Our little secret
Disclaimer: I do not own Gundam SEED/Destiny and whatever Gundam franchise and characters. They belonged to their respective authors, creators, and companies.
The four years-old orange-hair boy screamed and cried at the huge black spider dangling in his face.
"Tim! You're scaring him!"
Orange eyes stared daggers at the prankster as the five year-old tried to comfort his younger cousin, who had ran towards him for protection from the ugly arachnid.
Tim quickly kept away his toy spider, an apologetic look on his face.
"I …I don't mean to scare him, Mig. Really…"
"I know. Just get it away from him, okay?"
Tim nodded and left.
Softly, the five year-old patted his crying cousin's back.
"It's alright, Heine. It's alright."
He assured his younger cousin, who was still visibly shaken by that incident just now.
"That thing is scary, nii-chan! Scary, scary, scary!"
Heine cried even louder after the outburst, clinging even tighter onto his older cousin. His older cousin, Miguel, embraced him into a protective hug, drying his tears and singing a song to calm him down.
Wet green eyes look up to mischievous orange ones.
"I have something to show you. Wanna come along?"
Green eyes sparkled with curiosity as the orange-hair boy nodded furiously. Seeing his cousin's enthusiasm, a wide cheeky grin appeared on the blond boy's face.
Miguel grabbed his cousin by his hand as he led them deeper into the park. Pushing through bushes and shrubs, skipping over tree trunks and tree roots, following a trodden path full of weeds, the two boys finally came to a pond, surrounded by a beautiful field of flowers and trees.
The blond boy smiled with pride while his younger cousin was busy admiring the different flora and fauna in his new environment. Suddenly, the young boy rushed back to his cousin's side, much to the older blond's surprise.
"That thing…That…"
Miguel chuckled when he realized what had frightened his cousin.
"Heine, it's just a dragonfly."
Holding out his hand, Miguel let the blue dragonfly perch on his fingers.
The blond boy showed the insect to his cousin, who was at first reluctant to get near the insect. After much coaxing, Heine finally held out his hand, as another insect landed on his tiny fingers.
"It's pretty…just like a flower…"
The orange-hair boy let his words trailed off, fascinated by the soft insect fluttering its big colorful wings.
"That's a butterfly, Heine."
As both insects left their perch, the boys follow them into the field, exploring every nook and cranny. They counted the ducks swimming in the pond, trying to differentiate each individual bird from another; they watched in amusement as golden mayflies and dragonflies of various reds and blues skimmed the water surfaces, their wings shining brilliantly under the sunlight, while they held their breaths as a few nearly collided with the water striders skating nearby; they played hide-and-seek among the trees, listening to an orchestra of songbirds and insects while watching a play by multicolored butterflies, and even befriending a blackbird and a fox as they chased each other around the field.
After a string of tiring games, the cousins finally sat down under a tree, the blackbird belting a tune on the tree and the fox resting together with them.
"This is fun, nii-chan! Can I come here with you next time?"
"Sure, if you promise not to tell others about our secret garden."
"Our secret garden?"
I really like the idea of Miguel and Heine as cousins who are as close as brothers. I actually wanted to do so in 'Moment' but I ended up with them as brothers. Hope this is still OK while I try to come up with more stuff.Sorry for the long delay.