"Jude Harrison, everyone," Shelly said. The crew working backstage quickly removed everything off the stage to get ready for the next act.
"Jude, that song was amazing," Speed said, walking up to Jude.
"Really?" she asked, wiping her face.
"Yeah. I really liked the other one too," Speed said, smiling.
"That girl?" Jude asked.
"Yeah, and I'm sorry," Speed said.
"Don't be. I wouldn't have written it," Jude said, hugging him.
"Jude, can we talk?" Derek asked.
"I think I said all that was needed to be said," Jude said.
"Well it's my turn to talk," Derek said.
"Too bad, you had your chance to say something," Jude said.
"I'm really sorry that I hurt you," Derek said.
"I think she said she didn't wanna talk to you," Speed said.
"Stay out of this Vincent," Derek said.
"No, he's not staying out of it," Jude said.
"This is a conversation between me and my girlfriend," Derek said.
"Did you not get the memo? I'm with Speed now," Jude said, shocking both Derek and Speed.
"You left me for this?" Derek asked.
"I was never really with you to begin with," Jude said, smirking. By then, Jamie, Kyle, Wally, Tommy, Sadie, Patsy, and Mason were crowding around.
"It would be wise to leave her alone now. Tom's gotten into fights before, and he's not afraid to get into another," Sadie said.
"Especially when he knows he'll kick your ass," Patsy said, backing Sadie up.
"Fine, whatever. You'll come back to me," Derek said, walking away. Or at least trying to. He walked into Tommy.
"You will leave her alone," Tommy said.
"Alright," Derek said, running the other way.
"Jude, dad's here," Sadie said, pointing.
"Dad!" Jude said, running up to him.
"I never knew you had such talent," Stuart said.
"Yeah, well after years of listening to all of your albums inspired me. That and Speed," Jude said, smiling.
"Is this the boy that was in your room that day?" Stuart asked.
"Yeah," Jude said, quietly.
"I don't think we got a chance to meet. I'm Stuart," he said, shaking Speed's hand.
"Hello Mr. Harrison, I'm Vincent," Speed said.
"Nice to meet you. Well I'm going to go back out there and finish watching the show. I love you girls," Stuart said, going back to the audience.
"Yeah, we gotta go get ready," Speed said.
"Okay, I'll see you guys later. Good luck!" Jude said, hugging the boys of SME.
"Jude, you did amazing," Sadie said.
"Yeah, that last song was wow," Mason said.
"Yeah it was. I've got a surprise for you, too," Tommy said.
"Jude loves surprises!" Jude exclaimed.
"Tommy hates when Jude speaks in third person," Tommy said.
"Patsy doesn't care," Patsy said.
"Stop it!" Jamie yelled. Patsy eyed him and smirked.
"Looks like we made Jimmy upset," Patsy said.
Ever since she met him a few hours earlier, she'd been making fun of him.
"What's the surprise?" Jude asked.
"I'll tell you after. Come on, SME should be going soon," Tommy said.
"I can't wait," Jude said.
"Hey, are you and Speed together?" Mason asked.
"No, I was just saying that to make Derek leave me alone. I'm pretty sure Speed's tired of me not knowing what I want," Jude said.
"I think he likes you. And you need to make up your mind, Jude," Mason said. The two of them started walking back towards the seats.
"Jude!" Speed called out. She turned around and saw Kyle, Wally, and Speed running towards her.
"Hey guys, aren't you supposed to be out there?" Jude asked.
"We are, but we need good luck hugs," Kyle said.
"You guys are dorks," Jude said, hugging them.
"Uh, Jude, can we talk?" Speed asked.
"Before or after?" Jude asked.
"It doesn't matter," Speed said.
"Well I guess right now will be fine, as long as you're not late or anything," Jude said.
"Okay, well I just wanted to know where I stand with you. And anything you decide, I'm all for it," Speed said.
"Look, I know that I've probably been confusing you, and annoying the hell out of you with my indecisiveness, and I think we should just be friends. I'm pretty sure you won't hurt me, but I don't wanna take that chance. You're such a great friend Vin, and I don't want to lose you. Ever," Jude said.
"Is that how you feel?" Speed asked.
