Week Seven: Part Two: Shout it Out! Results

Hey everyone! If you didnt notice, last chapter was my longest chapter to date! Over double what the first chapters were! As I've mentioned in a couple of reviews, I think that I have realized what inspired the comments that invented my 'conspiracy theory'. I was barely thirteen when I started this story. Now I'm a couple months shy of fifteen and I think Im correct in saying that my writing has improved. So thats that.

This is the last week of double cat eliminations. There will only be five performers left, so thats ten, maybe eleven chapters remained. But I am safely saying that this story will be wrapped up by July 31, 2008.

My spirits are rising for several reasons. I got an 82 out of 80 on my Algebra test, track is over, and school ends in 9 days.

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

(In the world of StarClan...)(Spottedleaf)

I banged my head agaisnt a nearby tree in aggrivation. How long was it going to take? This Clan meeting had begun ages ago and Idol was on in (a quick glance at her watch), 17 minutes. If Bluestar kept me from watching Sootiefur host the results show, the nearest cat was going to pay. This thought made my eyes narrow as I imagined what I would do if the dreaded event accured. A cat nearby look throughly frightened and backed away.

I smirked.

"Oh lets wrap this up!" whined a RiverClan alumni.

Bluestar glared at the cat. "Silence! All who oppose will be sent to the Place of No Stars!"

This threat sent shivers of distress through the Clan, who all quieted at once. But the continued use of this threat was pushing me to my breakin point, and I could not resist shouting 'What is this stupid Place of No Stars that you so frequently refer too?!"

There was a pregnant pause.

Bluestar and the other meeting officals exchanged glances. "Well, its a ... place..." Bluestar began.

"With..." Whitestorm studdered.

"No stars!" Lionheart supplied. The Clan seemed to except this answer, but I didn't.

"How do we know it has no stars?" I called.

Bluestar's left eye began to twitch. "Meeting Concluded!" she hissed.

I let out a purr of satisfaction.

(StarClan Idol Stage! Woahhhh)(Sootfur)

I began to pace hesitantly around the stage, watching and waiting. It was in solitude that I completed this task, for the entire theater was vacant, only the faintest gleam of the cresent moon sneaking through the canopy of trees that enveloped the theater. My pacing continued, and I was quite nervous about the show to come. Just like last week, the producers were threatening to cancel the show if anything, and I mean anything, went wrong.

I wondered how loosely 'anything' could be defined.

For Instance, Scenario One: A light bulb in the ceiling goes out. Do we get cancelled. One of the lights above me begins to flicker and I wonder if I should seek out a newspaper and search for a new job.

Scenario Two: Hawkfrost comes and blows up the whole theater. Okay, so I can understand the show getting cancelled then, if theres anyone left to cancell the show.

Where do I come up with this stuff? I've got to stop eating rabbit before I sleep.

As all of these thoughts surround me, more and more people begin to fill the theater. I take this as my que to leave and I exit secretly the the back stage, where many of the contestants are currently sitting.

"Hey Sootfur!" Mistyfoot greets, running out at once and giving me a flick across the ears with her silvery gray tail. I pur at her in amusement.

"how are you guys doing?" I ask them all, seeing that they all look generally relaxexd, though some are looking around aprehensiviely. I meet the eyes of the pair I know to be leaving tonight (Lionheart told me last night). I shake my head to clear it.

We all sit and have an amiable chat for nearly forty minutes, and to me it seemed more like a Gathering than a game show. But then I hear the five minute warning bell sound and suddently the mood changes. The contestants are no longer looking at me like a friend, but as the one who is going to be soon be splitting their group up once more.

I mutter a hasty goodbye and enter back onto the stage, where the crowd goes crazy at the sight of me. I give them all a half smile.

"Seven people preformed last night. After your votes, we now have the top five singers around the lake. But who will be leaving? This is StarClan Idol.:"

The crowd goes wild and I can't help but grin. All of these people coming together in one place, all of whom are screaming at the top of their lungs, just really makes me feel- like I'm on top of the world.

The theme song ends and I introduce myself and the judges.

"Last night, the contestants preformed songs that they shouted out to another person or persons." I began. "Here is your recap." The screen showed Mistyfoot belting into her mike, Brambleclaw smiling from behind the drums, Stormfur proudly displaying his guitar, and other highlights. When it ended the audience cheered their approval and awaited for me to bring them the results.

"Lets start off the night with.." a dramatic pause. "Crowfeather."

The audience cheers and we get a glimce of Crowfeather being patted on the back by the other contestants on the behind the scenes screen. Seconds later Crowfeather appears and the crowd goes wild. I wait for the applause to die down and continue.

"Crowfeather, you sang "Even the Losers' by Tom Petty. Firestar thought you nailed it. Onestar thought it was one of your best performances. Leopardstar agreed. Blackstar said you impressed him with the arrangement." The auidience cheered at hearing his praise and I let out a small smile. "What was your stratogey going into last night?"

Crowfeather shifted his paws before replying. "I just wanting to give a performance that I could look back on without flinching."

