This is one of the many ideas I got and this one won't leave me alone until I do. I hope you like it. Don't worry, A Wonderful Vacation is still going to be updated and I finished the plot summary, so it's just a matter of writing it.
Note: The OC is 15. The rest are a year older (16). All the adults are basically four years older than when they were at the beginning of the manga. Kakashi is 29, but turns 30 after September. (This part comes in handy.)
Note 2.0 (Don't you just love them?): I hate this. I love this. Some of you hate this. Some of you love this. The world is full of paradoxes and oxymoron, but despite it being cold and harsh, it is full of promises. And I've fulfilled one of mine. Here is the revision.
Disclaimer: Don't own Naruto. There, I said it.
As per usual, it was a foggy day in San Francisco. Like all ordinary days, a girl was waiting for the light to change. She stood waiting on the curb, studying the cars whizzing by with her bright brown eyes, her elbow-length hair flowing behind her. The white man in motion signaled her to walk and she started to move at a leisurely pace with the shuffle of her feet reaching her ears with the other sounds of the city. She knew this light gave her 15 seconds and stuffed her hands in her pockets, melting into the city sounds and becoming one of the crowd.
A car whizzed past the traffic, rushing by the multi-colored vehicles in its path as its surroundings blurred into smears of color.
'Stupid work. I have to run back for a stupid file my boss left and it's my day off too!' the driver thought angrily as he cursed under his breath. He sped down the near empty street, missing the red light completely as he barreled down towards an unsuspecting girl.
The girl heard people on the street screaming at her. Curious to what they were pointing at, she looked to her left to see a red Toyota Camry coming at her at 40 miles per hour.
She froze.
'I guess I lived a good life. Oh…I hope this doesn't hurt as much as I think it will.'
She put her forearms in a defensive position and waited for her death when a man in the crowd darted off the sidewalk and grabbed her out of the car's path, both falling onto the ground. The car screeched to a halt a few feet away and the driver rushed over.
"I'm so terribly sorry. I wasn't paying attention to where I was driving. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Are you hurt?" he asked.
The girl simply got to her feet and brushed off her clothes. Who knew city streets were so dusty?
"I'm fine. I'm sure you had a reason for driving so fast. Please pay attention to the road next time, other people might not be so lucky," she replied easily with a smile on her face.
The driver thanked the girl and went back into the car and drove within the speed limit to his workplace. The girl turned towards her savior, taking in his features. He was a tall with an eye patch, a mask, and, surprisingly, silver hair and she wondered how old he really was since he looked like he was only in his twenties. She shook her head. She was staring. That was rude.
"Thank you for saving me. Are you alright?" she asked.
"I'm fine," he answered. "Why'd you let him go so easily?" He asked, his curiosity getting the better of him.
"Seeing how we weren't hurt badly and he seemed to be in a hurry, wouldn't it be easier to forgive and forget than hold a grudge and waste everyone's time?" she said, closing her eyes as she smiled.
The man smiled in return. "I suppose you're right."
The girl smiled at him wider and extended her hand. "I'm Megumi. Nice to meet you."
The man chuckled. "Kakashi. Pleasure is all mine."
She smiled back, when she noticed the time on his watch. "Shit!" She covered her mouth, blushing at how his eye widened at her sudden cursing. "Sorry. I'm sorry, but I have to go. I'm late."
He nodded and she turned to leave before she looked back and grinned. "I hope we meet again, Kakashi!"
He nodded and she smiled at him before dashing down the street, her orange scarf fluttering behind her and her black trench coat.