"That's how I feel. I think I'd rather for us to stay friends than to try out a relationship and have it not work," Jude said.
"Okay," Speed said. Jude hugged him and made the mistake of looking into his eyes. He said he understood, but his eyes were full of sadness. She pulled his head towards hers and kissed him.
"Go get 'em tiger," Jude said. Speed smiled. He was pretty sure she was sticking to her decision, but if it meant kisses from Jude, then he was game.
"Alright. I'll see you," Speed said, running to the stage.
"So, what'd you say to him?" Jamie asked.
"We're just gonna stay friends," Jude said.
"Oh. Well, how'd he take it?" Jamie asked.
"He took it well," Jude said, smiling. After the SME went, Speed went into the audience and sat with Jude, putting his arm around her.
"You were great," Jude said.
"You were better," he said.
"Alright ladies and gentlemen, this was a hard decision. But without further adieu I want to congratulate our runner up. Jude Harrison everyone!" Shelly said.
"Jude, that's awesome!" Sadie said, hugging her sister. Jude walked up onstage and was grinning from ear to ear.
"And the winner, give it up for Spiederman's Mind Explosion!" Shelly said. Speed, Kyle, Wally, and Jamie jumped out of their seats and hugged each other. They ran to the stage and tackled Jude.
"I can't believe it! You won Speed!" Jude exclaimed.
"We all did!" Speed shouted.
"Jude, come here for a sec. I got someone who wants to have a chat with you," Tommy said.
"Alright, come on Speed, let's go see what this is about," Jude said.
"Jude Harrison. Tommy's been boasting about you for days, telling me I needed to get down to see you live. Normally, I could care less for people your age, but I have to hand it to you. You were amazing," a man said.
"Oh, thanks," Jude said.
"I'm Darius Mills, owner of G Major Records. How would you like record a whole album?" Darius asked.
"Darius Mills?! Oh my God, I would love to!" Jude exclaimed.
"Alright. Come by tomorrow, and we'll discuss this over lunch. I've got to go, tell Tommy he did good on this one," Darius said, walking away.
"Jude, this is incredible. You know what this means?" Speed asked.
"Back me up," Jude said.
"What?" he asked.
"I want you guys to be my backing. I want, need you to be there," Jude said.
"You want us to be your band?" Speed asked.
"Yeah. And I want you to be at my side for everything," Jude said.
"Of course. I can't believe this. Jude, you've got a recording contract!" Speed said, hugging his best friend.
"What was that all about?" Wally asked.
"Darius Mills wants me to record a whole album," Jude said.
"Holy shee Jude, that's amazing!" Jamie exclaimed.
"We're gonna be label mates!" Mason exclaimed, hugging Jude.
"Cowpoke has a point. I'm proud to say that we're label mates Jude," Patsy said, hugging Jude as well.
"Dad, they want me. G Major wants me!" Jude said, running up to Stuart.
"Jude that's amazing. We have to celebrate," Stuart said.
"Party at Jude's!" Wally said.
"Party at my house. I think its bigger," Tommy said.
"Whoa, this must be big. Tom Quincy, lending me his house for a party," Jude said.
"Anything for Sadie's sister," Tommy said, hugging Jude. She was overwhelmed. She was getting signed to G Major, she had the best producer in town, she had great friends, and she had Speed.
"Come on Jude, I'll even let you drive," Jamie said, handing Jude his keys. Jude grabbed Speed's and Jamie's hands and they ran out to Jamie's cars.
"Speed, so are we good?" Jude asked before getting in. He leaned in to kiss her.
"Just friends," he said and got into the car. Jude smiled and sat in the driver's seat.
I don't know where the next road goes but I feel the wheels rolling down below me…
"Jude Harrison, making the world a safer place for drivers," Jude said, before stepping on the gas.
"I can't wait until you turn 16," Jamie said.
"I can't wait until tomorrow," Jude said, smiling.
Alright, the end. But guess what! I've already made my plan for the sequel. I will post the first chapter of that right after I post the next chapter of 24 Hours.
All I can say about Heart On The Line is expect the unexpected. Rules were meant to be broken, and Jude is about to find that out.