Author's Note:

I have received a 'few' request for sequels to several of my stories. So I have decided to throw all the stories together in a grab bag and 'mix it all together' into one big sequel. The stories you ask? Out of Town Girl, The Benefit Concert, The Fifth Album and The Stalking of Hannah Montana.

(Sorry, Peter Freeman a.k.a. The Stalker is still in a coma.)


There was a major problem with the old power grid in this part of town. The proof of that was the replacement transformer shorting out and catching fire. It was going to take a month to replace the old power grid. Places that could afford it brought in semi-trailer size power generators. Public and private schools didn't have the money. So they pushed back the school year and gave the students the time off.

Carey had been working hard for the last several months and she needed a break. This looked like a good of time as any. First she went to Mr. Moseby and asked for four weeks of vacation. She had more than enough time built up. When Mr. Moseby asked when, Carey told him for the next four weeks and told him why. He couldn't say yes fast enough. Next she went over to Maddie and asked for a certain phone number and asked Maddie if she wanted to come too. Phone calls were made and plans set into motion.


Maggie was losing the fight. She slipped out of remission. This time things were going bad fast. Her only hope would be a bone marrow transplant. Maggie's bone marrow information was taken and put on the bone marrow registry. After what seemed like years, a match was found. It was in Malibu. Since Maggie had been to the children's hospital for cancer out there before, her doctor suggested going out there for the surgery. Jim and Sara agreed.

Once at home, Jim called Robbie Ray to tell him what was going on. Without having to be asked, Robbie Ray asked when they were coming out so he could have the house ready for them. Basic plans where made and more detailed plans would be made as more information came in. Robbie told them not to worried about things on this end. He would take care of them.


Frank West had stayed on to work security. Matter of fact, he was the number two person in charge of security. Roxi was first. He had an easy assignment today. Pick Hannah up from school and drive her to the television station were she would be making a commercial about a fund raising contest for Leukemia Awareness Week in California. The idea was simple. The school that raised the most money won a school dance staring Hannah Montana. Also the top fund raising student or group of students won a dinner with Hannah. Because stranger things had happen in her life, she was hoping it wouldn't be Amber and Ashley that won the dinner.