Sango leaned against the stone cold window ledge and looked up to the sky. There was a rock like thing floating in the center of the sky. It seemed like it was on fire with a blue flame. It was their sun. They had been in this castle for two days and no one really said anything to her about the jewel thing. She sighed her and Kohaku have been doing nothing but hanging around this stupid castle. Sango turned away from the window to look at the only other woman in the room.


The girl was kind and all but was cruel at the same time. She couldn't help to notice that Kagura was very loyal to Bankotsu. She showed almost no respect to the others, the only person she did respect was Bankotsu. It made Sango wonder if they had some type of love affair or something going on. She looked away when crimson eyes landed on her. She had been reading a book at the center island of the over grown room.

"Is there something on your mind Sango?" she asked with a sigh. Sango pushed off the window and began walking towards the female vampire.

"There is actually," said Sango as she sat down next to her. Kohaku looked up from the book he was reading. He had started reading some of Kagura's books when he found out that they had no television. He stood and took a seat a crossed his sister. Kagura arched her black eyebrow. Sango cleared her throat.

"I was just wondering…how did you meet Bankotsu?" she asked. Kagura smirked as she put her book down her full attention on Sango.

"Why do you want to know?" she asked. Sango looked down at her hands a light blush coming to her face. She shrugged and looked back at Kagura.

"I'm just curious I guess," she mumbled

"Curiosity killed the cat," said Bankotsu as he pulled up a chair next to Kagura whose smirk seemed to grow matching his own. His chair was turned backward. He crossed his arms and placed them on the back of his chair using them as a pillow as he rested his chin on them. Sango crossed her arms over her chest. She always got an attitude when he came around. He always came off like a jerk she couldn't help to put up her attitude.

"I'll tell you anyway," said Kagura placing a hand on top of Bankotsu's head she stroked his hair lovingly. Bankotsu shut his eyes a smile gracing his lips. Sango looked away she could feel the familiar jealousy gripping at her heart. She didn't know why she was jealous she didn't even like him. He was such a jerk. She had only known him for two days and she already knew what type of guy he was.

It all started about one hundred years ago. My village was attacked by men. There were over 25 of them. That wouldn't be much to the villages now but back then the villages were smaller and 25 men was enough to bring them down and that's just what happened. They killed all the men and children finding no use for them. They saved the woman forcing us to pour them drinks and fulfill their desires.

I was forced to watch as they raped my mother then my sister. When it was my turn I got scared. I was a virgin and this was not how I wanted to lose my virginity. So I fought them like my life depended on it. I could hear my mother saying take it easy and fighting it was going to make it worse but I couldn't. When I finally got the man off me I ran. Me running threw the village got a lot of the men's attention so that's when the chase began.

I ran into the forest about maybe nine or ten men chasing after me. I was bare foot and the forest floor was killing my feet but I didn't stop running not until I tripped and fell over a tree root. I scrambled to get up but a man pushed me back to the ground. They surrounded me but I still fought against the man pinning me to the ground. He rolled me over and saddled me. I punched at his chest and kicked my feet but I couldn't get him off me. He leaned down towards my ear.

"Stupid girl," he hissed I could feel his warm breath on my ear. It seemed to bring me back to reality and I was scared again so scared that I was frozen in fear. I could feel my eyes begin to burn with tears. I didn't want to cry not in front of these men but once I felt the warm liquid run down my temples I knew it was too late.

I felt a piercing pain in my stomach. He leaned up and I looked down. He ripped his knife from my stomach. He had stabbed me. I started to cry some more knowing that I was going to die. I placed my hands over the wound but it didn't stop the bleeding. The blood seeped through my kimono and in between my fingers. I could hear the men laughing around me and calling me stupid but I didn't care all I cared about was getting the bleeding to stop. Then I saw him. He was standing amongst the men laughing with them. It wasn't until he slapped a man on his shoulder did they notice him.

"Who are you?" snarled the man pointing his spear towards the boy. He looked to be younger than me. I would have warned him to get away if I wasn't worried about my own life. The boy smirked and a fang popped out which they didn't seem to notice.

