Hi Ho! This is my first LWD story tee-hee, I thought id break free from my anime stories for while and start a story on this. Hehe I tried to think of something other than a Dasey plotline but gawd it's just too good to not write about! But I'll try and make the plot a little different so you readers can enjoy something brand new and interesting :)

Disclaimer: I do not own Life With Derek, or it's cast, only the plot of this story.

I would watch how their eyes held such intensity, while staring at each other there was always this mock hatred, a smirk or a devious smile always present, yet it seemed insincere all at the same time. He'd make a remark about some grade-grubbing or klutzilla thing she had done earlier today, and she'll retort with how sloppy or lazy or what an insensitive jerk my big brother was, hey what can I say she was right.

Got to Love him.

A simple sigh is all I give out before presenting my wise words onto the seemingly old married couple.

"Will you two just kiss and make up already?"


Okay Maybe that wasn't the best choice of words.

" Eww… Excuse me!" Huffing and crossing her arms into an immature position, in most cases just like her personality ,she glared at me as I gulped.

" Edwin buddy…I'd watch what I say if I was you, or does a good ruffle of the hair and some extra memory refreshment is in order?" Yeah, as if I didn't know what that meant, I could see it now, just yesterday he had beat me up just because I asked for oh…a couple hundred bucks back from when he had stolen it from me.

Don't get me wrong, he never abused me or anything, it was brotherly love.


" Anything you say Bro, Ha-ha…I'm just going to huh…go up stairs and keep Lizzie occupied…yup…" As my older brother moved towards me as if he was going to hit me I dashed up the stairs as fast as I could, tripping on the second to last one.


" Glad you feel victorious in scaring your own little brother half to death, You must be real proud" How they never noticed that I never actually went to the places I said id go to, and how Lizzie would actually keep me company as we watched how strange teens could be.

" Hey who gave you permission to speak to me, If I remember correctly I made it clear that we are not on speaking terms." He turned around and I was almost sure I heard him sigh in resentment. " God do you know how much trouble you are going to put me through!" He whirled on her and for a moment I was scared for her, scared that Id see a new side to him, a very horrible new side.

She didn't move though, she held her head down, her hair cascading around her eyes, her shoulders were shaking, but for some reason I don't think it was out of fear. Where is Mom and Dad when you need them? Oh right… with Marty at a doctors appointment.

" I know…I'll fix it, I swear I didn't mean to…" she broke off and looked up, tears were staining her eyes…I moved to get up, something was not right here, but Lizzie held me back and simply shook her head 'no'. My eyes questioned her reasoning and once again just like simple Lizzie she nodded towards the two.

When did he take her into his arms?

When did he start to caress her hair?

When did Derek Venturi and Casey McDonald…

" I Love you Derek I'm so so sorry…"

" I know Case, I know."

Hehe okay! I know short start but it's like the prologue, of course I'm going take It back to the beginning, show how everything started and eventually how it all ends, cause this is definitely not a preview of how it ends . Please read and review all the lovely fans of Dasey! I need your support to continue writing