I hated this place, this wasn't where I wanted to be, and the happy poster that had bold red letters saying 'Welcome to Illyria' just solidified the fact that I got transferred. To deepen the blow it wasn't my fault, so verbally attacking the principal of Cornwall wasn't the greatest move of my life but I didn't deserve this. He cut the girls team, there was plenty of girls who wanted to play, some weren't the best of players but he didn't have to cut funding. It was about the love of the game, not winning and who know we could have strengthen by the end of the year. I could have been sent to McBride but my mother wanted prestige and Illyria Private School was just the place for 'ladies of prestige'. Maybe it was the ten grand per year price tag or the fact that all the other socialites sent their spoiled bratty kids here. What ever the case, she wouldn't back down on it and here I was.
I slammed the door to my new dorm and threw my suitcase on to my bed. The vacant bed was already set up with linens and I flopped down beside my suit case and screamed into my pillow.
"Toby, is that you? I thought coach said try out didn't start till 10:30" A very male, very shirtless guy stated, walking into view. I blushed red faced from my position on my bed.
"Who the hell are you?" Said male asked.
"Viola Hastings" I stated uncertainly.
"Look, I think you're in the wrong room" He stated running a hand through his perfectly styled hair. He was HOT.
"This is 208, right?" I asked tentatively, I was sure I read the room number right.
"Yeah, but I'm waiting on a Sebastian Hastings" The guy stated. Albeit shyly.
"That's my brother, he doesn't even go here" I stated, sighing deeply, another reason to be upset, my life line and twin wasn't going to be around me everyday. We had never been separated for more than a few weeks. It's a scary thought when your twins.
"Look, that's what they told me, I'm Duke Orsino" He stated offering me his hand.
"Nice to meet you" I stated, trying not to stare at his well defined chest.
"Yeah, look I have got to go to soccer try outs in a few minutes" He stated running his hand through his hair again.
"Those are today? I'm going to be late!" I screeched. How could I almost miss try outs?
"Yeah, but we don't have a girls team" He stated. I already knew that much.
"There are no rules against having a girl on a high school soccer team" I growled. Fixing him with the glare that the chauvinistic pig deserved.
"Hey, it's not me, Coach D would let you play if you're good enough for first string" He stated.
I was elated; I could have a spot on Illyria team! One of the best teams wouldn't turn me down because I was a girl!
"But my team is best in the division, so you'll have competition for a spot" he stated calmly. I could tell he didn't think I was good enough and I have watched enough of their team games to think he could be right.
"I have to go" I stated racing out of my new room.
I streamed passed forty or fifty students who were milling about in the dorm hall way.
"No Running" An aggregated overly stuffy looking guy yelled.
A chorus of 'Shut up Malcolm' follow from over half of the hallways occupants.
I continued running until I finally located the girls change rooms; it took me at least five minutes to dress and when I reached to soccer field the guys were already standing listening to instructions.
"In Pair's boys, complete the drill twice forward and once backwards, remember that you are being judged" The coach yelled out into the line of boys.
A few boys had the audacity to laugh when I stepped on to the field.
"I'm here to try out" I stated, glaring at the idiots who seemed to laugh even harder.
"Not late your not" He stated.
"Sorry, I'm late coach" The guy named Duke spoke from behind me.
"Is your captain not allowed to try out either?" I inquired.
"He's got a spot secured from last season" Coach stated.
"I have a spot secured from my last year too" I stated. I was MVP both last year and the year before that. I was in charge of picking the team.
"Not at this school you didn't" He stated, I knew he was tough but this was ridiculous.
"Hey, coach?" Duke started.
"What would you like?" Coach Dinklage asked roughly.
"We've got 110 minutes before the cheerleaders take our field" Duke stated,
"Maybe we should just let her try out" He offered.
"Fine, Pair up" He yelled,
"Toby and Carson start" He added.
And so it began.
I was paired with a guy named Andrew; needless to say I felt slightly awkward wearing a Cornwall jersey in a field full of Illyria jersey. We were bitter rivals and that was just the way it was.
"Okay everybody drop, I want fifty push ups" Coach yelled after we finished various drills.
32 and I was on the ground panting for breath. I wasn't the only team member collapsed but most the guys had little trouble finishing their set.
"Okay, Skins vs. Shirt" he stated once most of us were standing.
"You're a shirt" He stated to me, as if I'd have it any other way.
"Toby-Shirt, Carson-Skin, Duke-Skin, Danny-Shirt…" He continued in a quick fashion.
When everyone was named to a side, he shouted that we only had 20 minutes left.
I played hard but my side lost. The coach reined us in and named me to the second string. I got a hideous pee yellow jersey to prove it.
"Listen guys, for those of you on the 2nd string, there will be opportunity to move up the ranks" He stated.
"But it will require work and if you not willing to try then don't bother warming the bench" He stated.
"Hit the showers" He hollered.
I followed the throng of guys but forked off at the locker rooms.
I took a long deliberating shower before returning to room 208.
Toby and Andrew were sitting on the floor playing a video game and Duke was reading a copy of Sports Illustrated.
I sank into my bed.
"Why are you here?" Andrew asked looking up from the game for a moment before turning his attention back to it.
"This is my room" I stated.
"Dorms aren't coed" He replied.
"Well, I was told this was my room" I informed.
"Look, well sort this out later" Duke stated, throwing his magazine onto the desk on his side of the room.
"Do you want to join us for lunch off campus?" Andrew asked.
"No thanks" I replied, I wanted to stay and sulk over the awful first day I had.
My cell phone rang.
"Hey" I answered before checking the id.
"Hey baby, it's Justin" my boyfriend replied.
"Oh, hey" I said glumly.
"I'm having an awful day, I made second string and I..." I stated but was cut off.
"Oh, Vie, I totally kicked today, I stopped this awesome goal and coach said were winning this year for sure" he stated enthusiastically.
"Great, thanks for being an insensitive bastard" I hissed.
"Justin, who could possibly need enemies with a boyfriend like you?" I bite out.
"Come on, baby you can't say you expected to make first string" He laughed.
"I can't believe you just said that" I cried out, still more than aware that I had the attention of my roommate and his friends.
"They are a good team, not as good as our team this year but they don't suck" He said in what I'm sure he that was a positive tone.
"Are you saying the team would have to suck to let me play?" I growled viciously.
"Come baby, everyone knows that soccer is a guys sport and you're a girl and the two just don't jive" Justin continued.
With that I flipped my phone shut. My boyfriend was a massive jerk.
"Was that Justin D? Cornwall's captain?" Toby asked.
"Yeah" I clipped back curtly.
"You sure you don't want to come to lunch with us?" Andrew asked with a suspicious smirk.
"Well I am a little hungry" I stated with a frown.
"Then lets go, I'm starved" Toby stated, exiting the dorm room.