AN: Sequel to Identity. If you haven't read the first story you'll have no clue what's going on…ok? I'm having weird cravings for raw ramen and sugar cookies….must almost be that time of the month…yucky. Also, tomorrow is my birthday, so this is my reversed gift.

Chapter One

Midori wiped the sweat that was forming at her brow away and surveyed the area below her. There were eight men, but the leader was her target. They were all practicing different jutsus on each other. It was like a buffet for her Sharingan eyes.

She watched them for several hours, letting their own teqniques be stored in her mind. She finally grew bored and took out a single kunai, aiming it for the leader's head. She threw it, but it was knocked away by one of the ninja protecting him.

"Raikage, I humbly request that you leave this battle to me." The masked man said to the Kage.

"Of course." The woman nodded and disappeared without a trace.

Midori shrugged. "I wasn't after her anyways." She said before making him look into her eyes. He gasped when he saw the spinning commas. The man didn't even see the attack coming.


"Daddy, I'm home!" She yelled through the front door of the mansion with the body dragging behind her. In a flash he was besides her poking at the man.

"Is he alive?"

"Good to see you too." She answered sarcastically. Itachi gave her his 'don't fool around' look and she sighed. "No, he's just knocked out."

"Take him to your mother and then go train with Yusuke and your brothers."

"Yes Daddy." She bowed and scrambled off, the body waving wildly behind her as if it were nothing more than a piece of cloth. She stopped in the hospital ward to only find Miki. "Good morning Auntie." She greeted cheerfully.

The brunette looked up from her paperwork and smiled. "Your mother just left a moment ago. She went to check on the boys. Dump him there." She pointed at the hospital bed where Midori impatiently threw him.

She quickly said goodbye before running out again. Yusuke had probably challenged Sakura to a fight, and her mother wouldn't back down. She was too headstrong to do something like that.

Sure enough, sounds of battle were coming from the training room. Yusuke and her mother were battling it out in the center mat while Midori's three younger brothers, ages 16, 15, and 14, were cheering either side on. Sakura stood beside them and suddenly felt depressingly short.

"How long have they been at it?" She asked Shin, the second born child. His red eyes followed the pair while he pulled on strands of his shoulder length red hair that he had inherited from his grandfather. He sighed and let his eyes fade back into their normal forest green color. "Yusuke is too strong for his own good, but he still won't beat mom."

"Yeah!" The next to youngest cheered. Like Midori, Daisuke had jet black hair, but she also had his father's dark gray eyes. He and Shin were about the same height, and bets were being placed around the headquarters about who would end up taller.

Last in line was Isamu. He was born without the luxury of seeing, but he was one of the best ninja the Akatsuki had ever seen. There were many strange things about him, like that fact he was born with Sharingan eyes, or that when he used the Sharingan he could see Chakra patterns in people and could use it to almost see, but it took a great strain on his body if used for more than an hour. That's why he was only using his ears to observe the match.

The match was over nearly half an hour later. Both were covered in sweat and panting heavily, but Yusuke had won again. Shin jumped up and went over to congratulate his two year senior.

"Yeah, you're back." He said gruffly to Midori with a smile. Without warning he grabbed her waist and swung her around despite her protests. When he set her down she was out of breath and giving him an Uchiha glare.

"Damn it!" She cursed at him. "Are you trying to kill me?"

"Do I look like I have a death wish?" He contorted his face. "Your father would have me dead so quickly that I'd be stepping on the heals of your feet on the way to the underworld."

Midori smiled gently and brushed a piece of dirt off her clothing. She sensed another presence coming up behind her, and she barely managed to dodge a possibly lethal punch.

"Drat, I missed." He mother sighed.

"Every time I come home you try to attack me!" Midori yelled.

"Its good training!" Sakura countered. "Your reaction time had gotten better already." Midori knew she couldn't deny that, but still! Her own mother kept randomly attacking her!

The green eyed 17 year old huffed and stomped out the door. She was met by a bored looking Isamu outside. "You should keep your temper in check." He commented while turning his blind eyes towards her. Most people would find how his discolored eyes moved as if they worked, but she was used to it.

"It's mother." She sighed. "I think that's a valid enough reason."

"So childish…" He sighed back.

"Hey, you need to act more like a kid." She answered and started to ruffle his hair. He caught her arm and held it in the air.

"I will when you start acting like an adult." He smirked and let go. She glared back. "By the way, father want's to speak with you."

"I saw him half an hour ago."

"Well, apparently this is a new situation." He shot back. "I don't know anything about it, so shut up." He turned his back and walked away. She smiled and ran towards her father's workroom.


"You want me to do WHAT?" Midori screamed and Itachi sighed. He was getting too old to be yelled at; especially by the two women he loved most. The only two women to be precise.

"My spies in Konoha have told me that if nobody comes to claim the Uchiha property within the month then they are going to claim it as government property. You have to go there, claim the property as your mother and I's daughter and live there." He narrowed his eyes. "I also would like you to enroll in classes there and become an official ninja."

"But that means I have to leave here."

"Very observant." Kisame chuckled from the corner. He shut up when Midori sent him an Uchiha glare.


"Midori, please don't fight this. You have to do it. There are people in Konoha who will know you, namely your mother's generation. If we sent your brothers they would be at the very least doubted, and at the worst killed."

She gulped and then looked down. He brothers getting killed because of her stubbornness was not something she wanted. "Okay, I'll go." She started to stand, but her father's voice stopped her.

"Midori, please do not tell them that you've been living here. Be careful with your knowledge of the Akatsuki. There will be people assigned to extract information from you."

"Of course." She scoffed. "I'll leave now. Konoha is only a day away, and I'm guessing that there are clothing and money in the house?"

"Yes." He gave her the combination to the safe and she pecked him on the cheek one last time.

"See you later Daddy!" She said cheerfully and stepped out.

AN: Tomorrow is my birthday, so please leave me a nice present…aka a nice review.