Well, here it is. I finally got on my lazy arse and onto the keyboard to type this thing up. I wanted to make it longer buuuuuut, I didn't feel like typing anymore of this story. shrugs oh well. Hope you enjoy, but if you don't, well, that's your problem, isn't it?

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. I deal with it, now you learn to deal with it.

Chapter Three:

Naruto was the first to wake up, finding himself warm and comfortable. He snuggle closer to the warmth, wrapping his arms around the warm object and snuggling his head closer to silky hair.

"Naruto-kun," Hinata sighed as she leaned into the blonde's touch, "Mmm," Naruto smirked even though his mind was still groggy and hadn't understood the situation yet.

"We have to get up," Hinata groaned in detest.

"But Naru-kun, do we have to?"

"Yes," he spoke as he sat up, turning to look at his queen. Her dark hair was haloed around here head, contrasting with her pale skin. Her figure was perfect, and Naruto just stared at her nude body, admiring his mate's perfection. Hinata sat up and looked at Naruto.

"Like what you see?" She questioned, also smirking.

"Very much so; unfortunately, we don't have time for that," Hinata pouted, "Come on, get dressed."

"In what?" Naruto snapped his fingers and a servant with short, dark hair and two small horns protruding from his temples came rushing forward, a black silk dress clutched gently in his hand. His skin was tan, but intricate tattoo like markings ran down his leanly muscled body.

"My lord," the demon servant bowed low, holding out the silk dress. Naruto gently took the dress and dismissed the servant.

"Well, get dressed," he commanded giving the dress to his mate, but continuing to stare at her. Hinata smirked as she studied the dress.

It was going to be a tight fit. The 'V' cut neck line was low and would show a fair amount of cleavage. The dress had no sleeves and would end at about knee length. To allow good movement, the dress had two slits along the side that ended about mid thigh. (AN: Okay peoples, just so ya know, I know next to nothing about fashion, kay?)

She slipped it on. As predicted, the dress clung to her body, but it was still comfortable.

When she was done, the blonde demon snapped his fingers again. The same servant as before rushed in. However, this time, he was carrying a red velvet cape and more black clothe. Naruto spent no time looking at the outfit, and merely changed out of his old outfit and into the new one.

"Naru-kun?" She asked getting his attention as she studied Naruto's new clothes. His clothes were a fancy haori and hakama. A crimson crest with designs of fire and a fox head was over his heart.

"Hn," he grunted acknowledgement.

"How come my clothes were gone, but not yours?" She asked curiously.

"Oh, well, my clothes were infused with kitsune magic. Whenever they come under strain of breaking they will be temporarily sent to another dimension," he explained as if it were obvious, before snapping his fingers twice.

Two identical servants came in. They had electric blue eyes, red skin, and dark blue, almost black long hair. Bowing before their lord, they held out two red velvet cushions. Sitting upon one cushion was a gold crown with rubies embedded into the sides. On the other cushion was a smaller gold crown, with smaller rubies placed in intricate patterns.

Naruto first picked up the smaller crown and put it on Hinata's head delicately. Then he picked up the other crown and placed it on his own blond and crimson hair. Nodding his head at his servants, they left only to be replaced by another servant, again carrying a cushion.

This servant had blue skin, blue hair, and black eyes. He was lean, as if built for speed. Holding out the cushion, he bowed rather low, "My Lord," Naruto quickly picked up the box that was on the cushion and dismissed the servant.

Opening the box, he gently took out a golden necklace. The necklace's centerpiece was of a nine-tailed kitsune surrounded by fire; it was only about an inch in size. The blond delicately put it around his mate's neck. He was so close that his breath tickled Hinata's ear.

As the blond breathed in Hinata's scent, he spoke huskily in his mate's ear, "You know, we're mates, but we haven't even kissed yet," Hinata's breath hitched in her throat.

"No, we haven't," she agreed breathlessly. Naruto pulled away slightly so he could look into her pupil less crimson eyes. The blond leaned in slowly, his eyes never leaving hers. Their breaths mingled as their lips were millimeters apart.

"My Lord, you are needed," the effect was immediate, Naruto's eyes closed and his lips thinned into a line of annoyance. Barely suppressed anger cackled around him in the form of chakra.

"Alright," the blond pulled away, still slightly aggravated. "Let's go," Hinata followed as quickly as she could, slightly unused to her new body.

The coronation was fairly boring. All the souls that dwelled in Hell, from demons to the damned souls of evil humans, came. Hinata's coronation, while boring, was done quickly with little extravagance. So, with its end, Hinata got the power to control Hell when the king wasn't there.

