Title: Completion

Author: akamaru-chan

Rating: K+

Pairings: SasukexHinata

Summery: They were as conflicting as Angels and Demons, but when their lips touched under the starlit sky, it felt far from conflict, but rather completion.

My friend Camie (who is awsome) made a AMV, if you want the link comment me saying so and I'll message it to you.


She wanted the attention she never got,

He had the attention he never wanted,

She was silent because she was shy to speak,

He was silent, because he was too confident to speak,

She hated conflict, forgiving families past hurts,

He loved conflict, holding a grudge on family's endless pain,

She was pure,

He was dark,

She loved day,

He dwelled in night,

She was deemed weak,

He was deemed strong,

As different as yin and yang,

The sun and the moon,

The sky and the sea,

As conflicting as Heaven and Hell,

Angels and Demons,

Virtue and Sin,

They were as opposite as white and black,

Girls and boys,

Love and Hate,

But somehow when their lips touched,

It didn't quite feel like a difference,

A conflict,

Nor opposites,

It felt like pure completion,

The feeling of finally being understood,

And one thing was agreed upon between the two,

Both were lost without the other,

Her without him,

Or him without her,

Would be like Day without night,

Yin without Yang,

Love without Hate,

So as the two kissed underneath a shooting star,

All the jagged edges of their lives fit into place,

She was no longer a failture,

He was no longer alone,

The world stood still,

Quiet echoed for a moment all around,

Because for one time in both of their misunderstood lives,

Everything was perfect.