DISCLAIMER: I SUCK...and i mean SUCK soo bad that I would never own such a great thing as Beyblade!
Any on with the story, Rating may hitch up in later chapters.
Hilary POV
As usual Hilary watched the boys Beyblade...From the sidelines. How she dispised it, treated like a team member but never expected to do anything.
The others relied upon each other, but not her. They protected her from any possible harm and protected her from life. Hilary loved the boys, even though they were almost men she would always see them as boys.
A silent sigh escaped her lips as her ruby eyes land on one player.
He had saved her from death a few times and that made it worse.
He passed her in the hallway, his crimson eyes flickering up to meet hers.
He leaned against the wall, silently observing.
All of this made her life awful. Every day she had to see him and every day she realised he would never see her as she dreamed.
He would only ever see her as the "girl" on the team. The girl who chears them on, laughs, cries and then beats people to a pulp .
You see today was particually horrible, mainly because it was the one day in the year she hated.
Today was Valentines day.
All day she had to watch flowers and chocolates arrive for her lucky team mates, none for her.
Looking over at her team once more she got up and left.
But unknown to Hilary, a certain pair of eyes followed her every move. Smirking this person put their plan into action.
Kai watched the ruby eyed girl leave and inwardly thought " I hate Valentines day".
You see Kai has been hating Valentines day ever since he joined this team of rather unfortunate misfits.
He hated Valentines day ever since he met "her".
Always getting up before everyone else, creeping down the stairs, opening the door and then...
...Get this...
...Takes all the valentines addressed to Hilary and burns them.
Yes Kai was the reason Hilary hated Valentines day.
But every year he bought something for her.
Only he didnt have enough nerve to give it to her.
Kai: Hn...uh...i
Hilary: Did you want something?
Hilary: Sorry Kai i have to go ill cya after class k?
:End Flashback:
Oh and it got worse from then.
Kai: ...Hilary?
Hilary: Yes kai?
Kai: ...
Hilary: Kai? are you okay? You look very red?
Hilary: O.o
Max: Look um Kai im awfully flatterd bu--
Kai: Tyson you dumb fuck!
:End Flashback:
Poor Kai, he hasnt had any luck over the years..
Smirking he thought of his plan, all his hard work, all his early mornings, all his secretive stares have been amounting to this very day.
Kai had a plan.
Hope you liked it! I love Kai/Hilary . Well all and all i just love Kai hahaha jokes...maybe