Konnichipuu Minna-san

Would anyone like to join me for a little game. Right now I shall start a new RyoSaku fanfics.

Pairing: Echizen Ryoma x Ryuzaki Sakuno
Genre: Romance/Humor/Drama
Timeframe: Senior High School Year 3 (Final Year)
Intro: Ryoma-kun and Sakuno-chan are officially dating each other and this has been going on for more than three months, however Sakuno-chan is feeling unconfident towards this relationship.

Although Ryoma was the one to propose to her, their intimacy has not been improving a bit. Worst, the girl has never been kissed before by her boyfriend.

One day Ryoma-kun told her that he is deciding to continue his tennis trainings in America for another five years. Right now Sakuno will have to find a way to give her boyfriend a memorable kiss before he leaves.

Instruction: Anyone is free to insert not more than 5 lines to this story You are free to use your own dialogue/imagination, but please ensure that all the plotting/dialogues are well connected and please do not use vulgar language and must be suitable, complied to PG-13

Here's my starting plot, yoroshiku onegaishimasu:

"You…What!" the renowned hyper active girl exclaimed with much astonishment. While having their lunch in one of their favorite spot; Tomoka tried to prod Sakuno about the progression of her relationship with Ryoma.

Without a thought, Sakuno told her everything. For the past three months; they had been doing things which normal couples would do. Of all the programs and events; the young lady also revealed the fact that till date; she hasn't been kissed by the cool prince.

"Oh no…I don't believe you" Tomoka eyed her best friend suspiciously at first but then after concerning the facts that her friend is too candid to even to tell a single lie; she buy her words "Okay; I know…I trust you"

"What are you gonna do now?" this time Tomoka prompted.

"Well, I guess this needs time" she replied less confidently.

"Time? Do you think you still can give allowance?"

"Na?" Sakuno blinked with befuddlement.

"You little idiot!" Tomoka gave a knock on her head to end her friend's senselessness before she continued

"Didn't you say that he'll be leaving for America again after completing this school term?"

"Yes…" this time she replied timidly.

"And the school term is just three more weeks away from now"

"Right! I forgot to list down all the things that Ryoma has to bring to America…" there she gets another hard knock from her friend.

"Ouch…mou, Tomo-chan; why are you hitting my head again?" Sakuno mumbles indistinctly.

"You dumbass! There's no time for you to think of such insignificant matter. There's something more important for you to do right now"

"What's more important than helping Ryoma-kun to get all his stuff ready?"

"My my…" Tomoka raised both her hands to admit defeat upon facing Sakuno's naïveté. For the first time she would thought how come the two still could get together "…you still didn't get me"

"Sakuno; do you know; five years is not a very short time"

"I know…but he told me to wait" this time Sakuno lowered her head; remembering the night when Ryoma told her about his plans. He held her hands tightly and told her to believe his words, he told her to wait "I want to believe him…that is why; as a girlfriend; I wanted be there to support him, to feel his feelings"

"That is why; before he leaves, make him imprint you into his heart; at least both of you should have been kissing each other already"

"EN? To…Tomo-chan!" Sakuno's face blushed madly upon hearing the word 'kiss'

"But…but…this is too embarrassing!"

"What's so embarrassing? Both of you are officially a couple now. It's just kissing alright"

"I can't believe that both of you haven't come to that stage yet" She shook her head and sighed audibly "Both of you'd surpassed many couples and at anytime the two of you could've been awarded as the most conservative couple"

"It's not that I wanted it to be this way…" The more Tomoka complained the more she thinks poorly about her relation with Ryoma. Indeed; her friend is quite right too. A kiss is something that could strengthen each other's affection. They are no experts to love and relationships. They are just beginners. With Ryoma's insensible plus her introverted nature; the two dare not to go further than holding hands.

"But…I can't just tell him that I want him to kiss me. This isn't right"

"Of course you can't ask him!" This time Tomoka acted like a professional love consultant "I've got a good idea"

"Good idea?"

"Do what experts do!" The active girl declared happily at last. It seems like she had finally talked her timid friend over the plans. Immediately she took out a tiny book from her pocket and shoved it to her best friend.

"What is this?"

"My cousin bought this for me, but; I guess you'll need this more than I do…" she winked mischievously at Sakuno.

Upon reading the title; Sakuno's mouth gapped like a goldfish "What!"

"101 Excuses to kiss your love ones?"


Please feel free to insert your plots here. Onegaishimasu

Dewa, minna-san, gokigenyo