There is no one in the world Isane loves more than her little sister.

Even when her little sister decided that Isane needed a boyfriend and personally invited every single male in the Gotei 13 to visit her - at three o'clock in the morning.

Even when her little sister yells loudly and drinks too much liquor, leaving Isane to drag her back to her quarters and tend to her hangover in the morning.

Even when her little sister says things that are best left unspoken, causing Isane to stammer apologetically and take the blame.

Even when her little sister acts like a child, fighting with Sentarou over who's best, making Isane blush and wonder just how much younger her sister really is.

Because her little sister got herself beaten up, fighting three guys who dared to insult Isane and question her promotion to vice-captain.

Because her little sister always knows how to make things better, even when you try to tell her to go away and leave you alone.

Because her little sister loves being helpful for those that she loves, even if being helpful causes more problems in the end.

Because Kiyone is her little sister, and they're family.