Here's the 3rd story in my series. If you haven't read the other 2 stories, then I advise you to not proceed until you do. This is a series. It runs in sequence. To understand certain things (especially where Jamie came from), it's best to just start at the beginning. This series is kind of like my very own NCIS season 4. As of this point, the series consists of: story 1 A Link to the Past (comes in 3 parts)… story 2 Wrong Place, Wrong Time…. story 3 Second Job (current story). Hope you enjoy it.



Chapter 1

It's early Tuesday afternoon and each of the team is returning to NCIS Headquarters from their lunch breaks. Ziva and McGee got back from their lunch break at the same time because they went to lunch together. Usually, Tony comes back from lunch a couple minutes after them, but this time, he's really late.

Tony finally steps off the elevator and speed walks to his desk. Stretched across his face is the biggest grin the others have ever seen. Tony approaches his desk and sits down.

"What are you so happy about, Tony?" Ziva wondered as she walks over to Tony's desk to interrogate him.

"From the look on his face and how late he is, I'd say he had lunch with a girl." McGee stated.

"Either that or he had an extra long lunch spanking the chimp." Ziva joked.

"Haha!" Tony laughed. "It's; spanking the monkey. And no, that's not why I'm late." He continued by correcting her and defending himself. "Why does me coming back happy suddenly mean I was at lunch with a girl?"

"Cause that's usually the reason you do come back happy." McGee said.

"And late…." Ziva added.

"I'm not that late!"

"You shouldn't been back forty-five minutes ago." McGee stated.

"Stop keeping track, Probie!" Tony exclaimed. "You're like a time card where I need to punch-in. And if by some chance I happen to be late, you'd tattle to the boss."

"I thought we talked about that calling my Probie stuff?!" McGee exclaimed. "And I don't tattle to Gibbs about what time you finally arrive."

"I couldn't resist saying it one more time." Tony grins. "It's hard to not call you Probie."

"So who did you go to lunch with, Tony?" Ziva asked.

"Are you ever going to stop asking me that?"

"You always tell us more than what we want to know about your dates… Then, when we want to know, you clam up." McGee stated. "It's interesting how you suddenly become defensive."

"I do not! And I'm not defensive."

"Do too!" McGee exclaimed. "And yes, you are being defensive."

"Tony… McGee… Guys, hush." Ziva looks toward McGee. "It's obvious Tony is completely in love. That's why he won't tell us. It's why he's defensive."

"Good point, Ziva. He loves a girl, therefore he's afraid to express his true feelings because it'll expose a soft side." McGee said.

"It's not love. Besides, I went to lunch by myself."

Suddenly, Jamie steps off the elevator. A couple seconds later, she walks into the bullpen.

"Hello everybody!" Jamie exclaimed in excitement.

"Hey Jamie." McGee greeted her.

"Hi Jamie." Ziva greeted her as well.

"Sup Jamie." Tony said.

"Sup?!" Jamie is confused as she's never heard him use that word as a greeting, or ever. "Are you feeling okay, Tony?"

"He went to lunch with a girl and won't tell us about it." McGee stated.

"Cause he loves the girl he went to lunch with." Ziva added.

"Really?!" Jamie looks at Tony. "The girl you love, does she have a name or is she a rubber blowup doll?"

"She's not a rubber blowup doll! I mean…"

"So there is a girl!" Ziva exclaimed.

The three of them, Jamie, Ziva and McGee now huddle around Tony's desk in anticipation of finding out more.

"Give us a name?" McGee asked.

"Yeah Tony, what's her name?" Jamie asked.

"Okay… I did go to lunch with a girl, I'll admit to that."

"The girl does have a name, right? Or did you forget it?" Ziva asked.

"Come on, Tony. Give us her name." Jamie said.

"And where did you take her to lunch?" McGee asked.

"You do love the girl, don't you?" Jamie asked. "If you do, then it shouldn't be a problem to express your feelings to your colleagues."

"Actually it is a problem."

"So you are in love!" Ziva exclaimed.

"Wait… That's not what I said."

"Tony's in love. Tony's in love." Jamie said.

"Everyone be quiet! Geez! Like you all have nothing better to do than to harass me!" Tony exclaimed. "Yes, I went to lunch with a girl. No, I'm not telling you where. No, I'm not giving you her name. And yes, I do love her. Are you all happy now?"

There's a moment of silence.

"So where did you take her?" McGee asked.

"And what's her name?" Ziva asked.

"Are you sure you love her?" Jamie asked.

"And how long have you been going out with her?" Ziva asked another question.

"Geez!" Tony drops his head onto his desk.

Gibbs walks into the area just in time to answer his phone as it's ringing. The team looks over at him wondering if it's a case or not. Gibbs finally hangs up the phone after a minute. He walks over to the where everybody is standing; near Tony's desk.

"What do we got Boss?" Tony asked in the hopes of it being something because he wants to get away from the harassment.

"A dead naval officer along the Maryland coast."

"Yes!" Tony exclaimed as he jumps up from his chair.

Gibbs glares at Tony.

"I'm just… Kind of anxious to get out of here, Boss."

"Why?" Gibbs wondered. "Cause everyone's harassing you?"

"Grab your gear… Ziva, call Ducky. Tony, gas the truck." Jamie ordered in a firm tone.

"Impressive." Gibbs kisses Jamie on the forehead.

Gibbs begins to walk in the direction of the elevator with Ziva and McGee to follow.

"You couldn't say McGee gas the truck." Tony walks around to the front of his desk to where Jamie is standing.

"I wouldn't want to deprive you of the job you love doing so much." Jamie smiles innocently.

"You're evil."

Jamie leans in closer to Tony in order to whisper into his ear.

"I may be evil, but you still love me."

"You're right. I do. But you're still evil."

"Thanks for the lunch by the way."

"I bought you a present, but I'll give it to you later." Tony kisses Jamie on the cheek as he sees the rest of the team already stepped onto the elevator. "I have to go." Tony runs to the elevator.

Once everyone was in the elevator, Gibbs reopens the door and pops his head out real quick.

"Jamie…" Gibbs tries to get his daughter's attention. She looks to him. "You coming or what?"

Jamie runs to the elevator and gets in. She stands next to her father. Gibbs places an NCIS hat on Jamie's head. The elevator door closes.