This poem is based on a preliminary draft of "Discovered in a Graveyard," rather than the filmed episode, as I found some of the edited dream sequences intriguing. The image of Bodie in the chapel with Doyle especially captured my imagination. Overall, I wanted to express the surreal atmosphere of "DIAG," not accurately recount the events of the episode. Whether I've succeeded or not is up to the reader.

Characters from "The Professionals" are the property of Mark-1 Productions Ltd. I am simply borrowing them temporarily – without fraudulent intent or anticipation of monetary gain.

Revelations in a Graveyard

By e-pony

I wander lost amid the tumbled stones,

Seeking answers in the dark

To questions that have dogged my waking thoughts

And danced unfettered through my dreams.

But can truth be discovered in a graveyard?


He stands beside me in the shifting fog,

Counsellor with a will of stone,

Urging me to a counter-point of view,

With cryptic, conscience-twisting words.

What a strange conversation for a graveyard!


Her shadowed eyes beg for understanding.

Condemnation, forgiveness

Vie for supremacy inside my heart.

But placidly I turn away

To meditate on choices in a graveyard.


Can we who kill to live or live to kill

Find no peace besides the tomb?

And are these restless visitations real –

Substance, disguised as dying dreams –

Or only empty visions in a graveyard?


Your brooding ghost haunts the silent chapel,

Mourning for the dead, unseen,

And riddling my brain with piercing phrases

That impact with a living force,

Like bullets of salvation in a graveyard.


Your silences grieve my indecision.

Whispered words plead friendship's cause,

Reviving, with fierce faith, my flagging will –

And the bright beauty of the world –

For a life rediscovered in a graveyard.