Chapter 1

Gabriella walked sadly and quietly with her boyfriend Joshua in the park.

"Josh, do you really have to leave?" Gabriella stopped and looked at Josh in the eye.

"I know its hard to be apart for 2 weeks. But I had to do this. You know that I want to help other people so this is gonna be a great experience for me. I hope you understand Gabriella." He gave out a sigh and kiss her on the cheek.

"What if you find someone new? You'll forget about me." Gabriella looked down and blinked her tears away as Josh lifted her chin.

"That will never happen. I love you, I love you, I love you and that's what I really feel." He assured her and kissed her gently on the lips.

"This heart beats for no other girl but you." Josh put her hand on his heart and smiled. She smiled back at him knowing that everything he's saying is true.

"Let's sing a song. I'll start." Josh suggested as he put his arm on her shoulder.

"Living in my own world, didn't understand…….." They continued the song and started giggling after they finished it.


Troy and the whole wildcat team were practicing for the upcoming championship for basketball.

"Run it! 2 more laps around the court. We gotta beat this guys! Make our school proud. Keep running." Mr Bolton's strong voice echoed around the gym. Troy, Chad, Zeke and Jason sprinted as Jack (Mr Bolton) glared at them with sharp eyes. Troy could feel his heart beating really fast and he was feeling exhausted already. He could usually run 10 laps or more but now, its only been 4 laps and he's already really tired.

"Ok guys, run to the other side and shoot some hoops." Jack commanded after all of them finished doing the laps. Troy put his hands on his knees bending his back and breathing rapidly.

"You ok man?" Chad noticed his hard breathing and got a little bit worried about him.

"Yeah. I'm ok. Thanks man." Troy stood up properly and pat Chad on the back. Chad grinned and obeyed what their coach said. Troy jogged and unknowingly fell flat on the ground. All of them turned around as they heard the loud bang on the ground.

"TROY!" Mr Bolton, along with the other players yelled in horror and quickly sprinted to Troy. He was unconscious!


"I'll be going now Gabriella. Always visit my little brother and sister. Have fun in your new school. I love you." Josh hugged Gabriella tightly. He knows that she was trying to battle the tears that was threatening to fall down her cheeks.

"I love you too Josh." Gabriella whispered and they slowly pulled away from each other's embrace.

"Whatever I do, wherever I go, I'll be thinking of you." He smiled at her as he closed the gaps between their lips.

"Goodbye Gabriella." Josh waved at her as he stepped inside his car ready for his trip.

"Goodbye Josh. Maybe after you come back, you know more about the medicines and stuff. You'll be a very good doctor in the future." She giggled a little bit and waved at him until he was out of sight.

It was now 8:30pm and Josh was still in his car. One more hour until he reaches his destination. He's now in Albuquerque and he looked a little bit tired.

"I wanna be a good doctor and help others. I'm sure that Gabriella will love it!" Josh whispered to himself and suddenly his phone rang. He quickly picked it up but there was no caller ID so it couldn't be Gabriella. He put his eyes back on the road and the next thing he knows another car was heading his way.

He was brought to the hospital in an ambulance where Troy was staying.


"Doctor, what's wrong with our son?" Mr Bolton asked concerned about what's going to happen. Mrs Bolton didn't really want to hear the answer because they all know that Troy has some problems in his heart.

"A heart transplant is the only thing that could save him. His muscle in his heart was not strong enough to pump the blood around his body. That's why he collapsed." (I don't know if that's really possible. So yeah..) The doctor was hoping that someone will be willing to donate a heart but there was a little chance of that because they needed the heart that very moment.

"Doctor, we found a donor." A nurse came running to Dr Drake's office breathlessly.

"What's his name?" Dr Drake and Troy's parents stood up lightening up a little bit hearing the miraculous news.

"Joshua Kyle. He's in room 24 right now." The nurse said hurriedly but clearly announced. All of them run outside the office ready for the operation.


"You're moving to Albuquerque right. You excited?" Gabriella's friend, Sarah asked looking a bit gloomy.

"No actually. I'm more excited seeing Josh again." Gabriella giggled and suddenly, her phone rang.