And so, Hinata and Naruto returned to earth, still lacking their first kiss.

They arrived back on earth barely seconds after they left. Naruto later explained that he, being the king of Hell, was able to control how fast or slow time went by.

Almost immediately after arriving, they were confronted by Kiba, who, being as brash and loud-mouthed as he is, yelled at them, never noticing that Hinata was suddenly under an illusion.

"Where the hell did you go?" He shouted, "Why do you smell like fire and brimstone and sulfur and blood? Get your hands off my Hinata, you stupid-" His rant was cut off by Hinata, who had slapped him, sending him flying into a tree.

She flexed her hand, "Since when have I been yours, stupid?" she questioned calmly, but with venom dripping from every word. Naruto smirked down at the dazed human, silently proud of his chosen mate.

"You continue training as if nothing happened, I have things to do," he told his mate, still gazing at her with his silent pride.

"Like what?"

"Like recruit allies," he replied.


"See ya later, then," he waved goodbye and jumped off, leaving Hinata to test her new strength.

There were few people worth watching and even fewer who might join him, with the proper drive, of course. The likeliest person so far was Mitarashi Anko, a jounin with a love for blood and dango. She was a hyper person and always seemed to be in a happy disposition. Naruto easily saw past that though. It was her psychotic nature that made her a potential ally, along with the fact that the village seemed to detest her existence for some reason. Naruto would find out, of course.

As Naruto made his way back to Hinata, the sun was half-way down the horizon, and the sky was painted a beautiful array of pinks, purples, and oranges. The blond was almost to Hinata's training ground when he heard the sounds of someone training.

Curious, Naruto followed the noise. He came across a raven haired boy. His obsidian eyes burned in fiery hate.

His clothing was simple; a blue, high collared shirt with a red and white fan stitched on the back and knee-length, white shorts. His pale skin was covered in a layer of sweat and his raven hair clung to his face as he threw multiple kunai and shuriken at several targets.

"I must get stronger," he panted between each word, "I must get stronger to kill him."

Naruto decided to do an experiment. So, he created several blood clones (real, lasting versions of himself) and scattered them in the trees surrounding the clearing. And, at the same time, the clones spoke in an ominous voice, "Will you do anything for power?"

The raven haired boy whipped his eyes around the clearing, searching for the speaker only to find nothing. He hesitated before speaking, "Yes."

"Even be my loyal follower?" Naruto's clones said in unison once again.

"If you give me the power to kill him, I will," the raven-haired boy spoke defensively.

"What is your name, mortal?" The blond questioned, his face splitting into an insanely wide grin.

"Uchiha Sasuke."

"Hmm, Uchiha Sasuke, I think I'll get back to you," Naruto dismissed his clones and prepared to leave. The Uchiha spoke before he could.

"Matte! Aren't you going to give me power?" The only answer the Uchiha received was an evil cackle as Naruto disappeared into the waiting darkness.

Naruto quickly returned to Hinata grinning deviously. The new demoness was surrounded by destruction and seemed extremely happy with herself.

"Have fun?" Naruto questioned his mate as he raised an elegant, golden eyebrow.

"Very much," she returned, grinning widely to reveal her pearly, white fangs, "Find anything good?" She questioned curiously.

"Indeed, extremely good," his own grin widened.

"Really? What?" She asked. Instead of answering her question, he stepped closer to her; their bodies' inches centimeters apart.

"Why talk about that? We should finish what we started earlier," he whispered seductively as he dipped his head down so their lips were mere centimeters apart as well. Their breaths mingled and their heartbeats quickened.

Just as Naruto was going to close the distance between them, Hinata turned away with a sigh. "My family, as much as I hate them, will send people if I don't get back very soon," Naruto scowled at her words.

"Alright, go," he commanded, "We'll meet at the academy," he turned and began walking away. Hinata bit her lip lightly in worry.

"Naruto-kun?" She caught his attention as she silently walked up to him.

The blond turned back around, "What?" He growled out.

Hinata grabbed his shirt collar and pulled his lips to hers in a rough but fiery kiss.

Naruto's eyes widened in surprise and by the time he realized what was happening, Hinata had already pulled away, a small smirk adorning her pink lips. The blond gazed down at her, dazed, and slowly as silly smile grew on his lips.

"Bye!" Hinata waved goodbye as she ran towards the Hyuuga compound. After a long moment of standing alone in the dark forest, Naruto slowly began the journey to his old apartment.

Review if you want. It doesn't make much of a difference. The most it does is help get my sorry arse motivated to update quicker. But, I'm sure you don't much care about that, do you.