I nodded. "StarClan chose who they thought were the best for the top five." Another dramatic pause. "And you made it through. Congradulations."

The audience cheers and Crowfeather grins at me before walking over to the sofas.

"Four places remain in the top five. Can I have... Tawnypelt." The audience cheers again as the ShadowClan she-cat slinks onto the stage. "Tawypelt you sang Bon Jovi. All the judges loved the performance." I give her a little side glance. "Join Crowfeather on the sofas- you are safe."

She pats me on the back and waves at the audience before sitting next to Crowfeather, who gives her a high five.

"Next out- I want Mistyfoot and Squirrelflight." The two she-cats take the stage to many cheers from the toms. Firestar's eyes glint as he sees them cat calling for his daughter, I can bet that Brambleclaw is the same way.

"Mistyfoot, you sang 'We Believe' by Good Charlote." The crowd goes mad at the rememebrance of her awesome performance. "All the judges thought you were stunning."

I turn to Squirrelflight. "You sang 'Its Raining Men'..." I pause. "The judges were not pleased with your song choice and thought it was a bad move this far in the competetion. Do you regret singing that song?"

Squirrelflight doesn't look fazed. "I live in the present." she says. A couple cheers are heard, but quickly silenced.

"One of you is safe. The other is in the bottom three and could face elimination." The two she-cats press close to one another and whisper encouragement to eachother. "Squirrelflight." I begin, and the ThunderClan cat closes her eyes and leans her head back. "You are in the bottom three. Mistyfoot can join Crowfeather and Tawnypelt in the top five." There are cheers for Mistyfoot, who hugs Squirrelflight and then joins the others on the sofa.

"If the final three contestants can come out?" Brambleclaw, Sandstorm, and Rainwhisker all lead the way onto the stage. Brambleclaw mutters encouragment to the pair and then shakes my paw in greeting. "Two of you are in the bottom three with Squirrelflight. This means that one of these three cats is definitley leaving here tonight." The crowd goes silent in anticipation. "Sandstorm." I begin. "How do you feel you did last night?"

"I tried my best." Sandstorm said simply. "So I'll take whatever happens with my head held high." The audience cheered for her.

"StarClan have spoken... and Sandstorm... You can join Squirrelflight in the bottom three." The audience gives an awe of dissapointment and she walks over to her daughter, who embraces her.

"So that leaves us with Brambleclaw and Rainwhisker." The two toms stand side by side. "Rainwhisker." I begin. "You sang 'God Bless the Broken Road.' Blackstar said that you improved since the begining of the show, but not enough to make it to the top five. How did that make you feel?"

"Well... I've given this thing my all.. and any improvement that I made is something I can live with." he says. I give my brother a sympathetic glance out of the corner of my eye, and he gives me half a smile.

"Brambleclaw, you also sang BonJovi. The judges thought your performance was unbeliveable. StarClan has spoken... and you are in the top five." The crowd cheers for him, and her hugs Rainwhisker, completely shocked. "Rainwhisker is in our bottom three. Will Squirrelflight and Sandstorm join us out here?"

The two she-cats come to center stage and they all look nervous. Rainwhisker hugs the pair of them and I find it odd that all three are ThunderClan. Then again, I know that many cats are thinking that the show favors ThunderClan becuase of the vast amount of finalists from that Clan.

"One of you is safe, and into the top five. The others are going home." I say. "Judges, predict who you think will make the top five."

Firestar glances up, torn between his mate and his daughter. "Someone other than Rainwhisker." he settles on. Thats harsh, coming from your Clan leader. Rainwhisker shakes his head and smiles.

Onestar ponders. "I think its to close to call."

Leopardstar nodds in agreement.

Blackstar shifts in his seat. "Based on last nights performance... Rainwhisker deserves the spot. If it was about the whole season, I would have said Squirrelflight, but she ruined her chances by sining that song last night." Firestar looks murderous as his words and several audience members sneer at him.

"The cat that is moving on to the top five is..." I declare, glancing once more at my cards to furhter postpone the inevitable. "Squirrelflight."

The audience seems shocked. The four cats on the couch all cheer in respect. Squirrelflight hugs her mother and Rainwhisker before joining the others on the sofa. Rainwhisker and Sandstorm embrace and the whole audience cheers for them.

"Rainwhisker and Sandstorm leave us tonight." I say. "Thank you to StarClan, the judges, and our band. We will be back next week, where the theme is viewers choice. Take a look at these cats' journeys as we say goodbye."

Their tapes play and I can't help but smile, even though my own brother has been voted off. Hawkfrost never showed.

StarClan Idol is not going to be cancelled!

Wohooo! How many saw that one coming?

So, my David Cook won American IDol (who called it!). This is seriously a first for me. My favorite NEVER wins! So, I am suffering from Idol withdrawl, now that the season is over, and StarClan Idol is my grieving counsel.

What I mean by viewers choices is this:


When you review this chapter, please make suggestions on what you want all the cats to sing- or any cat. You can even just list a song. The first five suggestions I get will be used in the next chapter! So start reviewing- quick!

Until next time,
