Hi sorry i've been away for so long but i'm in the last year of my degree so been VERY busy. this chapter has not been beta read, and i am looking for a new beta if anyone is interested. remember i don't own anything :) enjoy!

Chapter 19

"DAD!" Chris's face was red with fury that was only half put on.

"What the hell! Are you following us!?!"

"N…no, Chris , Milly, its not what it looks like! We thought you were in danger!"

"NO WAY! What bloody danger could we get into in Hogwarts?"

"Well you are in Slytherin territory Chris " Sirius was looking extremely sheepish.

"So fucking what! I have friends in Slytherin!"

"Watch you language young man and friends don't come from Slytherin!"

Rin turned the skrying dish off much to Draco's and Baize's disappointment

"Aww Rin!"

"I…I don't want to see it Dray" the young prince was looking exceptionally pale making the other two elves alert at once.

"Alizarin? Whets wrong?"

"They at least have a feeling that I am their son and still he thinks that I am a danger… you know part of me would have forgiven them if they had asked…not any more…they never loved me and they never will."

"Rin…my prince… you have a family who loves you…who worship you.." Draco pulled Alizarin into a hug "Your biological parents are assholes but you have your grandfather and aunt, as well as my mom and dad….hell you even have the annoying Gryffindor and Milly ….but most of all….you have me and I love you more then they ever could Rin….I'd give my life for you….not as my prince but as you, you mean everything to me. . .don't cry because of the two people who are too blind to see how good you are"

Blaize had slipped out of the room to give them some privacy as Draco comforted the young prince but it wasn't long before Severus came in.

"Alizarin, you have a visitor in my rooms"

"A…a visitor? ...who is it?" Severus raised a eyebrow but their was a smile in is eyes "if you want to know why don't you go and find out?"

"sometimes uncle you are very annoying"

"So … What did he tell you today? And are you sure you can trust him?"

"He was always kind to me Dray.. He remembered me when no one else did…apparently the Bumblebee is planning to force all first year students to use a heritage potion as a type of test just before Christmas break then of course when I am discovered to be a Potter they will wisk me off to Potter manor saving me from the evil force of the Malfoy's and using my power to make sure Chris defeats the dark lord"

Draco spluttered into his drink "HE WHAT!"

"Not so loud Draco I'm right next to you not the other side of the castle and you heard me… Grandfather will think of a plan this weekend when we visit" Rin smiled and hit Draco's back to stop him choking "you ok? Everything will be fine honest Dray"

"How Rin? ever since we came here they have tried to hurt you or take you away from me…I really can't loose you …as Rin you're my brother and as Harry you're my prince …but none of that makes any difference because you are my life!"

Rin was shocked by the sudden sincerity in the other boys eyes.

"Dray…I…for as long as I live I swear to be yours , I value you over anyone even my grandfather, I'm going no where unless your by my side!"

Rin hugged him tight a soft glow passing over their skin as ancient magic recognized the two boys claims to each other and far away in Cassiciacum the old king smiled as the red light on his watch which indicated his grandson turned blue indicating the change.

A few days later seven young people waited for their potions professor who had been chosen to escort them to their destinations (no one realizing they were all going to the same place).

"I think our plan worked quite well, very helpful that James was trying to get back in the good books with Mill and Chris. He's not even looked into where everyone is going"

Rin smiled at Baize, who he was playing at chess, while trying not to move to much unless he disturbed Draco who was dozing with his head on his lap.

"your right … Milly did he even write to Miones parents?"

"nope ….just said we could go… Rin you have missed two chances to win that game"

Rin grinned "I know but I didn't want Blaize to sulk"

"HEY!" Hermione giggled making Blaize blush and the others burst into laughter during which Severus stole into the room

"enough…are you all ready?"

They nodded but Milly looked apprehensive

"Sir?…isn't Cassiciacum barred from all human travel? How are we going to get there?"

Sev gave her one of his rare stunning smiles

"well you have researched well…it is of course but elves have their own form of apperation which is learnt very young thus each elf here will take one of you 'humans' along side"

She smiled and with a little bit of arguing it was decided that Hermione would go with Blaize (he wouldn't let anyone else take her) Chris with Sev (Draco wouldn't let Rin take him and Sev didn't trust Draco) Milly with Rin and Ron with Draco.

They finally arrived on the outskirts of the elven city a hour later. The land looked as though it was a forest however each golden glowing tree was a home and the branches moved working as lifts for the populace. In the centre of the city the biggest tree stood proclaiming itself as the palace. Rin turned to the four newcomers "welcome to my home".

At the palace gates the king stood at the top of a walkway lined with solders, on his left his daughter the Princess Anya stood holding her small daughter the lady Susan and on his right stood Lucius in full guard regalia. Rin and Draco flew into the arms of their Grandfather and father respectively taking away all the feelings of formality the meeting had.

"My boys!…My how you have grow these last few months …come on Blaize, come and give me a hug then you can introduce your pretty friend in a minute" hugged the last of his three protégés before his gaze turned to the other new arrivals "welcome children my name is Lukeel" gave them a friendly smile.

Chris stepped forward his Gryffindor bravery showing true "Hello sir…I am Christopher Potter and this is my sister Amelia, and our friends Ron Wesley and Hermione Granger."

The king smiled and went forward and hugged his two prodigal grandchildren " Christopher, Amelia I am very, very proud to welcome you into my family, this is your Aunt Anya and her darling daughter Susie." the two children moved to great their aunt and cousin as the kings attention went to Ron.

"Now Mr Wesley you bear a very striking remembrance to Fabien and Gideon Prewett, your not a relative at all are you?"

"T…they were my uncles sir …killed in the war, my mom Molly was their older sister."

"young man…they were not killed they just retreated here to live near their parents when there respective mates were killed"


"all powerful elves have a destined partner" sent a glance towards Rin and Draco "they just have to find them"

"oh …why did my mother never tell me any of this"

"your mother was very like my son young man she resented that all her family were elves yet she was human I suspect it was easier to pretend her brothers were dead then to admit the truth"

"their all elves?"

"of the most regal kind , I will send for them and your grandparents if you wish"

"oh…y…yes please" he ran to Chris to discuss his family leaving Hermione to the king

"now miss Granger.. I have no lost family for you I'm afraid, however, I can tell you that my seers have seen that one day you will live in this land and be very, very happy with your mate"

"come in Alizarin we have much to discuss." Rin stepped into his Grandfathers office and sat in the chair offered to him.

"I wish to formally announce you as my heir and your heritage to our land Rin along with formally announcing your brother and sister, this will make it easier for your parents to discover you but harder for them to take you from us….however I will not do this with out your approval"

Rin looked thoughtful "Will I still be Alizarin Malfoy at Hogwarts?"

"yes… the longer we can keep your secret the better my boy"

"then I except"