
I shut my eyes. No. It's not true.

It's not true. It's not true.

It's not fucking true!

Biting back tears, all I could think about were the words spinning aound in my head.

Who's gonna be there when no one else is?

Who am I going to comfort whenever she cries?

Who's gonna make me feel like I'm actually worth SOMETHING.

What was once mine is gone.

Taken from me.

The one thing.

That one person.

I remember it so well.

Her being there.

Her beautiful smile.

Her soft red hair in the wind.

Her dying, before I could say, "I love you. Good-bye."

Who's gonna be asleep in my arms late at night?

Who's going to be the only person I'll know at my college?

Who's going to graduate by my side?

Wendy. It's all her fault. If she hadn't...

No. All I can think is that it's my fault.

I should have taken care of her.

Who's gonna hold my hand when it's empty.

Who's gonna look at me the way she does?

Who's gonna smile and make it all alright when it's not?

The order of Death.

It skipped me. I'll live.

But what's living without the one that made my life worth living?

It hurts so fucking bad, I can't believe it.

Who's gonna help me hold on when I feel like letting go?

Who's gonna fend for me when I'm cornered in a fight?

Who will I give everything to have back?

Pulling on my jacket, vengeance in my heart, I head out the door.

I know what I have to do to ease my soul without her.

With just one more thought going through my head.

I start up my van, but pause.

"Who's gonna be my Pip?"

Up above, she smiled. she asks herself that too, "Who's gonna be my Zip?"

Airy: Sorry if i made Ian sound so sad and OOC, but the look on his face when Erin died killed me! I just had such a good idea of how he must have felt and got it down on fic before I lost interest. Depending on reviews, it will either be a one, two or maybe even a three shot. Up to you guys.