"Who are you?" asked the boy. I heard some of the men growl. The man with the spear tried to attack him. The boy just side stepped him and grabbed the spear breaking it in half. All the men gasped and took steps back. That's when the boy showed his true form. His whole eye went black instead of just the pupil like how you seen in the human world and his fangs grew. The men gasped and once again stumbled back from him.

"H-he's a v-vampire!" one of the men declared and as soon as vampire left his lips they were all running back towards the village. In all that fuss I had been slowly but surely crawling away. Away from the men and away from the vampire. The boy jumped and landed soundlessly in front of me. I froze once again in fear. He knelt down in front of me and cupped my chin. He brought my face up to look at me. I looked back he had turned back and his blue eyes pierced me. He smirked at me.

"You're dying, woman," he stated plainly. My eyes narrowed and I glared at him. His smirk grew.

"You don't think-," I stopped my smart remark when I felt something warm coming up my throat I didn't have the time to lean over. It came up and all over his hand. It was blood. He let go of my chin to bring his hand to his lips. His tongue snaked out and licked up the length of his hand. I gave him a disgusted look which only caused him to smirk.

"What a pretty set of eyes you have," he said sitting Indian style in front of me. I couldn't even mumble thanks before I fell limp to the ground. I felt so weak and tired. I wanted him to finish me and quick. I always wanted a quick and painless death. I just didn't want it to come so soon. I felt him poke my shoulder and I turned my head as much as I could to look at him. His face had suddenly gone serious.

"I could save you if you want me to," he said his black eyebrow arched in question. I stared at him as I thought. I didn't want to die. I wanted to live. There were so many things I wanted to do. I wanted to see the world. He poked my forehead seeming to get inpatient.

"I want to live," I said. My voice sounded cracked and my throat had gone dry. He smiled down at me before pulling me into his lap. I was so weak I couldn't fight him if I wanted to. He pushed me up and removed my black hair from my neck. I saw his fangs grow and his eyes turn black. He licked his smirking lips before he went to my neck.

I let out a sharp cry as his teeth pierced me. After what felt like years I felt his teeth leave my flesh. I felt even weaker as he sucked blood from me. His hand went into my hair and he pulled me closer to him. I felt like he was draining the life out of me I would have pushed him away but I couldn't I was just too weak. He finally pulled away and smirked down at me. My blood slowly went down his chin. He licked his red lips before he brought his own wrist to his lips.

He bit down on his wrist before he pulled it way. His blood dripped down onto my kimono but I didn't mind it was already stained with my blood. He brought his wrist to my lips. As soon as his blood dripped to my lips I licked it away. That's when I felt it in me something stirring strongly in my stomach. I grabbed his wrist and pulled it down again this time sucking on the puncture wounds. His blood tasted good and seemed to satisfy the stirring in my stomach but I wanted more. He didn't hiss in pain or wince as I bit into him giving me more blood. He just smirked down at me and ran his hand through my hair.

I don't know how long we sat there me feeding off him but he finally pulled away. I followed his hand and he chuckled. He ripped the bottom of my kimono off and wrapped his wrist with it. He smirked down at me.

"If you drank any more you could have killed me," he said flashing his teeth. He gently pushed me from his lap and stood up. He grabbed my elbow and helped me up. I felt my strength coming back and I could stand on my own. The pain in my neck and stomach were suddenly gone. He wiped his chin clean before coming to me. He took my ripped kimono from his now healed wrist and wiped my mouth and chin. He dropped it on the ground carelessly after. He smiled his teeth glistening.

"I'm Vampire Bankotsu," he said with a bow. I bowed in return.

"I'm Kagura," I said. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and began leading me in the direction of my village a smirk gracing his lips. Of course I followed willingly. I owed him my life.

When we arrived the men walked around doing regular actives. I could hear some of the women screaming in the distance. They were probably getting punished for my escape. Some men stopped walking and finally took notice of us. I noticed that none were the ones that hunted me in the forest. I felt Bankotsu push me forward.

"Drink 'til your heart's content," I heard him say from behind me. I jumped on the closest man to me and I heard the men begin screaming 'vampire' but I didn't care I would kill every one of them.

