Chapter 11: Capable of Love

Disclaimer: I do not own Samurai Champloo or any of it's characters.


Normally, Jin was a man of patience, having trained diligently in a rather prestigious dojo, being patient came as an everyday lesson. Patience to learn the art of his katana, patience to find peace in meditation, patience in everyday life, and patience even as unexpected journeys would fall into his lap. However, all that had changed. . .when impatience came in the form of an irritated pirate and a formal yukata.


"Are you sure you don't need any help?"

"Shut up, you er- pony-tailed homo!"

'Pony-tailed homo', that was a new one. When Fuu had left the hut, Jin had begun teaching Mugen the tradition of which the marriage ceremony would be carried out, then Mugen had bathed and shaved. They had hit a snag with the yukata, though, Mugen had never worn anything formal, his normal attire being the simple shorts and shirt. The yukata had layers and if one was not familiar with wearing one, then it would sometimes take a longer amount of time to figure it out.

Mugen, unlike Jin, was not a patient man.

The Ronin sighed as his pirate friend cursed, fumed, and broke things. An hour had passed and then was no end in sight to the loud annoyance coming from inside the hut. With another sigh, Jin stood and calmly made his way to the hut, opening the door and entering into the chaos inside.


Five minutes later found the pair walking down the path that would lead them toward the small temple where the marriage would take place. Mugen, dressed now in the yukata, rubbed the new lump on his head, glaring sourly at the Ronin beside him. They found the tea house owner waiting for them and Mugen almost groaned in irritation, until the owner produced a bottle of sake for them to share before the ceremony.

As far as Mugen was concerned the old man was his new best friend.

When Fuu arrived the men were rushed inside to take their places, Mugen kept his eyes on the doorway of which Fuu would enter. When she finally did, he wasn't quite prepared for it.


Fuu's heart began to beat rapidly as the temple came into view and before she knew it they standing only a few feet from the door. Yuki placed a hand on her shoulder and gave her a reassuring smile, understanding her friends anxiety. When the doors were pulled open she found darkness and when she entered her eyes adjusted. When she found Mugen, she suddenly relaxed, and everything in her knew that it was going to be okay.

Mugen had to blink a couple times, just to make sure that the woman in white before him was the same loudmouthed tea waitress he had chosen for himself. When a loud rumble rang throughout the small temple and the bride laughed lightly in apology, before muttering something about not having breakfast, Mugen knew no more questions were needed to know the identity of the woman before him.

The ceremony went pretty smoothly, the pirate didn't understand half of it and scowled through the entire thing, but somehow they made it through without a hitch. When it was announced that they were man and wife, Mugen had fully intended on taking his newly acquired bride and barring them inside of their hut for the next month. However, the women took Fuu to change and it was announced that there would be a celebration of the union at the teahouse.

Mugen made his grumpy attitude apparent then entire way there, which only had the others that followed chuckling at his eagerness to get Fuu to himself. They made it soon and waited for the women to arrive, when they did and Fuu was not with them Mugen sent a silent look to Jin. The ronin understood and casually left the teahouse in order to find the young woman.

The pirate was nursing his fifth cup of sake when Fuu entered followed closely by Jin. She had changed into a less formal kimono, one that was a soft peach in color and had white trimmings, which must have been made from the leftover silk. She paused in the doorway and looked around, before finding Mugen.

Fuu blushed deeply as her gaze landed on Mugen, he looked so different, clean shaven and in a formal yukata, but while she did enjoy the view he presented, she suddenly missed her scruffy pirate.

"FUU!!" Yuki latched onto Fuu's arm. "You're married!! Have some sake!!" A drink was shoved into her hands and she sipped at it gingerly. "Bet you're excited for tonight!" The drink which she had been sipping so carefully suddenly went spewing into the air in surprise and shock.

"Yuki!" Fuu burned a deep red, before looking over to Mugen, who was now sporting a wide grin, which told her that he had heard everything that had just been said.

Mugen watched as Fuu went from one person to another, thanking them for attending, feeling a bit aggravated that he was being paid so little attention. When Jin sat down next to him he sighed, swallowing another cup of sake.

"You'll have her soon enough." Jin said quietly.

"I thought you were against this." Mugen teased.

"She's happy, as long as you keep it that way then I'm against nothing." He handed Mugen a package and the pirate opened it finding some money and directions to rather expensive bath house. "A wedding present, they have a room ready for you."

"This is a little ways away, we should probably get going." Mugen stood, but paused when the Ronin place a hand on his shoulder.

"I will be leaving tonight, I been too far from Shino for too long." He gave a nod to the pirate. "Take good care of her." Mugen gave him a nod.

