Disclaimer: All characters belong to NBC, Steven Merchant, Ken Kwapis, John Krasinski, Jenna Fischer, David Denman (who I could totally root for if it wasn't Jim and Pam) and Steve Carell. Thanks for a KICK ASS SEASON PREMIERE!

Author's Notes: Taken from the deleted scenes over at NBC's website for "Gay Witch Hunt". You should check them out! I can't believe the Meredith stuff didn't make the show, but whatever.

She stepped back and looked at the freshly painted walls, brushing the stray hair out of her eyes. She smiled and nodded. "There" she said to the empty apartment. Pam sighed and smiled sadly.

She knew that he was coming over to her. He had done it every day since she had called off the wedding.

"Hi honey. How you holding up?"

She knew Michael meant well, but this was getting ridiculous. She wanted to be left alone.

"I'm fine." He just stared at her and she grew annoyed. "I'm painting my new apartment tonight."

"Oh good. By yourself?" She wondered if she could throw her stapler at him hard enough to kill him. She didn't think she could, but she was willing to try at this point. She glared at him, wishing he would magically disappear.

Pam plopped onto the couch and looked around the room, pulling the pillow onto her lap.

"You should get one of those big body pillows, so you don't miss you know who so much."

She had been so worried that she was going to say HIS name, but then he busted out with Roy and she wondered if a jury would consider it justifiable homicide. No one really believed that she was as fine as she was since leaving Roy. Kelly kept saying how sweet he was to bring her lunch every day, but she really wanted her space. She offered… begged more like it… to bring some of the food to her place so that he didn't have to bring it to her everyday, but he said it was his pleasure and he looked so defeated that she caved.

But, that was it. He finally quit calling her every night when she threatened to change her number if he didn't. Not that she really needed to pick up the phone – she knew it was him. She talked to her family on the weekends, so the only time the phone rang was when it was Roy.

It's not like she had heard from… Pam took a deep breath and shook her head. She had told him that she was going to marry Roy, so it's not like she could have really expected him to stick around. She closed her eyes and remembered that night – how he had felt against her, how she was able to melt into him, much like she could the big body pillow Michael had so kindly recommended she get. Little did he know that she already had one on her bed. He couldn't have known that the big body pillow had been her shoulder to cry on when she missed him more than she really cared to admit.

Michael had let it "slip" to her that he was doing well in Stamford after talking to Josh one afternoon. She was glad… she really was. He deserved to be successful, to have everyone recognize just how great he really was. She hoped that they appreciated him up there, that they weren't taking him for granted, that they were laughing at his jokes.

"Enough of this" she said to herself, pushing up off the couch. "Time to clean up."