This is my friends fanfic. But her acount isn't working and she's having trobbles creating a new one so she'll be posting her fanfics on mine.

A/N: Hey everybody. I hope you enjoy this. It's my first actualy fanfic so no flames plz. I would like some good reviews. And if there are spelling mistakes i'm sry. It's also not very long. My friends all tell me i'm good at coming up with storys and fanfics but when i try writting them they don't turn out as good :( I don't normaly write fanfics because of that. and i don't really stick to it that often. But my friends bugged me so much about this one so I wrote it. plz review and let me know if i should continue :D

Disclaimor: I do not own teen titans cause if i did... i wouldn't be writting this fanfic. i don't own anything. except my imagination thats mine. back off!

Money Trubble

Rays of sunlight seeped threw the curttens of raven's dark room. Most people would find her room creepy, but raven slept peacefuly. The sunlight now shining in brightly on her pale skinn. Her amathist eyes fluttering open. "mmm..." groaned raven as she sat up slowly, her violet hair hanging down the sides of her face.What time is it...? She glanced at her little clock on her bedside table. It read 12:00 pm. sigh " only noon..." She said as she flopped back on her bed..." NOON!" raven yelled as she snapped back to reality. She quickly got on and grabbed her usualy blue cloak and black liotard in her hands and ran out her door and strait to the bathroom praying that no one would see her in her black mini pj shorts and black spagetti strap top. She just phased threw the door not bothering to open it. " Thank god no one was in here..." She got undressed and whent on with her shower.I wonder what it he didn't betray me...She shook her head violently what am I think! I hate him! I'm not going to waste my time thinking about him! Machilor...She loved him. He made her feel specile, happy,safe, loved yet.. it was all a lie! He betrayed her. He was only using her, toying with her emotions...all so she would free him from the book he was trapped in.

ten minutes later in the living room

Raven whent straight to the kitchen to make some of her herble tea.

"Morning sunshine!"Robin said cheerfuly as he looked threw the fridge hoping to find somthing that's not tofu or somthing that looks like it's still alive.

"Do you have to be so cheerful all the time?" She asked keeping her face expressionless as always.

" Hmmm... I need to think about that...I'll get back to you about that." He said grabbing a piece of chicken left in a kun-tuckey fride chicken bucket and walked into the living room his hand motioning for her to follow. He sat down on a couch and watched cyborg and beastboy play one of their vidoe games." So who's winning?"

" I'm defently winning!" Bloated beastboy His tounge sticking out the side of his mouth while he played.

" In your dreams dog breath." Replyed cyborg.

" Well i hope you all had a goodnights sleep and a good morning..." Robin said as Starfire entered the room he seemed to perk up.

"Morning good friend robing" Starfire said as she floated over and took a seat by robin. By now raven had her nose in one of her books.

"Well now that everbody's up..." Robin said turning to starfire. " I have good news and not so good news" Everybody stoped what they were doing and looked at robin.

" Please tell the news of the good first robin" Starfire said anxiestly almost hopping up and down.

" Ok good news first then... The mayor is having a party celebrating an unique finde and we're invited." Everybody cheered (everbody excluding raven) in joy. " now the bad news..." Robin got up and walked infront the t.v. Taking a deep breath he started to talk. " As you know we get paided for saving lives threw taxes..." Everbody nods. " And you know there's been a lot of roberies latly and we still havn't cought or discoverd who's behinde all these thefts.. so money's gonna be a problem for people soon. So it wouldn't be right for them to pay us when they are having tubbles getting money and we're not helping."

" And it's quiet obvious that this theif will strike at artifact and we can't watch it right?" Cyborg interrupted robin.

" That two but everything is gonna get more difficault..."

"what do you mean friend robin...?" Starfire asked. By now she had gotten up and stoob beside him for moralsuport.

" We need to get part time jobs." He said blankly.

"WHAT!" beastboy and cyborg yelled in usin. Then beastboy pretended to faint. " you've got to be kidding!"

" I wish I was but... we can't ask these people to pay us when they will need the money even more. We'll all get jobs today. We'll meet up at about 4:00 by then we should hopfuly have jobs. Agreed?"

"Agreed" They all said in usin.

" Oh and by the way.. i hate to say this but... we shouldn't be in uniform." Robin said with a sigh.The others gasped.

"does that include no mast?" asked beastboy.

sigh "yes beastboy.. no mask." They all gasped again in horror.

