Kid or Wolf?


Daniel laid in his bed and sighed. Things were going alright for once. He met the girl of his dreams, finally didn't choke in public, and the girl who he liked, liked him AND rap. Finally, things weren't as piss-poor as they usually were. He had just gotten back from playing his guitar and getting a pretty penny. Bushed Daniel closed his eyes and went to sleep, holding on to a duffel bag and guitar.

Chapter 1

Daniel woke up with a start. He had the WIERDEST dream he remembered having. He looked back and tried to remember what he saw and laughed when he finally succeeded. There was a white wolf who said some mumbo jumbo about him having an important choice to make. And then there was light and he remembered becoming a wolf. He yawned and then tried to get up on two feet and then stumbled. "what the?" he yelled. He looked down and saw four furry paws, he looked over his back and saw a tail.

"How did this happen!" Daniel yelled.

In a panic he ran outside of what turned out to be a cave in the side of a mountain and looked at his surroundings. It was snowy, VERY snowy, it was a hilly area with some pine trees spread out around the place. It was really weird, the air smelled different, he could smell the trail of an animal. He could hardly feel the snow beneath his paws, he wasn't even cold, he could also hear everything that was going on. In the distance there was a small town. He started to run towards the town when a voice came.

"Wouldn't go there if I were you wolf"

"What? I'm no wolf lady" Daniel replied looking in the distance of the voice.

"Tell that to someone who can actually see you"

He looked at where the voice was coming from and saw that it was Black and White husky. He then looked at some half melted ice and saw his reflection. He WAS a wolf, but how did that happen? He had yellow eyes, except he had cool blue iris' instead of the usual brown that wolves had. He also had a bluish gray fur on most of his body, including the top part of his maw. The rest was white.

"whats your name?" Daniel asked looking up with a funny look on his face. She snickered before talking.

"Sonja, whats yours?"

"Daniel, its Daniel" he said looking at her. It was strange, she must be about 6 months old, which meant she was somewhere around Dans human age.

"Mind showing me around Sonja?" he asked turning his entire body to face her.

"Sure you might want to be careful around town though Dan, not a lot of people are friendly to wolves." she said beginning to walk "although there was Balto..."

"Who's Balto?" Daniel asked.

"A half-wolf who saved Nome"


"Yea the town over there" she said turning her head to face the town "Nome, Alaska"

The town was pretty small compared to were Daniel grew up. He looked around and saw a couple people give him some strange looks, while some others came over and petted him. Then they finally got to their destination, a boiler room. There were about twelve dogs in there, some sitting on the rafters while others sat on the floor.

"SONJA!" a cheerful voice came "who's this...WOLF!" he yelled obviously surprised.

"I'm Daniel" he said taking a few steps forward

"Well if Sonja brought you here then you must be a oh-kay" said a nameless dog.

Daniel spent some time talking to the dogs and then went back to his cozy little cave. He then noticed that his duffel bag and cloths were lying around.

"Great" he said "My cloths are lying around, and I can't play my guitar"

He laid down and went to sleep, obviously tired from the previous events.

Sonja watched as the wolf walked out the door to go back to where ever he lived. Something just wasn't right about him, but she couldn't put her paw on it.

"Hey looks like Sonja has the hots for the wolf!" yelled a dog.

"Whatever Jack, he's nice, I do like him. Just not in that way" she said smiling.

"Yea-huh sure Sonja whatever you say"

She turned around said goodbye and then went back to her owners. She hoped that she would see Daniel again tomorrow. When she got back to her house she laid in bed and dreamt of the wolf, the wolf who gave her hope.

Daniel woke up with a deep inhale which caused him to cough in the cold weather. It was probably the middle of the night and he was colder then he had been with Sonja. He looked down and saw that he was a human again.

"WHAT THE HECK!" he yelled.

He walked over to his cloths and put them on. They were possibly colder than he was. He got up and gathered up his stuff and walked to town. He appeared at a mans doorstep. When he opened the door it looked like he was no older than 24.

"Sir I'm sorry to be bothering you so late at night but i need a place to stay" Dan said crossing his arms in the cold.

"Sorry son but we don't have any room, plus we just don't let strangers in out house. Let alone to stay the night" he said

"Please ill even work to pay off a debt, please I really need a place to stay"

The man thought for a moment before saying "all right come on in"

As he did there was a barking before a Black and White husky came running out.

"Sonja! Shush! This is just a boy looking for a place to stay" he said petting the dog.

"Sonja?" Daniel asked taking a step forward.

"This is my dog, don't let her frighten you" he said before going into the living room. "you can sleep on the couch" he said pulling out some covers.

"Thank you mister" Daniel said lying down.

"The names David, yours?"

"Daniel" he said. He watched Sonja's ears perk up at the mention of his name. "she must remember my name" Daniel thought turning and trying to fall asleep.

After a few hours of trying to fall asleep he couldn't, to tell the truth he didn't want to. He was afraid of becoming the wolf and getting beaten by David for being in his house. So he just sat up and watched the fire in the pit as it danced an endless dance. Noticing he was awake Sonja walked over and licked his hand.

"Remember me don't you?" he said scratching her behind the ear "Yea I bet you do"

"Remember you? I've never even met you before!" came a voice

"Who's never met me?" Daniel said looking all over for the voice. Then it hit him like a bag of bricks. He watched Sonja cock her head.

"Can you understand me kid?"

"I... I don't really know" he said getting up.

"Can you hear what i am saying?" he heard the voice. Except this one was cooler, more calm than Sonja's.

"Who is that?" Daniel asked looking around. Then when he looked back at Sonja her eyes where pure white and she didn't move her mouth when she was speaking. "yes i can hear you" she said slowly.

"Daniel you have a choice to make" Sonja said

"What choice are you talking about Sonja?"

"No Daniel, Sonja is not speaking this moment. My name is Aniu, i am the white wolf"

"Okay then Aniu what choice are you talking about?" Daniel said spreading his arms out.

"Whether you want to stay a boy, or become a wolf" Aniu said

"Why am I here and why do I have too make this choice?" he yelled "I didn't make the choice to come to Nome, why should this be any different"

"Daniel are you okay?" came Davids voice.

"Yea David just a bad dream" he yelled not wanting David to come down.

"Because Daniel this choice could change you life, for the better or the worse i do not know. But it is one that you must make" she said

"BUT WHY!" Daniel stressed.

As he looked at Sonja he saw that her eyes were back to normal and she was back to cocking her head.

"You cant understand me anymore can you Sonja?"

All she did was get up and slowly walk back to her bed before curling up and going to sleep. Leaving Daniel all to himself to ponder what just happened.