I don't know how many men I killed but it was a lot. A lot of them had also escaped unfortunately. I couldn't help to notice that Bankotsu had disappeared from sight. I wondered the village for a moment before I found him. He was in the hut where they kept the women. He hadn't killed any of them he was just leaning against the door frame waiting for me. He took me in. The women were all huddled in the corner of the hut crying and holding each other.

My mother stood up and on shaky feet walked towards me. Tears fell from her eyes and she said my name lovingly. She reached for me and stroked my cheek. She was my mother and I loved her. I couldn't stay with her. If I did her life would be on the line everyday as well as my sister's. I showed her my new fangs and she took a step back. She said my name again this time filled with fear. Bankotsu stepped up next to me. I could see his smirk from the corner of my eye.

"Which one of them can I have?" he asked licking his lips I looked at him in disbelief. Why he asked me I didn't know. I looked back to the woman of my village. My mother had gone to my sister holding her while she cried into our mother's chest. All the women were crying and staring at me like I was a God there to take there lives. I shook my head as I took a step back.

I couldn't do it. I grew up with these women. Many were my child hood friends. Some were my neighbors. They taught me how to sew and plant crops. All of them were my family. Bankotsu arched an eyebrow in confusion waiting for me to answer. I shook my head again.

"None of them I don't want you to kill any of them," I said my voice shook slightly but I didn't know from what It wasn't like I was going to cry or any thing. I heard some of the women sigh in relief. Bankotsu stepped towards me with a devious grin on his face. I stepped back and watched as he turned. His fangs long and glistening.

"I save your life and let you take revenge on the men in this village and this is what I get in return?" he asked. I felt fear in my chest as I took another step back. He quickly grabbed my arms and pulled me to him. My arms went to his chest. He pressed me hard against him making sure they stayed there.

"Their my family," I whispered softly. His grin turned in to a smirk.

"Fine I'll just drink from you," he said and before I could protest his head was to my shoulder and his teeth were piercing my neck. Once again I heard myself let out a sharp cry. I could hear my mother cry out to me but one of the village women held her back. Bankotsu sucked over the puncture wounds he had given me. I stumbled back and he followed me. He pressed me against the wall as he continued to feast on me. I once again began feeling weak. Just as my knees gave out under me he pulled away. I slide to the ground holding my neck. He stepped back and licked his lips. He knelt down in front of me and cupped my chin forcing me to look into his once again blue eyes.

"I could have killed you but I didn't. You wanna know why Kagura?" he asked I nodded my head best I could. I could feel the puncture wounds getting smaller under my hand and I realized they were healing. His smirk left his mouth and all playfulness was gone.

"Because I like you and want you by my side. Are you with me?" he asked. He let my chin go when I looked to the village women. I couldn't stay with them. I wouldn't be accepted by any other village and if I was I would probably just end up killing them. I had no where else to go. I looked back to Bankotsu and nodded my head. He smirked again and stood.

"Say goodbye to your family," he said before walking out of the hut. Before I could even stand my sister was on me crying in my chest begging me not to go. I rubbed her back. The village women were scared I could sense it but they came to me any way whispering good luck to me and telling me to be safe. My mother moved some of my hair from my face and told me she loved me. I told them that I loved them all and explained to my younger sister why I couldn't stay and then I walked out on my life. Bankotsu was leaning against the hut waiting for me. My new life started as soon as I left the village.

"Wow," whispered Sango. Bankotsu smiled and rubbed his head against her hand.

"She's been by my side every since," he said looking up at her. She smiled. "Your eyes remind me of blood," he mumbled his head going back to his arms.

"Don't you have a story like that?" asked Kohaku more than interested in this vampire thing. Sango looked to Bankotsu. His face seemed to sadden but he smirked none the less. His blue eyes dropped to the floor as he seemed to remember something buried into his memory. Sango wanted to reach out and touch him but Kagura's hand began stroking his head again almost comforting.

"I have a sister a blood sister like you and Kohaku. I was turned when she returned back to my village three years after she had disappeared…" he started.

Our village was being attacked but unlike Kagura's ours was by demons. My father had died protecting me and my mother. We ran from the village still being chased by demons and into the near by forest. My mother tripped and fell and I watched as a demon devoured her. With her last breath she screamed for me to run and I did. I was all alone and I was scared but I kept on running. The demons were still chasing me and I was beginning to get tired. My legs were killing me and my feet were going numb.