"The HORROR!" beastboy yelled."ow!" He yelled again as a little bolt of black energy struck him on the butt." what was that for?" Raven just got up and walked to her room.

raven's room

Great... looks like my day is gonna be fun...She walked over to her dark dresser. " Now what am i going to waer... hmmmm does it really matter?" Of corse it matters! you can't have anything to reviling, to gothic but still gothic , no dresses, somthing casual that you won't stand out so much. sigh That was her smart emotion talking. " Maybe some music will help. now back to what to waer..." She pulled out some black baggy jeans and a black shirt with long lose sleeves that were like spider webs and some unique designs around the cut. "This should do" She said as she changed. You need some julary to go with that. sigh " I guess your right... " Raven blew on a little box, causing dust to fly everywhere.Inside was a few rings, bracletes, and other little trinkets. The only times she's ever whorn them was either in Azeroth during specile ceremonys or for a enchantment of high level magic. "I huess it wouldn't hert to where these again..." She put on a few silver braclets that dangled on her wrists, with every movent of her hands they made a little clinging sound. "I havn't worn these in a long time..." She thought as memoiries of her in a temple of Azeroth.

She was waering some very strange clothing. Much different from what she wore basicaly everday. It looked like a dress, with long peices of cloth hanging loose, her hair was long to. Her bracelts clinged and made beautiful sounds as she swong her arms around in specile formations which flowed with her body movements. Her ear rings her the same. Three studs, each having a little chain lopping to the back of her ear which dangled a lot with her every movement. There was also one big chain that conneted from the top and bottem piecings. Everything was very exotic.

end of flash back

"I guess i better get going...sigh" She said as she looked at herself in the mirror. Raven turned on her heal and phased threw the floor ending up in the living room with the others. Starfire was waering a short jean mini skirt, a summer spegetti strap tanktop, and pink flip flops. Robin had blue jeans on, a black T-shirt, and no mask!. Beastboy had some sloppy shirt and baggy jeans. Cyborg just whent as the usual ( he was aloud to just look the same)

"Whoa! ROBIN! you have eyes!" Beastboy exclaimed waving his arms in the air.

"No beastboy, I have eyes painted on my face and I can see without them."Robing said crossing his arms.

As Raven fased threw the roof no one noticed her until she walked over to the others.

"WHOA!" They all gasped in usin. "R-R-Raven!" Beastboy stammerd his eyes ( and everybody elses) wide in amasment.

"I'm heading out now." With that she was out the door.

The teen titans wern't the only ones who've been having it rough. Rg... morning already? The figur said as he got out of bed. It was noon now. "i guess i'll go for a walk..." he said as he got drest. " Hm... I guess i could go check out some musiums and see if there's anything... valuble..." The man walked out of his apartment. It wasn't the nicest of locations but it would do. If he really wanted to live somwhere of high classhe could but, it was more like him to live around these parts of the city. HE continued walking until he saw a girl walking down the street. She was straingly familior but he couldn't put his thumb on it. Hm... she's kinda cute. From the back at least. She stopped by a store, it was a bookstore. She looked into the window then walked inside.Well.. it can't hert to go and take a peek inside... He thought as he walked to the store.

Raven's POV

I was walking down the street and saw the bookstore. My instinks automatickly sent me over there. To my surprize help was needed. I walked into the store it was a nice little place. It had dark walls, it was a bit gothic... my style. There were also a few tables and a thing for coffe so ppl could just come right in and read a good book. Everything seemed well organized. I wonder why they need help.. not that i'm complaining. A man walked into the room. "Welcome. Can I help you?" He said as he walked into view.

"Oh.. um ya. I saw your sign in the window and came by to see if i could apply for the position."

"Ah..." The man replyed as he took a good look at her. His stare whent blank when he saw her eyes. " Yes... you'll do just fine.. I can tell you'll be good with books and you can keep your temper." He said pulling himself together. "Come. I'll get you an identity card and all the stuff you'll need. I just stood there in amasment. Who would've thought it wasd that easy? I don't like the look he gave me when he saw my face though... whatever . A few minutes later I was sitting at the frount counter reading my book waitting for some one to come and buy somthing. To my surprise a younge man walked in. He looked to be 17-18 of age. He was farly tall, he had darkbrown shaggy hair that matched his dark eyes. He was in good shape, very fitt. I whent back to my book. Until I was rudly interupted, The guy who walked into the store was now talking to her. Great... I thought. I looked up from my book and was cought into his dark almoned shaped eyes."Hey...I'm alex." I finaly pulled myself back to reality when he introduced himself. "Raven" I said blankly pretending to go back to reading my book.

