Chapter 16

The school was filled with movement as each kid went about their own business. Although most of them caught sight of Dan and Sonja and began to ask questions. The obvious questions about where did they go, what did they do, are they BF and GF and a bunch of other things. The teachers welcomed both of them back, and even went easy on the home work because of Sonja coming back after a year. Dan, no one was really interested to hear what he had to say. The teachers only cared about Sonja for the most part. But it didn't bother Dan that much. Less questions to answer, less questions to refuse answering.

Lunch rolled around and Dan scowled at the familiar smell of the "Slime" lunch menu. The Slime lunch menu was named such because of what it contained...which no one actually knew, probably not even the lunch ladies. Dan and Sonja sat together whenever possible and always could be seen smiling at each other. In algebra class Dan would fall asleep and Sonja would wake him up before their rather Irate teacher, Mrs. Greenhorn, caught him. Everyone laughed at her name, it was a name that sounded like it was on a sticker and she liked it so much thats what she called herself. Her license plate was also "fvcku124". Which most of the kids wondered why she was allowed to have that on school property.

Eventually it came to after school hours, when the Pack would gather together. Dan was going to try getting in again, but he noticed some changes. And so did every other emcee in the room.

"Ayo Crowe, whats wrong with ya eyes man?" John Hill came up and asked "Looks like you colored em in man!"

There was some laughing in the room before another person asked "You goin to try again Crowe?"

"Yea, this time I'm gonna make it!" Dan said smiling "Just wait"

"Not if you go against Husky again" John replied.

"Ghost your a dip-shit, Husky is Crowe's girl man!" one of the kids around yelled.

"Well sorry! I thought that he would have said so!"

"HE DID!" Everyone yelled.

Ghost threw his arms up in the air and walked away. There was some laughing and then someone asked the question.

"Ayo Crowe, whats ya new stage name man?"

Dan smiled and turned around "Its Wolf man"

"Why Wolf homie?"

"Lets just say, it fits me"

"Good enough, 20 minutes man, then you on stage!"

Dan nodded and sat down for a minute. Sonja came up and sat down. She smiled and said "Its good to be back, thanks Dan"

"Heh, no worries, its good to see a human face" He said grabbing her hand "Now, who should I go for?"

"From what I've heard, go for Richard Keeling, his stage name is Tack"

"What the hell? Damn girl some of these names are getting rediculous!"

"Hehe, yea I agree" Sonja giggled "Alright well, think for a while. Rules are still the same, 45 seconds for punches, personals, all that good stuff."

"Alright Sonja, thanks" Dan said watching her walk away "Tack...damn this kid is gonna get owned."

The twenty minutes passed pretty quickly. Dan and Tack got on stage and they looked at each other. Tack was a pretty fat kid, although he was no fat Joe. He had a huge shirt, with really baggy pants, it was probably the fat alone keeping them up! The Master of Ceremonies went through his nightly ritual of stating the rules before a beat spun up. Tack stood there for a moment before spitting. But it didn't matter. Dan wasn't paying attention. Forty-Five seconds went by pretty fast, at least it seemed to. And it was Dan's turn. Unlike his battle with Sonja, he thought of disses for this kid. Although he was never much of a battler, if he got a personal, and a punch, then he could win along with the enjoyment of his verse and the multies (Cock-The-Glock, etc). The beat spun up and Dan had the mic.

Ayo, this kids outta his mind to go against me, fa real!

If hes doin this he must be three fries short of a happy meal!

Look at this kid, bigger than the Beverly. hills ninja

His fat is holding his pants up! Im feelin the need to offend ya!

Just then the kid turned around, and however disgusting it was, he had a plumbers crack.

Crack kills, thats what I've been told!

Wipe ya ass, before pickin some gold!

The kid kept giving Dan disses, he pulled up his pants and then picked his nose. What kind of people was the Pack getting?

Kid your name is tack, you dont think thats whack?

Bitch you got a keg, i got a six pack!

You just got killed by a wolf, how do ya like it?

I could be like urkle and win while hikin it!

For the finisher he dropped the mic and pulled his cargos as high as they would go. He walked to the corner of the stage and listned to the cheers from the crowd.

"Alright, alright! I think we got a winner!" the M.C. Said picking up Dan's hand.

Just as he was done talking Sonja ran up on stage and ran into Dan. He grabbed her, spun around and said "This was something I thought I would have to be 18 to do"

She smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek and said "Wolf, your part of the pack!"

He walked Sonja home before going home himself. Daniel laid inhis bed and sighed. Things were going alright for once. He had the girl of his dreams, finally didn't choke in public, and finally joined "The Pack". Finally, things weren't as piss-poor as they usually were. Dan smiled and looked at a duffel bag he packed. He put on hand and rested it on the bag, just in case another un scheduled visit occured. Dan looked outside and saw the moon, and listned to the sound of wolves howling. He opened the window and let out a long "HOOOOOOOOOOOWLLLLLL!" and listned to the wolves respond. He smiled. On the outside, he was a boy. But inside, he was a wolf. And he would have it no other way.