Disclaimer: I do not own any piece of Naruto or any of the…
X: I can believe you went this far and wrote this.
Viral: I said I would write it and there isn't anything you can do to stop me!
X: Don't make me use the stuff I got on you!
Viral: Not the Christmas party Pictures! I thought I burned all those!
X: If you want these back, let me put up this story.
Viral: Fine. Here is the story written by X called "Itachi Talks about stuff"
Itachi Talks about stuff
Hello. My name is Uchiha Itachi. I am 18 years old, blood type AB and here to speak about a few things to the public. First I ask you Please… STOP PAIRING ME WITH MY BROTHER! I know all you fan girls like that pairing but please! My ass can't take much more of it! I haven't been able to sit down without a pillow for a month! It… burns… I have personal needs you know! If anything pair me with Tsunade. She may be old but at least she looks great, especially in the chest area. If you want to pair some one with some one pair my foolish little brother with that Jinchuuriki Naruto.
Which now brings me to my next topic, my purple nail polish. I wear it since it is part of the uniform in akatsuki. That and I would look girly with pink nail polish. Also people have come up to me asking if the akatsuki is so and so. I know who he is. But for me to tell you'd have to be a member of akatsuki. So sorry I can't help you there. NOT!
Now the big topic, people come up to me and ask me again and again why did I leave Sasuke alive. Simple, I did it because he was the only one who knew the location of dad's nudie mags. He wouldn't tell me so I had to go and attack the rest of my clan and try to discover where they were. When I was finished I had to institute some discipline on to Sasuke until he told me where they were hidden. Once he told me I left him alive, since any true pervert would keep the location of those books hidden until death. So I left him behind and went after the books. Which now I am being hunted by konoha for the theft of my fathers nudie mags, and the murder of my clan. So now if you excuse me it's field trip day in akatsuki! We're going to the beach! (picks up surf board) See ya later! SURF'S UP!
X: okay that didn't come out like I expected.
Viral: See I told you that you couldn't do it.
X: shut up!
Viral: To everyone who read this just to let you know, I thought about it for a while and realized, "What If I made a story about what Itachi felt?" So here it is. I will probably write a few more fics then take a well-deserved break. So prepare for my next fic which will be….