Alex's POV

As soon as she looked up at me it hit me. Wait a minute! That's the dark titan Raven. When she told me her name her voice rang threw my head like a song. I didn't reconize her without her darkblue cloak, black liotard, or a bunch of objests around her ready to fly at him. She was very pretty...WHAT ARE YOU THINKING! She's the enemy! she's a TITAN! i'm a THEIF! but then again... does it really matter? I always get what I want anyways. " What book are you reading?" She looked up at me then back to her book.

" Day of the Dragon" She said not even bothering to look up again.

"Sounds interesting. What's it about? It might be what i'm looking for."

She just rolled her eyes. "It's based on a legened and a prophesie." She said a bit of pain in the word of prophosi

"So far good go on"

"If you insist." She sat up in her chair and took a sip of her tea her braclets dangling on her wrists. "many years ago more like thousands of years ago magic was more commen. There was a city, it was a grand city. In this city lived a great sorceress. A sorceress of grand power. There were rumors of her everywhere but not many have seen her... there were stories of her being half demon half seraphine. There was only one that she could stand up to her might. It was her greatest enemy. She never used her powers to there full strength unless he was around. He broke her heart and betrayed her. She never heald from it. Sure she protected people but many feard her more then love her. She was alone all the time." She took another sip of her tea befor continuing.

I didn't even notice a tear slip down her face while she was talking. it didn't seem she noticed either." hm... so what about the prohosie?"

" Well.." She gave a little smile noing that he was actualy listening. She doesn't get that very often. " She never defeated her nemesis.. she relized she wouldn't defeat him in that life time. No one knows what she did but this is what i go by.. She killed herself using a sword... a very specile sword she had. It was forged by her spirit. Since she used her sword to kill herself she wasn't gone. So she slept, waitting for the day to come when she reawakens from her sleep. And that's it." She said shifting in her seat trying to hide the tear that rolled down her face as she remembered machilor.

I couldn't help but wonder what was it the pained her so much. Everytime i look into her amathist eyes i see so much pain and suffering. " I really enjoyed this. It's hard to find people to talk to that can understand. I hope I'll get the pleasure of talking to you again." I said as I left the building. The next time we meet will be very interesting...I'm looking forward to the next robery.

Raven's POV

I just sat there staring at the door as he left the store. I havn't talked to some one like that in a long time..not even the titans. " Why does he seem so famillior?" I asked myself quietly. "I better get going it's almost 4:00. sigh I'm to tired to phase. I gess i'll just fly or walk."

End of POV

At titans tower

"Oh friend beastboy how wonderful. Your search in the mall of sopping for a jop of part time was sucksessful!" Starfire gleamed.

"You guys are never gonna beleve what my job is." Beastboy got up and had one foot on the table and one arm up in the air." The arcade!"

"I got a job as a macanic." Cyborg said as he was drawing some blue- pirnts for a new moticycle he was working on.

"Beastboy, foot off the table" Robin said getting annoyed at B.B. AT his cammand B.B sat down.

"Aw come on Robin why don't you tell us your job. Beastboy whined crossing his arms.

"How bout star tells us hers first. I'd like to know." He said avoiding the subject. Starefire jumped in joy.

" I waer all different clothing then stand still for a minute and pose." She said squilling at the waering all different clothes.

"You mean...a modle?" cyborg asked.

" YES! a modle.." Starfire said full of joy."So friend robin tell us your job of the part time."

sigh " I guess I have no choice" Robin said shifting in his seat. " I work at...Wacky Doodle's Burgur Palace" He said in a bit of a grumble. Everybody except starfire laugth."Raven...wait RAVEN! when'd you get here!" he asked worried she heard. It's bad enough the others let alone starfire found out but raven...if she never lets me to live this down no one will.. Thought robin." How much did you here?"

"Hmm...I heard I work at Wacky Doodle's Burgur Palace and all i have to say is...OH BURN!" Raven yelled. "Hey robin do you get to waer those dorky hats?" She said actualy smiling. She hasn't really smilled or laught since that machilor insadint.

" Uniform and everything..sigh"

" And I thought beastboy would have the most humiliting job." She said with a smirk.

"Ok if your job is so great tell us" Robin said also smirking.

"Why not? I work at a bookstore. A nice one to. It has one of those coffe things there so you can enjoy a hot drink while you read. And I DON"T have to waer a dorky hat." She replyed." I'm heading to my room. " She said walking to her room. She callopesd on her bed. Not evem relizing some one at her window. About half an hour later the Alarm whent off statling raven to wake up. She didn't even bother to change back into her liotard and cloak.

"Robin! What is it this time?" Cyborg ask running into the living room with everbody else.

