Disclaimer: Still not any closer to being mine, except what I claimed in SU.

ReviewResponse for SU:

Arwennicole: You definitely deserved it. No need to wait any longer, here it is.

Tal: Of course you get recognized. You helped me out.

Star Fata: Thanks

Phantom Rogue: Duh! Yeah, maybe you do owe me a little. Glad you liked the chapter. Here's the sequel.

JDPhoenix: Yeah, finally. And I figured the perfect scene for your birthday.

Grass King: Well, you still have to wait a little longer on the baby, but here's the sequel.

Tay: Glad you liked it. Here's the next story.

SweetSas: Thanks, -blushes- that means a lot to me. Here's the sequel.

Johnny: Glad you liked the final chapter. Yeah, Chris is definitely a great brother. Well, I had to take revenge on him embarrassing them some how, it just seemed perfect. I'm not at all sure if Elia will actually marry before the twin, but she'll probably find a boyfriend soon enough.

Jenny: No, I really didn't mean that to make you feel guilty, it was truly meant in the way it stood there. You put up with me and didn't even complain that much. Well, a late happy birthday to your locker… how did it get one? I love that babble review, I love randomness. Just one thing… in your ramblings… you left out the most diabolical pairing of all… Andros/Cassie. –shudders and washes her mouth with lots of soap- You and me both got that grace period. I had already planned to take one. Yeah, SU was definitely a great story and I'm proud of it. Enjoy its sequel (though you've read so much more of it already).

Zeopurple: Glad you liked the ending. The sequel is here.

Megarider: Thanks, I had to end it there or I might have ended up with 90 chapters or something.

Enigmaforum: Laziness is something to cherish. Glad you liked the ending. No need to wait any longer for the sequel is here.

PhoenixGuardianEmaku: Yeah, but it's also hard to believe that already is 45 chapters though. Is this soon enough?

Dargoneyes5000: No need to wait anymore.

The-power-of-love: Glad you liked.

Psycho Tangerine: I just noticed… are you the same Psycho Tangerine as on youtube? Well, I mostly finish my stories or they take a long time to get published. If it's not been requested before… it's yours.

Piper xox Leo: Yeah, I know Evil and Insane are my middle names. Well, the sequel is here and this is what happens:

Puasluoma: Thanks.

C.C.C.: Yeah, I definitely left you waiting, but that baby couldn't be born just yet and still can't. They deserved to have a happy wedding night, so I gave them one. Remember the dress comment was familiar to Ash? He used the same on prom night ;) Here's the sequel.

DizneeDol: So… you thought it stank? JK. Here's the sequel.

Mita427: Here it is, no worries.

Slytherin-Angel44: Here it is.

BlackHalliwell: Thanks.

Darklover: Thank you, that means a lot to me. Here's the sequel.

Summary: 'You're the only truth I know, you're the road back home.' After years apart, Andros and Ashley can finally start building their life together with their children. Sequel to Secrets Untold.

Living Truth

Chapter 1: All That Matters

Andros walked the halls of the hospital happily, making his way to the ER. Today had been Ashley's last day at work and he had promised to pick her up. Some of her colleagues she had befriended were throwing her a surprise baby-shower, so she had told. When Chris had asked how it could be a surprise if she already knew about she had replied she'd act surprised. As the others laughed at that, Chris threatened that if his mom wasn't having a boy, he was out of there.

Andros almost bumped into a doctor when he rounded the last corner before he'd reach the ER and he made a quick apology. The other glared at him and Andros quickly walked on, slightly puzzled.

Once he entered the ER, a smile brightened his face. He leaned against the doorpost as he watched her as see stood amongst her friends, chatting happily with a hand on her large stomach.

"I thought you were supposed to keep off your feet?" He called pointedly, laughing.

Everyone turned around and smiled as Andros strolled into the room, wrapping his arms around his lovely wife. He placed a tender kiss on her lips and smiled down at her.

"They said I could find you here." He told her. "Something about being paged for an emergency, but I don't see one."

"There was." Ashley defended giggling. "The emergency was that they hadn't had time to throw me a baby-shower yet."

Andros laughed and shook his head.

"What has the baby been spoiled with then?"

"Loads." Ashley replied simple. "But my back hurts and my feet are swollen and the baby has been playing soccer with my bladder all day, so all I really wanna do now is go home, take a nice long hot bath and sleep."

"Go." Tracy told her friend. "We'll have your presents brought to your house tomorrow, it's part of the service."

"By ambulance of course." A paramedic winked and Ashley laughed, not quite managing to suppress a yawn.

"Thank you all." She told them from the warmth of Andros's arms. "You've been too kind. This is going to be one spoiled baby. I'll make sure Tracy keeps you all informed."

