Disclaimer: Don't own Kh. That's it.

Author's Notes: Well I finally beat Chain of Memories (I didn't get it when it came out and it was my friend's) and thought of this little parody idea. I'm have just basically given up on writing my Organization's New Recruits story...


Riku walked down the grassy field with King Mickey by his side. They came across an intersection with DiZ standing in the center.

"What road will you choose Riku... the road to light or the road to darkness?" DiZ asked.

"Neither. I'm taking the one in the middle."

DiZ stared at the two roads, after all they were at a three-way intersection.

"Uh Riku, you know there are only two roads to choose from, right?"

"Well then I'll just make a third road then..."

DiZ sighed. "No Riku, please follow the script and.. wait, where did you get a lawn mower? No, no, Riku don't start it up! No, don't mow down a third road! No, no wait! Don't- awww, shit... I'm fired now aren't I?"

KershaFangs appeared by his side and said, "Yuppers!"


Just something I thought up of... Review!