I was running so fast that I could barely see where I was going so I wasn't surprised when I ran into a tree. Or at least I thought it was a tree. I fell hard onto the ground and I closed my eyes waiting for the demons to devour me but it never came. When I opened my eyes a man was standing before me but I didn't really care about him I just wanted to know where the demons went. I looked behind me to see that they were lying there dead. I turned back to the man.

His hair was long and wavy. It flowed around him. It looked like he had woman's eye shadow on but from my spot on the forest floor I couldn't really tell. He was wearing white fur that covered him neck to toe. He smirked down at me. Then I noticed the figure standing next to him. I noticed it was a woman before I realized that it was my sister.

She looked the same as the last time I saw her except her hair wasn't in the long braid that she always wore it in such as myself. It flowed down her shoulders to her hips. Her bangs looked longer and went into her eyes slightly. She had on crimson lipstick that reminded me of blood and eye shadow to match. Her blue eyes were a cold chilling blue but I couldn't look away from them. She had a matching smirk on her face as the man.

"Aya," I whispered softly. It had been three years and I was now at the same age as her when she left. I was fourteen when she disappeared. I had missed her so much. She was my best friend. She taught me everything from how to make swords to how to plant flowers. I fell into depression for a year or so after she just up and left. We never knew if she left willingly or if she was kidnapped of if she died some where. We didn't know anything and that was what hurt the most.

"Go to him," I heard the man say. And she did. She knelt down in front of me right between my legs. Her hands went to the ground and she hovered over me. Her long hair curtained around us and gently tickled my face.

"My sweet innocent little brother," she purred. Her hand came to gently touch my face and I closed my eyes loving to have her touch me again. I missed her so much and to know that she was alive over powered me. So quickly I had forgotten about the village and our parents. My sister was alive and that was all that mattered to me.

"Do you wish to be with me brother?" she asked and I opened my eyes. Her blue eyes were burning with something that I didn't recognize. I nodded anyway. I didn't want to be alone I wanted to be with my sister. I didn't want to lose her again. She smirked and I saw her fangs. I leaned back and she leaned forward. I let out a gasp when she leaned down and kissed my neck. I pushed her away and my face must have asked the question my dry mouth wasn't willing to speak because she smiled. She gently pushed my arms off her and stroked my cheek.

"Relax," she whispered. She went back to my neck again. She kissed me gently a few times before her tongue snaked out and ran a crossed my skin. I stiffened. With another woman this would be perfectly fine but she was my sister. I didn't push her away though. It was when her teeth pierced me that my hands went to her arms my short nails dug into her and my mouth opened in a silent scream. I bit my lip when she removed her teeth and started sucking the blood from me. Just like any human I began feeling weak and tired.

She pulled away and licked her lips. I could only stare at her. My sister. She grabbed my shoulders and pulled me up. I leaned against her and unlike cutting her wrist like how I did Kagura she removed her hair from her neck. She fisted my hair gently and guided my lips to her throat. I licked my lips before my teeth went into her. She let out a little gasp but that was it.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer. Her blood tasted like nothing I had ever tasted before. I felt my body heat rise as it went down my throat. I heard her moan and I pulled her closer. I clung to her not wanting to let her go. I needed her. My short nails once again dug into her this time in to her waist. I felt her trying to push me away but I wouldn't let go my hand fisted her long hair and I kept her head in place. She tasted too good and I had to have all of her. I heard her let out a small cry but I refused to let her go even as her nails dug into my arm and she pulled at my hair.

"Naraku," I heard her whisper and all of a sudden I was flung from her. I landed only a few feet from her. I shot up and I heard my self growl. The Naraku guy was standing next to her. She was still sitting on the ground. Her hand over the wound I put into her neck. She was my sister and all I wanted to do was devour her.

"He's going to be a strong one Aya," said the man. My sister nodded her head as she stood. I stood too my eyes never leaving my sister.

"We better find him someone to feed on or he's going to kill you," he said my sister smirked and nodded again. They found me a nice little village and that's when I killed my first victim.

Bankotsu sighed as his hand went to his neck.

