Supposed to be a one-shot. Decided to be cruel and it became a mini-series. Four parts. Completely yet subtly Royai. Pure torture for your guys. Enjoy!
She watches him gaze idly at the monotonous sights in the window. He sighs, repositions his arm, eyes drooping heavily. Trips like these bored him to the point of restlessness, with a lot of controlled fidgeting, drumming fingers, and the occasional burst of flame catching on a curtain. Sometimes he'd stand up and walk down the aisle and back again, just for something to devote his attention to.
She wonders why he doesn't just watch her like she does him (what's the use of sitting across each other if you can't do so?), then the thought kills itself in her mind before she herself can. She's done this so many times it was becoming more than a habit, but an impulse.
She remembered suddenly why she hated traveling by train.
She noticed everything about him, from the way the corners of his mouth curled upwards just so when he thought no one was looking to how, when you call to him, his voice is gruff and sounds unused at first when he replies as if he'd been so deep in thought he forgot how to speak.
She just didn't want to think about why he seems to look at her and not see, not realize, as if he was looking through her, not really knowing her. Like she wouldn't die for him.
The rest of the car's occupants were unsettlingly quiet, as they were.
In those few hours of stillness her world was enclosed solely in the flashing of the barren land outside and the sound of their breaths, synchronized so that you couldn't tell them apart.
More action later. If there is a later. Depends on whether or not you