This story happens right after Seven Year Witch. This story switches back and forth from the actual world where the charmed ones live and limbo where Cole lives. Every time you see "123456789" that means that the realm that the story is coming from has changed.


"You know, I'm not totally sure that I'm okay with the idea of you watching us. Now that I know about it it's kinda creepy. I can't even hide or anything, since I have no idea where you are. I seriously don't approve, its really really creepy" Piper said looking for all the world like she was talking to herself, since she was quite alone in the room.

"I mean don't get me wrong, I appreciate what ya did and all. But still I mean the idea that you spy on us is not that cool with me. You stay out of the bathrooms buddy, or so help me I'll find a way of making you regret it! Actually I guess I can't really stop you. Actually I don't know if you're even here and listening to me, but I'm gonna assume that you are" Piper said with a decisive nod.


Cole rolled his eyes and groaned. "Wonderful she thinks I'm a bloody peeping tom. Don't flatter yourself Piper; I have no interest in watching you in the bathroom, now phoebe… well that's beside the point. Geeze, paranoid much. I really hope someone see's her talking to thin air, that will make this lecture all worth while. Damn, Halliwell women can be so freaking crazy."

And so started the beginning of an interesting and unlikely friendship.