" It's in the tower!" Robin yelled trying to find the intruder on the computer.

"Who is it?" B.B asked.

"X" Robin said in whisper. "TITANS MOVE OUT! X is in the building." He yelled. " Beastboy! Watch the perimitor outside! Cyborg watch the sercuity and let us know where he is. Raven you take roof. Star, your with me." With that everybody moved to their positions.

with robin and star

"Cyborg can you see him?" Robin asked in his comunicator.

"Nope. Nothing. I'm guessing he's going after the belt."

Na really? "Let me know if you see him." He closed the comunicator. They arrived at the secret hidding place of the belt. "Looks like he hasn't found it yet." Robin said looking to starfire."But he will come... I just know it."

"Robin...I'm worried." Starfire said looking at him. "Somthing doesn't feel right..."Robin nods his head in agreement. " I'm worried about friend raven..." She said walking to the window.

"What do you mean?" Robin said walking to her side.

" Raven hasn't been herself ever since that insadint.. somthing's not right.." Robin just stared at her." Somthing feels off place..." She continued.

"Oh robin." She rapped her arms around his neck. (in this fanfic robin's taller then in the show.) " I'm affraid.." She started to cry a bit.

"It's ok star...I'm here.." He told her returning the embrase.

on the roof

Raven phased threw the floor onto the roof to see no one was there. Figurs.. He's probly after the belt again. There was some movement in the sadows. She turned around quickly. No one. She gave out a little sigh. "That's a nice look for you.." Mocked a voice behinde her. She quickly turned around to see red-x sitting on an airvent. " But I prefer the liotard." He said. She could tell he had a great big smirk on his face under his mask.

"Oh put a sock in it." She said her hands glowing black.

"Can't we all just play nice?" He said mockinly as he jumped off the air vent.

"Az-" Was all she could say befor a red-x stuck across her mouth cutting her off. He walked closser to her. " mmhmmhgm mmhmhhg" She tried to speak but her voice was muffled.

"What was that?You want me to take it off? Why would i do that? You'd just attack me." He mocked.

"mmhgm!" She threw up her leg and landed a big kick in his face knocking him down. He just laughed at her.

"That all you got?" She glared at him. He started to stand and reached for an X in his belt. She started to run after him but he disapeard. She almost fell over in shock.

Damn.. he must of gotten the belt. Befor she knew it somthing grabbed the back of her shirt and pulled her backwards with so much for that when he let go she flew back and hit airvent. She sild down into a sitting position trying to keep focused. She was so dissy. As she started to regain herself red-x was already walking towards her.He knelt down infront of her and ripped off the red-x.

"Hello my Dark Angel.." He whisperd in her ear.He grabed her wrists when she was about to push him away. She was about to chant one of her spells but she was cut off by a stronge passionate kiss. She froze in shock. But for some reason.. she liked it. She wasn't uncomfortable with this. She was fitting back the urge to just let herself go and let him kiss her. It seemed like ages when he finaly parted. He got up when he heard robin yell and saw beastboy fly up into the sky. "Nice chatting with ya but I better get going. I don't feel like dealing with boy blunder today." He said pressing the button on the belt and dissapeard.

"Damn.." Robin cursed under his breath. " So it was a fake..." Starfire floated over to raven asking her if she was ok. Raven just noded her head. " How could you let him get away!" Robin yelled at her. " You could of had him! And you let him get away like that!" They all looked at him. Starfire then whent back to raven and gasped.

"Friend raven your injured!" She yelled.

"What do you mean?" Raven replyed with a confused look on her face. Then it hit her. Her arm started hurtting like hell.

" Your arm." Starfire was startting to panick a bit. She had no idea what to do. Plus she didn't like blood.

" It's...just a lit-tle scratch. I'll be...fine" She replyed trying not to show how much pain she was in.

"Earth to raven. You have a huge gash in your arm." beastboy said waving his arms in the air.Robin just grombled.

"He shouldn't of been able to even hit you. Why did you let him get you down let alone get away!" Raven glared at him.

"Robin you know X has tricks up his sleave everytime. Plus he has the belt. He can easly get any of us down if we're alone."

"That's not the point!"

"robin..." was asll starfire could get herself to speak.

"Raven has a gash in her arm and all you care about is X?"

"Friend raven are you ok?"

"I..Just need.. some rest.." She said as she phased threw the floor and letting herself fall onto her bed. It was now 11:35. As soon as she started to fall from the air onto her bed she fell unconsious.

A/N: So that was it. I'm really nervus to see what reviews I get if I get any. I hope you guys liked it. :p I'll improve as I write...I hope.