They quickly said their goodbyes and Andros led Ashley away. At the front desk the same doctor Andros had almost run into was talking to the desk clerk. When he noticed them his look turned into a glare again and Andros noticed Ashley's eyes shot daggers back. He kept his mouth shut though and he had silently helped her into the front seat of the car.

It wasn't until her turned the ignition that he looked over at Ashley with questioning eyes.

"Who was that guy and why does he keep glaring at me?"

"That was Dr. Delgado, but everyone calls him James." Ashley sighed in reply. "He's the biggest flirt around and probably covered more than half the female staff already – hey, maybe he's even done some of the guys. He's been trying to get into my pants for years. He just about freaked out when he heard I was pregnant. He pretty much short of called me a whore and only shut up when I threatened with a restraining order."

Andros looked over at her for a moment and placed his hand on her knee, his eyes turned back on the road. Ashley closed her eyes at the comforting gesture and placed her hand on his. She left it move and moments later their fingers twined.

"I won't kill him." Andros told her, the low rumble in his voice near a growl. "I'll let the cops handle him if he dares to even lift one finger at you. And he should consider himself lucky, because if it weren't for the fact that I really don't want to spend any more time apart from you by being hauled off to jail, I'd rip him to shreds with my bare hands."

"Andros." Ashley sighed, squeezing his fingers. "Don't let him get to you, okay? He's not worth it."

"I won't." Andros promised as he turned onto the driveway. "Now how about I draw you that warm bath and have Chyler make dinner when she comes home from her dance class so you can take a nap and rest your back? Be good and I might even throw in a free foot rub."

"Mmmmm, sounds great." Ashley agreed, waiting when Andros got out of the car to help her out. "Are you going to be my sex slave too tonight?"

Andros laughed and captured her lips for a brief moment.

"We'll see." He told her. "I don't want this baby to be born prematurely just because its parents don't have any self-control in bed."

"I'm a doctor, I know what I'm doing." Ashley grinned as he led her into the house.

"Doctor or no doctor, you are going to sit on this couch with your feet up while I'll run you a hot bubbly bath and you're not going to move until I say so." Andros told her, and helped her onto the couch.

He put a large pillow behind her back and a smaller one beneath her feet before kissing her lips and leaving the room. Ashley smiled and leaned back. She felt her whole body relax now it was off her feet and she let her eyes slip shut for a moment.

It seemed like barely a second later that someone gently shook her and she found herself staring into two amused hazel eyes. She smiled sheepishly and wrapped her arms around Andros's neck when she felt his arms slip under he knees and behind her back.

"If you're that tired, I don't think you'll be needing a sex-slave tonight." Andros grinned as he easily lifted her up and carried her to their bathroom. "You can hardly stay awake now."

"I'll have had that nap you promised me." Ashley grinned up at him.

He shook his head with a laugh and set her back down on her feet, just in front of the closed bathroom door. Pressing his lips to hers, he grinned.

"Just get into that bath before it gets cold or I won't rub your feet after all. I'll be right back."

Ashley was puzzled as she watched him go, but shrugged it off and opened the bathroom door. Her mouth dropped open when she saw the many candles that were light, scattered around on every available surface, filling the room with the softest hint of vanilla. She smiled at the sweet and romantic gesture from Andros. She quickly stripped and lowered herself into the hot water. It had just the right temperature to be comfortable in.

She had just gotten herself comfortable in the tub when Andros walked in, a steaming mug in his hands. When he handed it to her she noticed it was hot chocolate and smiled at him gratefully. He really was being too good to her.

"Where were you when I was carrying Chris and Chyler around?" She asked, happily sipping the hot chocolate.

When she saw pain flash across his face she noticed her mistake.

"Oh, Andros, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean…" She started, desperately trying to make him see she didn't mean it like that.

"It's okay." He assured her, quickly flashing her a smile. "I know you didn't mean it like that. I just wish I could have been around, that's all."

"We have a lot of lost time to make up for." Ashley agreed. "But you're here now and that's all that really matters to me."

"You, Chris, Chyler, Danne, this baby and what we have here, that's all that matters." Andros vowed softly. "All that ever could matter and all I'd ever want. Now give me your feet before I decide I'm spoiling you too much."

Ashley laughed and lifted one foot out of the water, leaning her head back as Andros gently massaged it. Nothing could get better then this and she wouldn't trait it for anything.

A/N: Hope you liked it. No… Andros is not for sale or rent and he's definitely NOT a food-group! Review!

Between school, homework, 'clubs' and life… this story might not be updated as fast as SU, mainly because I don't have too many chapters yet either… I know Jenny probably disagrees. Just, bare with me not updating every day, okay? I'll be writing as fast as I can.