"My own sister…" he mumbled. Kohaku leaned forward on the island.

"You two still have a close relationship don't you?" he asked. Sango looked to Bankotsu when he snorted. He no longer looked sad but disgusted. Sango arched an eyebrow. Bankotsu shook his head.

"She's a whore. I don't know what happened those three years we were apart but she really changed. Your personality does change slightly when you become a vampire but she's a completely new person. She touches me in places an older sister should not touch her brother," he said with a shiver of disgust. Sango shivered too. She couldn't even think of touching Kohaku in such a way. Bankotsu sighed.

"Things can't go back to the way they use to be anyway," he said looking back to the floor.

"Why not? Besides her being a whore and all," asked Sango. He smirked suddenly but his gaze didn't leave the floor.

"Because I want her too badly. Her blood will be the best blood I shall ever taste because she's the one that turned me," he said. Sango arched her eyebrow in confusion before looking at Kagura.

"But wouldn't that mean that Kagura would want to drink from you?" she asked. Kagura looked down. She looked ashamed. Bankotsu cupped her chin and pushed her head up. He gave her a smile which she only half returned.

"Both Kagura and Renkotsu would drink from me when they have the chance because I turned them," he said his hand leaving Kagura's chin. Kagura shook her head.

"I wouldn't do that to you," she whispered. He smiled.

"Really?" he asked and she nodded. He brought his wrist to his mouth and bit himself. Sango gasped and leaned a crossed the table covering Kohaku's eyes. He growled and pushed her hand away. Bankotsu pulled his wrist from his mouth and held it in front of Kagura. His blood dripped on the ground as she stared at it. She licked her lips. Bankotsu was proud he thought she would have been jumped on him as soon as she saw his blood.

"Quickly Kagura before it heals," he said. She grabbed his wrist and sucked on him. Kohaku and Sango could only gape at her. Kagura was always calm and collected but now she was acting like an animal that hasn't eaten in days. When Bankotsu pulled his wrist away she followed he only laughed which seemed to snap her out of it. She leaned back in her chair and the smallest of a blush came to her cheeks.

"I'm sorry," she whispered. Bankotsu grabbed a cloth from the table and wiped Kagura's mouth. Just then a woman walked into the room. Sango eyed her. She had long black hair and blue eyes. Her bangs were long enough to go into her eyes. She looked kind of like…Bankotsu. Sango looked at Bankotsu who didn't even seem to notice the woman. Kagura's red eyes seemed to go to her and she gently pushed Bankotsu hands away.

"Well, well, well what's going on here," she asked her voice was sly. Her hand went to Bankotsu's face and ran down it to his lips. Her thumb traced his lips before he slapped her hand away. She smirked and Sango had to admit it was just like Bankotsu's.

"Someone's a little feisty," she purred. Bankotsu just rolled his eyes.

"What do you want Aya?" he asked his eyes locked with Sango's for a split second before he looked away off some where. Aya leaned down and whispered something in his ear that Sango didn't hear. She saw Bankotsu stiffened and a disgusted look came to his face as well as Kagura's. Sango had never seen him look so uncomfortable.

"What do you really want?" he growled. She leaned up still smirking. Sango suddenly felt uncomfortable when her cold blue eyes landed on her.

"Naraku wants some of her blood," she mumbled. All eyes went to Sango. She shifted uncomfortable again and looked to Bankotsu. Their eyes locked and for a moment everything was silent. Aya made a little growl in her throat and Bankotsu looked up at her.

"What for?" he asked

"To see if her blood is special or something," she said looking to her nails completely uninterested in the topic. Then she looked to Sango.

"She isn't much," she mumbled and grabbed Sango's hand. Sango glared at her and tried to pull her hand away but Aya had a firm grip on her wrist. She pulled a knife from her boot. Sango stopped struggling and looked to Bankotsu. He sighed.

"She's enough," he said as he stood up. He grabbed Sango's arm and the knife from his sister.

"I'll do it," he mumbled he didn't even stay to see his sister pout before he dragged Sango into the kitchen. He pushed her against the counter and grabbed a glass. Sango just stared at him. She shifted uncomfortable. He made a noise in the back of his throat. Sango cleared her throat.

