Disclaimer: I don't own Grey's Anatomy, the characters, or much of anything.
A/N: I wasn't sure about this story when I started. It's my first fic of any kind, but I really wanted to write on about Grey's, so I used another idea that I had – therefore, this story is very A/U but it includes some characters from the show. Addison doesn't exist in this story (but I love her character so no disrespect to her). Also, I have included aspects and things from other people's fic's that I liked, so, don't get mad if you see something similar – its flattery not plagiarism. Oh yea, one more thing, there is no Ellis Grey, and Meredith is not an only child.
Background Info: Meredith is not a surgeon she is a teacher. Derek, and Burke are surgeons. Christina and George are not surgical interns. Izzie is an intern under the OB/GYN at the same hospital as Derek and Burke.
Chapter 1: They Call Him Dr. McDreamy
Christina and Burke were finally married. The room where the ceremony had taken place was beautifully decorated, lots of white and amazing flowers. Christina had taken much more of an interest in the wedding planning than Meredith had thought. She thought that Burke would end up the bride, picking the cake, the flowers, and everything, but since getting engaged, Christina had become softer. The whole wedding was beautiful as well as the reception and everyone was dancing and having a wonderful time. Meredith had been the maid of honor.
"I wish I had brought a date!" George complained. He had been watching all the couples all night long and had been complaining about his lack of a companion.
Izzie sighed, "I told you to ask Carol. You guys have already been out on a few dates, why were you so scared to bring her to a wedding?"
"Because" George whined, "weddings make women think about marriage, I don't want to marry Carol."
Meredith chuckled as she walked over and heard the end of the conversation, "Are you two still talking about this?" Izzie and George both looked at Meredith and said, "Yes" in unison. Meredith walked away still laughing, and wasn't looking where she was going when she ran into someone. "Sorry!" they both said as they looked up each other. Meredith saw him standing there, and after first glance, she couldn't take her eyes off of the man in front of her. "I'm so sorry," he said. "No, my fault," Meredith answered quickly, "I wasn't looking where I was going.
"No harm, no foul," he said, with a smile. Meredith couldn't believe that smile.
After getting a drink and calming herself down after running into another of the wedding guests, Meredith went to track down Christina and find out who exactly the man was. "There's my favorite maid of honor" she heard Christina say as she turned around. "I'm your only maid of honor," Meredith said with a smile. "Yea Yea Yea, I could have picked someone else ya know" Christina joked. "I know, and you never let me forget it, but um, I have a question for you, who is that guy?" Meredith asked pointing to the guy who she had just run into. "Oh, him. That's Derek Shepherd, he's one of Burke's friends from the hospital, a neurosurgeon, why?" "Oh nothing," Meredith replied trying to act nonchalant. "Oh no," Christina said stifling a laugh, "You like him don't you?"
"I just met him Christina, I couldn't like him." Christina glared at Meredith, knowing how fast she fell for guys, "Burke tells me that all the women in the hospital have a crush on him, they call him Dr. McDreamy." "Well thanks for the information, I'm going to get myself a drink" Meredith said as she walked away quickly.
Read and Review – let me know if you think this story is worth continuing. Thanks!