Cold and Emotionless

Disclaimer: I don't own anything related to Red Eye!

They say that I'm evil.

That I'm cruel, cold,

And without any emotion.

They don't know me;

No one does.

Dark brown hair falls into my chilly blue eyes;

I'm creepy—unnerving.

I carefully stalk my prey with well-trained eyes.

I move with the shadows;

No one can see me in the darkness.

I blend in with the crowd,

My rumpled business suit disguising me.

I listen to their boring conversations

And I try not to yawn in disgust;

Their mundane lives don't interest me.

She is all that matters.

Cutting across the crowd,

Reddish-brown hair shinning under the florescent lights,

She runs towards the counter.

Another passenger on this delayed flight.

I pat the wallet in my hip pocket;

My ticket to a well-earned vacation.

The initials match my own

But the meaning is deeper to her.

My name is play on words;

It changes with each job.

I'm a chameleon.

Except with each change

My emotions become harder to control.

I can't lose tonight;

I never lose.

She will comply or else;

Never again will I feel any emotion.

There's no room for mistakes,

Emotions—love or lust—life.

I must remain cold

In order to save my pathetic skin.

It's only a job

Yet it is my entire life.

Without it,

I have no purpose.

Without it,

I'm just a run-of-the-mill psycho.

With it,

I have a purpose.

With it,

I stand a chance at life;

A chance denied by a cruel twist of fate.

No one must ever know

How I truly feel.

To them I must remain evil;

A cold-hearted bastard.

Call me names,

'Cause I don't really care.

No emotion must show.

I have a job to do.

It's my life or hers;

A shinning blade will claim a life tonight.

Taking a deep breathe,

I approach her

Beginning the deadly dance of fate;

Destiny as it should be.

No one will walk away unharmed.

Killing her will claim my soul;

The soul that people claim doesn't exist.

Tonight will tell the truth.

Author's Notes:

Another try at a poem for my class. This one I did turn in for my workshop this week. It's from Jackson's POV pre-flight. Enjoy!