"So is that your sister?" she asked. He nodded and held out his hand. She hesitated which caused him to look up at her. She sighed and placed her hand in his. Then he sighed. He brought the knife to her palm and she went to pull her hand away but he quickly grabbed her wrist.

"Relax," he mumbled. The surprise visit apparently put him in a bad mood. Sango relaxed her arm and opened her fist which she had closed when he grabbed her wrist. His thumb gently ran over her palm and it relaxed her a little more. He put the sharp knife to her hand and cut her palm. She hissed in pain.

He placed her hand over the glass and it slowly but surely began dripping into the glass filling it up. Sango watched Bankotsu as he watched her blood. He kept licking his lips and the look in his eyes kind of scared her. He pressed more on her palm and more blood came out. She gasped in pain. He didn't seem to notice. When the blood filled the glass about two inches high he stopped and brought her palm to his lips. She gasped again when his tongue ran over her cut. Their eyes locked for a minute before he shut his eyes savoring the taste of her. He pulled away a few minutes later. He grabbed a dish rag and tied it around her palm.

"Your blood taste different," he mumbled. Sango brought her hand to her chest her other hand holding it close to her.

"What do you mean by different?" she asked. He looked at her and grinned.

"It doesn't taste like human blood," he said. He leaned in close to her his grin turning into a smirk "It tastes better," he purred. Sango looked at the glass then back to him. He had pulled away and seemed to be in thought. Sango cleared her throat and his attention was back on her. He smiled and grabbed the glass. She followed him back into the main 'lobby' if you will.

His sister sent her a glare as soon as she was in sight. Bankotsu sent his sister a glare back in return. He held the glass out to her but she didn't take it she smirked and pushed it back towards him.

"He wants you to take it," she said. Bankotsu's eyes narrowed and the left side of his mouth twitched. Her hand came up and she wiped the other side of his mouth. When she pulled away there was blood on her finger. She smirked and licked it off.

"Try and control your self next time," she said before she disappeared in darkness. Bankotsu growled and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. Kagura, Sango, and Kohaku were staring at him.

"What?!" he growled. They all quickly looked away. Kagura leaned towards the two siblings.

"He's always in a bad mood when she's around," she whispered. Bankotsu rolled his eyes and took a few steps back.

"I'll be back," he mumbled before he also disappeared in what looked like a swarm of darkness.

"Can all vampires do that?" asked Kohaku.

"Only the strong ones," said Kagura.

Bankotsu sighed as he landed in a dark chilly room. Why Naraku stayed in a cold room Bankotsu would never know. The only light was from the two windows on the walls in front of him. Behind him were the huge double doors. He had some decorations here and there but for him to be the Lord of the castle it wasn't much. Naraku sat in front of him between the two rays of light. A smirk on his face.

"Bankotsu," he said in greeting. Bankotsu just nodded and stepped forward. He gave Naraku the glass and watched as the vampire sipped from it. For the first time ever Bankotsu heard him choke. He arched an eyebrow and watched as Naraku wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. He held the glass out to Bankotsu and he took it.

"The jewel is in side her," he said Bankotsu smirked. He knew her blood was too good to be true. He stepped back.

"You sure?" he asked Naraku sent him a look which only made Bankotsu laugh.

"Find the witch Urasue and she will remove the jewel from her body," he said. Bankotsu smirked.

"Sir Yes sir," mumbled Bankotsu as he disappeared into his dark portal. Naraku growled as Aya came out of her own darkness.

"Your brother is going to end up dead if he keeps up that attitude," he growled Aya only smirked.

Bankotsu appeared in front of Sango, Kagura, Kohaku, and Jakotsu. Both Sango and Kohaku jumped. He smirked as he brought the glass to his lips. He drank it all before he turned to Sango his smirk growing.

"Your blood is truly special," he purred.

Ok well I think that this is my longest chapter out of all my stories. And I know that they were suppose to be looking for the jewel and all but I kind of got caught up in the flash backs. I thought it would be nice if you knew a little bit about their past so there is probably going to be more flash backs in the future I don't know yet. Oh and I'm sorry I haven't updated in a long time I hope that this makes up for it. I'm working on my other stories too. Slowly but surely they will be updated. Thanks for reading and please review.