"We'll give you a visit, four-eyes in a few months." The Ronin smiled and then turned to give his congratulations to his female friend as well as give her his goodbyes. Mugen watched them silently, only feeling a bit irritated as Fuu warmly hugged Jin, he approached after the Ronin had moved away, placing a hand to her back to catch her attention. She presented him with a brilliant smile that caused warmth to spread through him.

"Mugen?" He tugged lightly on her kimono, telling her it was time to leave. She gave him a nervous nod and said goodbye to Yuki.

To spare her the embarrassment Mugen snuck them out so the guests wouldn't realize they had left. She looked confused as Mugen led them in the opposite direction from their own hut and he smirked lightly before shaking the small package that Jin had given him.

"Four-eyes gave us a present, we have a little ways to walk, but we should reach it before nightfall." Fuu blushed, taking his hand which he held out for her. "What's got you so quiet? Usually I'd have to gag you to get you shut up." She pouted and gave him an offended look.

"I don't talk that much!!" He gave her a pointed look. "Okay! Fine I do talk a lot, but at least I'm not boring." He pinched her side and she squealed, jumping away from him.

"Who said I was boring. . .I'll keep you plenty interested tonight." If it was possible, Fuu's blush became an even deeper shade of red. He tucked her under his arm, pulling her closer to his body.

"Actually, I was thinking that I kind of missed my scruffy pirate." She said as she touched his smooth cheek, he gave her a wicked smile, leaning over to give her ear a nibble.

"See, you like me dirty." She gaped at him, but couldn't really hide her enjoyment at his actions. "Oi, here it is."

"It beautiful. . ." She murmured.

"Yeah, whatever. . ." He could really care less, all he cared about at the moment was finding their room and making very good use of his young bride. He had a lot of making up to do, due to these past months of celibacy, he was practically hard where he stood.

"Welcome Newly Weds!" Mugen flinched at the overly enthusiastic bath house owner and was relieved as he and Fuu were led immediately to their room. Fuu gasped in awe at the beautiful room as Mugen paid for food to be brought up, silently telling the serving maid to bring it in a couple hours. The women smiled knowingly and slid the door close as she left the two alone.

The room was very extravagant, a large futon laid in the center covered in what looked like feathered comforters. There was lavish draperies all over the room and there was a small doorway, which probably led to a private hot spring. There was a small pack on the bed as well, which Mugen assumed either Jin or Yuki had packed some spared clothing for them. He smirked, they wouldn't need it until they left.

Fuu wandered over to the doorway, opening it, and smiled finding the small hot spring, she prepared to shut the door, but froze when she felt the solidity of a body behind her. Arms slid around her waist as Mugen rested his head on her shoulder, his breath caressed her cheek as he spoke.

"We'll make good use of it later." He muttered, causing her to shiver. He turned her to face him and found her trusting eyes locked on his, he kissed her then, not really sure how to reassure her. She sighed softly, relaxing into the kiss, opening her mouth easily.

After a few moments he lifted her, making his way to the large bed. He sat her on the edge before squatting in front of her, his hands moving to her obi, she almost jumped away, but he stilled her, showing her a patience that she had never seen from the pirate. He leaned up and kissed her again and she relaxed, thankful for the distraction. He whipped of the obi with a practiced ease, the kimono coming loose in the process. He then pulled away after a moment, tugging on the ties to the Yukata, finding it much easier to take it off than it was to put it on. He tossed it aside, paying no heed to his nudity until he heard the soft gasp of the young woman before him.

He smirked as she covered her eyes and couldn't help but laugh at her embarrassment due to his nakedness. He pulled her hand from her eyes, radiating with male pride as her pink tongue darted out to lick her lips. His hands drifted up her thighs, taking the kimono with them, as the kimono parted more alabaster skin was revealed, however when her breasts almost came into view she clung tightly to the silk fabric in order to keep herself covered.

He gave her a questioning look and she looked away from him, he turned her face back to him and suddenly understood why she kept herself from view. He had always proclaimed that he thought bigger was better, Fuu was petite in every aspect, he use to insult her so much about being flat chested, it was no wonder she was terrified about what he would thing of her body.

He pried her fingers loose and opened the kimono fully, before pulling it away completely. He cupped one of her breasts, sending a shudder up her spine, his thumb moving over the dusty pink nipple that had hardened due to it exposure to the cool air. Fuu grasped his shoulders in order to keep herself steady, trying to keep her breathing steady.

"Mugen- I. . ."

"I like them. . ." He said quietly, before she could respond he had his mouth on her, sucking lightly on the mound. She inhaled sharply and he pushed her back onto the bed, her eyes shut and for a terrifying moment she felt like she was back in the dying sunflower field.

