I was leaning against the wall with my eyes closed. My long, orange hair was surrounding me while I just laid there.


I ran into the house, filled with joy and called out "Oneechan!" and found myself hugging an older and kind girl named Tohru.

End Flashback

Another Flashback

"What's with you hair?" said one girl, pointing it out in the middle of the black top.


"Her eyes too," said another, shuddering. "Orange? Hair is one thing, but orange eyes!"


"She's like some kind of inhuman freak," the first one said again, laughing.

"…But I was born this way…" I whispered.

"So you couldn't just get your hair dyed so you could actually look NORMAL for once?" the first one said, smirking while the other one sniggered.

"I can't exactly change what I look like…" I said quietly.

"DYE IT, STUPID BITCH! CAN'T YOU GET THAT THROUGH YOU HEAD!" I winced at the sudden outburst. I looked over at Hiro, but once I looked toward him he looked determinedly toward some other kids.

End Flashback

Even Another Flashback

"Hiro-chan, you're leaving…?" I asked.

"Yeah, Mom has to go to the United States," Hiro said, throwing some of his clothes into his bag, which was beyond disorganized.

"Do you want me to help…?" I prompted and she started to pick up a shirt on the bed.

"No!" Hiro yelled and I flinched. "Ah…! I didn't mean it like that, Kisa!"

"It's okay…" I said with a slight smile. I didn't want to help much anyway. I felt that if he helped Hiro, the quicker he'd be done, but also the quicker he'd leave. That's how it was to me, anyway.

"Satchan! Saaattttchaaaaan!" Satsuki Sohma's voice called me from the bottom floor. "You're mother wants you home!"

"Ah…! Coming, Aunt Satsuki!" I was about to stand up when I felt something on felt head. Hiro ruffled my hair. His face seemed slightly red.

"Well, don't forget that when I come back, we have to watch Mogeta together," he said, and his face got even redder. I looked at him, slightly puzzled.

"Do you have a fever, Hiro-chan?" I asked, putting my hand on his forehead.

"N-No! Are you that clueless!" I withdrew my hand quickly. "Ah…No…sorry, Kisa, I didn't mean to do that."

I nodded and stood up. I didn't say good-bye. Good-bye always means "bye". Sometimes, when you don't say "bye", you'll know that you'll see the other soon.

End of Flashback

I opened my eyes and grimaced disgustedly. I was so weak back then. Back then all I was a stupid, innocent, and introverted girl. I was so god damn weak.

"Kisa-sama!" a girl with short, blonde hair poked her head from the corner of the alley.

"What is it, Momo-san?" I asked, sitting upright.

"A guy out there," she gasped and pointed toward the direction she came from.

"What about him?" I demanded, pocketing my knife and taking out my gun.

She put her hands on her knees and panted before she continued. "He's asking to see you…! Says you're related or something. But he also started picking fights with others…!"

"Stay here, Momo-san," I said calmly. I started to run out of the alley. "Tell anyone who comes where I went!" I called over my shoulder.

I didn't have to run far. I saw the gang in a ring. I pushed myself to the center. I saw four guys' bodies, which were bloody and mangled. In the middle was my cousin, Haru.

"Kisa!" he yelled. I looked at him in the eye and raised it slightly, acknowledging his presence. "What are you, stupid!"

"What the—" a boy named Katana rushed at Haru, preparing to engage in combat, but Haru knocked him out before Katana could even touch him.

"How DARE you even THINK about insulting Kisa-sama!" shouted Nadeshiko.

"You're going to stop me?" he glared at Nadeshiko, who couldn't think of a comeback and just glared back.

"What're you doing?" I asked, my voice low with anger. Why did he beat down four—no, five of my friends?

"You shouldn't be here," he said, his voice angry as well. His black side, I thought ruefully.

"Why not?" I snapped.

"You can't be part of a gang! Nevertheless, their leader!" he shouted back. "I don't know what happened to you, but you're beyond imagining!"

"And that's bad!" I yelled at him. "It's bad that I chose this!"

"Yes, because you don't even know what the hell you're doing!" he roared. "You don't know how your mother's been feeling about this! And did you even think about Tohru? Tohru, Kisa, Tohru! Tohru wanted to come down herself to help you!"

For a second I thought about Tohru, but that second left when I said in a low, calm voice, "There are three things you did wrong in front of me, Haru. One: You attacked this gang. Two: You dared to argue with me. Three: Don't you DARE mention Tohru's name here. I'm going to give you thirty seconds to get out of my face."

"Kisa! You're being stupid!" he bellowed. "You're making a mistake! What happened to Tohru? Or Hiro! What do you think Hiro would do if—"


Haru fell to the ground motionless. A couple of seconds later, a slow, steady, trickle of blood dripped from his head. Everyone turned to Kisa. Her long, orange hair fell to her sides, only moving in the slight breeze. Her eyes were filled with cold and fierce flames. In her hand was a gun whose trigger had just been pulled.

"I said I would give you thirty seconds, Haru…." I muttered.