DISCLAIMER: I SUCK...and i mean SUCK soo bad that I would never own such a great thing as Beyblade!



Kai had spent the last year planning for this one day.

Today Kai would be a man!

Kai would get a woman!

Kai would lock tyson up in the closet and throw away the key.

Yes all of these thing sounded great to Kai . Heading towards his room he ran over everything in his mind.

It was all perfect.

Once inside his room kai unlocked and opened his wooden chest.

The whole reason it was locked was because Max had recently gone on a candy rampage. Trust me this chest was FULL of goodies.

He pulled out ten carefully selected objects before closing it back up.

Pulling out his cellphone Kai made some phone calls.

His plan was in motion.

With that Kai left for his first mission!


Hilary POV

Walking home she watched happy couples exchanging gifts, laughing, hugging, kissing and being together.

How she longed to feel that way.

But she was far to shy to admit her feelings out in the open.

To face regection form somebody she holds her heart for!

She was almost home when...


"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! What was that?"

Looking up Hilary noticed her bedroom window was open.

Hilary ran inside thinking her Mother was cleaning out her "secret place"!


Slamming open the door Hillary gasped in shock.

Her eyes roamed her room in amazement.

Somebody had filled her room with beautifull teddy bears, each one holding a small love heart shaped peice of paper.

Finally finding her feet she walked over.

Reaching the first teddy in sight she opened the small red card.

"There is night so we can appreciate day, sorrow so we can appreciate joy, evil so we can appreciate good

and you so I can appreciate love."

Moving on Hilary went through every teddy bear .

"I used to think that dreams do not come true, but this quickly changed the moment I laid eyes on you."

Her heart bubbled with excitement! Every card was so heart felt, somebody must have spent ages on all of these little poems!

"I wish I'd be a tear in your eye to roll down your cheek and end up with your lips

but I never wish you'd be a tear in my eye for I would lose you

every time I cry."

Over all there were nine notes and nine teddy bears, five huge teddies, three middle sized ones and one small one.

Hilary had no idea who would so all this for her?

She was normal, plain and ...lost?

Maybe this was a cruel joke? Or maybe her friends were just being nice to her.

Forgetting her cards and teddies, Hilary left her room feeling very confused.


"Lunch time i guess."

Hilary went downstairs to the kitchen. Opening the pantry she grabed some fruit and headed towards the dining room.

With her eyes cast downwards she walked in and sat at the old oak table. Placing her food down she lifted her head up and her eyes widened!

"Oh my"

There infront of her was a HUGE TEDDY! The biggest one yet!

This teddy was different from all the others, This one was a misty grey/silver and the tips of the fur were tinted blue.

But it was tthe eyes that shocked her the most . This teddies eyes were crimson and deep.

It reminded her of a certain blader...perhaps... nahhh not possible.

Her eyes travelled down towards its cudley paws...Which held a glittering blue card.

Hilary sat there staring at it, her mind and body almost trembling. Lifting her hand she slowly removed the card and opened it.

"You know me as stone, you watch me as i do you, you feel lost and i will find you."

"Wait for me at midnight, at the park under the blossom tree...I'll be waiting."

From outside a cloaked figure watched.



Wow i hope this is going ok lol. If anybody has any feedback pls feel free to write a reveiw for me. It would help me so much with this .