"Open you eyes. . ." He ordered, his voice harsh, but gentle. Her hazel depths snapped open, finding Mugen, her Mugen. He wiped away the tears and kissed her again, his mouth hot and wet. He found her neck, his teeth scraping lightly over her fluttering pulse point. One of his hands drifted downwards, parting her thighs easily, sliding a finger up her lower lips causing her to go still. He smirked into her neck, before continuing his attention to it. She gave a soft cry as he began to rub, avoiding the small bud, that would ultimately send her into a sharp climax, for the moment. "Fuck, you're already so wet."

"M-mugen. . ." While she didn't like the crude remark, she couldn't seem to find anything to say, she felt like she was on fire. She loved the way his hands felt and his mouth on her skin, how she could ever be afraid of this was beyond her. "Oh!" His thumb rubbed the sensitive bud between her legs and already she felt something wonderful building up inside her.

The first time she came it was almost like a surprise, she wasn't prepared for it and she sobbed out her release as Mugen continued the delicious torture. As she came down from her high she was vaguely aware that he had placed himself between her thighs, his fingers were inside of her, stretching her, readying her. She squirmed lightly as more of his weight pressed down onto her and she froze up when she felt his fingers leave and something else entirely pressed against her.

"You know I'm not good at being tender and all that other shit." He said to her quietly, staring into her eyes. ". . .but, I'll try to be careful." She gave him a small nod and hooked her arms around his neck. He kissed her smoothly, at the same time guiding himself into her warm opening. He broke the kiss and winced at how tight she felt, she clung tightly to him, and gasped.

He froze however when he felt something that he had thought would no longer be there, he dropped his head down into her hair in amazement and disbelief. It only took him a second to recover and he muttered an apology into her ear before sharply snapping his hips into hers.

She cried out in surprise and pain, Mugen wiped the tears that escaped from her eyes, giving her a moment to adjust.

"I-oh . . .Mugen. . ." It took him a second to realize that she was smiling happily through her tears. "I'm yours. . .he didn't take it, he didn't take it, Mugen. . .Oh, I love you so much."He groaned and began to move, starting up a steady rhythm. Soon Fuu's pain faded, she asked for more and he gave, harder or faster it didn't matter. Her nails dug into his back, leaving light scratches as they raked down his back. She came much harder than the first time, crying out in joy and passion. He followed soon after, collapsing onto her soft body.

After a few moments he moved to pull himself from her body, but she stilled him, holding him to her tightly as she whispered that she wasn't ready for him to leave her yet. He then rolled so that she laid on top of him, not breaking their intimate connection. He pulled the blankets over them when she shivered and decided that he would allow his young wife to sleep until their dinner arrived.

While she slept he watched her, running his fingers through her auburn locks every once in awhile. She was his, completely, he was her first and he would be her only, something primal welled up inside of him, a certain type of protectiveness, unlike before. She murmured his name in her sleep, a soft smile forming on her lips.

He questioned himself long ago and thought that he was incapable of loving anything or anyone. He knew now, that if he was capable of loving anyone, Fuu would be it.

"Girly, I might just love you too. . ."


A soft knock came to the door and Mugen realized that he had lost track of the time. Carefully he rolled Fuu to her back and slowly pulled himself from her tight and welcoming warmth, she moaned softly, but slept on. He got up and threw on his shorts which he found in the small pack that they had found in the room, before going to the door and accepting the food that was brought up. He carried the tray over to the bed, setting it on the table at the foot, before he set to the rather happy task of waking the sleeping girl.

It didn't really take much, holding a small bowl of rice in front of her nose had her awake in no time. She blushed brightly and he handed her one of his shirts to put on while she ate. She slipped it on before the both began to down the contents on the tray, Mugen didn't miss the small smiles she sent his way, nor did he miss how she seemed to always be touching him. They ended up with him leaning against the headboard of the bed and her leaning on his chest between his legs, he waited as she finished her rice and when she set the bowl aside he leaned down and began to place soft kisses to her neck.

"Again?" She asked quietly, her voice beginning to fill with desire.

"Hell yeah woman. . .I've been without anything for months, the way I see it, you owe me." She couldn't help the giggle that escaped her, and he scooped her up making his way to the small private hot spring adjacent to their bed.

"A bath would be nice. . . ." She said shyly.

"We might have time for that too."



Kuro Black: I hope you all enjoyed my story and I'm sorry that it took so long for this last chapter to get out, but hey 'life' right? I would like to thank you guys for all the support and reviews and I hope to write more, whether it be Samurai Champloo or InuYasha, or Ouran Host Club, be on the look out for more stories and I wish you luck with your own!!