who plays who now?

A year has now past and Danny and the gang are waiting to hear Cameron's big plan

"Ohhh, what is it, what is it, WHAT IS IT?" said Tabs quickly as she jumped about with excitement

"Here she comes now" said Sam as she saw a white limo coming down the street,

The limo stopped right outside Danny's house and a familiar celebrity popped her head out of one of the limo's windows

"Hey guys are you ready to see my brilliant idea" said Cameron smirking mischievously

"What kinda stupid question is that? OF COURSE WE'RE READY" said Tabs as she jumped on Cameron's shoulder and started purring

"Well then, follow me" said Cameron as she walked towards the cinema and stood in front of a curtain

"Show us, show us, SHOW US" said Tabs as she tried to pull the curtain but was pulled away by Danny

"Last year I experienced the most exciting thing in my life, I met the ghost boy and his mischievous sidekick, I got to show of some of my karate moves and I made some new friends, that was the best day of my life and because in enjoyed it so much I had an idea and now I shall show the world my creation, BEHOLD" said Cameron as she pulled off the curtain and reviled… A MOVIE, poster…?

"It's a poster, how interesting" said Tucker as he scratched his head

"Maybe you should look at the characters a bit more carefully" said Cameron as she grabbed Tucker's head and put it 1 inch away from the poster

"All I see is… oh my GOD" said Tucker as he recognised the boy stood at the front "it's Danny" he added

"Yep and it's not just Danny, look again" said Cameron as she pointed to a black haired girl

"Is that, is that me" said Sam

"And that's me…awesome" said Tucker as he noticed he was also on the poster

"…..? Um Cameron" said Tabs as she looked at the poster

"Yeeeessss" said Cameron

"MY BUTT IS NOT THAT BIG, it's like three inches smaller than that" said Tabs as she pointed to the poster Tab's butt

"Okay, not like that matters, you're butts just as big as you're mouth, so on to more important matters" said Cameron as she pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to Danny

"What's this" said Danny as he looked at the paper confused

"That is all the info on the film, who is played by who, when it comes out and what it's about" said Cameron

"Erm Cameron, there is one teeny tiny little problem with this movie" said Danny as he gave Cameron a small smile

"What?" said Cameron as she sensed something was wrong


"Ya know, people will find out faster with you shoutin it out like that, besides you have absolutely nothin to worry about, I put a message at the beginning that says you're 100 percent NOT the ghost boy" she said smiling

"Well I suppose we'll have to trust you, the movies already been made so there is nothin we can do" said Danny as he sighed hoping that Cameron's message would work and keep his powers a secret.

After Cameron left Danny headed to his house with Tabs following, when he got home he went straight to his room and decided to find out who would be playing the part of Danny fenton,

"Let's see now" said Danny as he looked at the list of actors


As Danny fenton: Ben Stiller

As Fun Danny: Sean William Scott (Stifler, in American pie)

As Super Danny: Arnold Schwarzenegger (LOL)

As Sam Manson: Catherine Zeta Jones

As Tucker Foley: Chris Rock

As human Tabs: Halle berry (you get it? Catwoman, hello)

As Super Tabs: a white tiger (don't ask)

As Cameron Diaz: herself, duh

As Fun Tabs: well just a normal tabby wearing a cap… But with the voice of Nancy

Cartwright (she does Bart Simpson)

As normal Tabs: a normal tabby… But also with the voice of Nancy Cartwright

"wow look at all the celebrities" said Tabs

"I know, I can't believe I'm bein played by Ben Stiller" said Danny

"phfft, he's not so great, my voice is bein done by Nancy Cartwright, she's so cool, she's my role model, she's-

"you have no idea who she is do you"

"not a clue"

"(sighs) she does Rufus in Kim Possible"

"now she rings a bell" said Tabs as she rubbed her stomach as she thought of the naked mole rat

(wait, Danny watches Kim Possible… weird)

"so what do ya say, wanna go see it" said Danny as he gently patted Tabs on the head

"why not, it does sound cool" said Tabs as she started to purr

Movin to the day of the movie

"so Danny this movie says you're the ghost boy" said Paulina as she raised an eyebrow at Danny

"me the ghost boy, phfft noooooo of course not, I mean-

"you don't need deny it, I mean anyone who believes you're that hansom Danny Phantom needs a reality trip" said Paulina as she put her hand in Danny's face "you'll always be a loser"

"you know what Paulina, I can't believe I actually had a crush on you, you are such a shallow stuck up little witch" said Danny as he walked of and sat next to Sam, Tucker and Tabs and leaving a very stunned Paulina

"wow Danny, you actually stood up to paulina" said Sam

"(sniff) I'm so proud" said Tabs as a tear ran down her cheek

after 24 minutes of previews the movie came on and just like Cameron promised a message came up saying Danny was NOT the ghost boy

"oh, I'm sure that won't perk up their suspicions" said Tabs sarcastically as she took a sip of her drink

after 2 hours the movie was almost finished and was now up to the part when Danny was guna put his and Tab's personalities back into the ghost catcher

(in a German accent) "you may have beaten me this time but just remember this, I'll be back" said the Arnold Schwarzenegger Super Danny then the movie finished and everyone stood up and clapped so loud Tabs nearly chocked on her popcorn,

"there was one thing that movie forgot" said Sam as she looked at Danny lovingly

"what?" said Danny as he tilted his head

"this" said Sam as she kissed Danny passionately on the lips

"tee hee, yes mommy I would like some sugar with my cereal" said Danny as he blushed

"oh perfect, and I had just finished my popcorn" said Tabs as she walked of to the bathrooms

"well Danny what did you think" said Cameron smirking

"it was super fun" said Danny smirking as the movie stopped rolling the credits a picture of the white tiger came on the screen

"it was a puuurrrrfect movie" it said and the screen went blank.

Now it's finished, so who like it, you know I had to put Arnie sayin 'I'll be back' it's his famous line, he says it every film he's in, now just hit that purple button that's says go, next to the submit review, box.

TABS: ok I just had this weird thought, WHY THE HECK AM I HALF HUMAN

DANNY: ok, out of all the questions you could've asked, why was it that one

FUN DANNY: yeah, that story goes on, like forever dude

TUCKER: plus we've heard it a million times

TABS: actually we've only heard it three times

SAM: ok everyone just shut up so we can here the story

FLAREY PHOENIX: my friend came up with the answer to this, when in the portal both yours and Danny's genes were mixed making you part human


DANNY: so that explains why I can jump so high now

FLAREY PHOENIX: no you dolt, you don't jump high you just fly


DANNY: oh right, hehe I knew that

EVERYONE EXCEPT DANNY: riiigggghhhhhtttttt

FUN DANNY: ya know that movie sounds cool; I just hope it has pie throwing in it

(Group glare)

FUN DANNY: whaaaattttt?