"Hold on a sec." She stepped away from Sarah and Geraldine for a moment to talk to the person on the other line.

"Gabriella? This is Jane Kyle. I have some bad news. Josh is…." Jane, Joshua's mother burst into tears but managed to say the last miserable word.

"Dead." Jane cried and Gabriella could hear her sobs clearly.

"No.. No.. No.. that's not true. He can't be." Gabriella fell on his knees, shaking her head and started crying her eyes out. She can't believe and don't want to believe that Josh is gone. The tears that were coming from her eyes seemed like it would never end. It felt like someone took her heart out off her body, right in front of her. Sarah and Geraldine swiftly ran to her and kneeled beside her when they saw her crying.

"Gabi what's wrong?" Sarah and Geraldine asked exactly the same time. They both have the worried, concerned, sad look on their faces.

"Josh… He's.. He's gone." Gabriella managed to say between sobs. It was so difficult for her to even say something.

"Oh my gosh!" Geraldine gasped and pulled her into a hug.

"I'm so sorry Gabi!" Sarah was also about to cry but she wanted to be strong in front of her best friend.

3 months later

"Hey Troy! You could get out of the hospital now according to the doctor." Chad barged into Troy's room in the hospital.

"Cool! I can't wait to get out of here and play ball." Troy stood up slowly and not fully recovered yet so he don't feel as strong as before. He actually feels really weak. He knows that its impossible for him to play anything yet base on his condition. He couldn't even lift up 3 basketballs properly.

"What do you mean play ball? You can't play yet." Mr Bolton went in eyeing his son.

"Yeah I guess. I don't know why but I still feel tired." Troy gave out a confused giggle.

"You can't force yourself to do anything yet. You're heart is not capable of it yet." Mr Bolton added.

"Dad, I want to thank Joshua's family. Do you have their address?" Troy was a bit serious now and he's determined and glad that someone like Josh actually existed in this world. Someone as kind and understanding as him.

"Yes. They said that they really want to meet you too. You can visit them tomorrow." Mr Bolton grinned.

"Cool then!" They head to Troy's house happily.


The Bolton's drove to Joshua's place safely. Mr Bolton rang the doorbell nervously.

"Hello! You must be the Bolton's." A woman about Mrs Bolton's age opened the door happily but you could tell that she looks tired.

"Yes we are. We want to thank you for everything." Mrs Bolton nodded her head politely.

"Your very welcome. Come on in." Jane opened the door widely and signalled them to come in. They had a really big backyard and a swimming pool. There was a sort of picnic table set up outside and two children were playing around.

"Jake, Jen come meet Troy and his parents." The two young children ran to their mum and smiled at the visitors politely.

"Hi! My name is Jake and I'm 9." Jake stuck out his hand for a handshake feeling like they were having a deal or something.

"Nice meeting you Jake." Troy grinned and gladly took his hand.

"I'm Jen and I'm 4." A shy but yet, happy little girl introduced her self graciously.

"Nice meeting you." Troy smiled at her gleefully.

"Join us for lunch. And I'm sorry that my husband couldn't come. He has some really important work to do." Jane looked so apologising and kind.

"Its alright. And thanks for inviting us." They all sat down around the table and started eating. There was a relaxing silence and Troy suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. He looked around the table and saw Jake staring right at him.

"Everything ok?" Troy finally asked.

"You remind me of Josh." Jake burst out and his mum accidentally dropped the spoon by the mention of Josh's name.

"Yeah." Jen agreed while nodding her head.

"Oh." That's all that came out of Troy's mouth. He was really surprised that the kids actually said that.

"By the way, um Troy, are you free next Saturday because I want you to meet Josh's girlfriend. She's not doing to well this past few weeks. She's a really nice girl and loved Josh as much as he loved her." Mrs Kyle tried to erase the subject that was going on just then and put on a different one.

"Ok, sure." Troy smiled and it changes into a frown as the thought about how Gabriella must be feeling loosing someone she really loves, struck.


This is my first chapter. I hope you like! How do you think Gabriella will react after she met the guy who got her boyfriend's heart? Please read and review.