So I regret to inform you that this is the last chapter, and that you will probably kill me for the ending, which is pretty much why I took so friggin long to update. Anyway, I promise a sequel, though I may take a break for a while to work on other things. So, without further adeiu, I bring you the final installment of IGADAY!

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Everything was complete bliss for Edward Elric for a couple of days. Well, maybe not complete, but the closest thing he could find at the time. Winry was always at his side, ensuring his happiness. To Ed's amazement, Pinako even let the girl sleep in Ed's room with him. Either the old hag had lost it, she trusted Ed, or else she knew that Ed knew that he'd be dead if he laid a hand on Winry. Either way, Pinako didn't have to worry... Much.

Ed had developed a strange, and in Winry's mind, slightly unhealthy, affection to the scars on Winry's arms. Or perhaps it wasn't affection, merely obsession. Either way, he was often staring at them, touching them, and made sure to never let them out of his sight. It made Winry rather uncomfortable. She wasn't exactly proud of her self mutilation, and she sure as hell didn't want Ed to see just how messed up she was, or had been.

Ed was currently running his tongue along the white lines, softly tracing them with the muscle. Winry squirmed under the attention. "Ed...Knock it off."

The boy grinned up at her, smug and determined. "And why should I?"

Winry frowned down at the scars, running a hand through her dyed hair. "Don't you have a problem with what I've become?" she asked softly. Ed leaned over and pressed his lips to hers.

"No," he said. As Winry looked into his eyes, she saw molten gold, fire shining and love for her. "I don't."

"But..." she was still uncertain. "I'm so different..."

Ed shook his head with a smile. "Only on the outside," he said, pressing to fingers to her forehead. "But on the inside," his fingers moved down so they were right over her heart, he could feel the beat through his fingertips. "You're the same mecha otaku I fell in love with."

A light blush spread across Winry's cheeks. "Ed..."

Ed let out a little chuckle. "Besides, I like the hair. And your new tendency to wear leather... Sexy..." He let out a playful growl. Winry's blush deepened about three shades.

"Yeah, well I pretty much just stole your style. Do you have any idea how girly you look in leather pants?" she huffed. Ed just smirked.

"So? You like it."

"That is SO not the point, Edward!" she said half-angrily, causing Ed to laugh.

"Maybe not, but I still like the new you... Minus those," he said, pointing to her scars on the last sentence. "No more of that."

Winry nodded. "Agreed." Suddenly a mischievous grin spread over her face. "You know Edward, I haven't shown you just how different my appearance is."

Something shone in Ed's eyes that Winry couldn't quite name, and wasn't sure she wanted to. "Oh really?" he asked. Winry nodded.

"Mhmm... I got a tattoo."

Ed's eyes roamed her body, searching the exposed skin for the tattoo. Suddenly, his eyes sparkled. "I want to see."

Winry looked like she was thinking seriously about it. "Hm.. I don't know.. Should I show you? It might not be such a good idea..."

Ed grinned darkly at her. "If you don't show me, I may just have to find it myself."

Winry crossed her arms. "Oh, now I'm really not going to show you.."

They both laughed as Edward tackled her, crushing his lips into hers. He did not hold true to his word about trying to find her tattoo, however. They both knew that their relationship was too fragile to move to fast, and who knew where that would lead to? Finally, they broke apart and Winry looked into Ed's eyes. "Do you really want to see it?"

Ed's curiosity had peaked, and he nodded. "Yeah."

Winry pushed Ed off of her, and stood up. Ed's eyes widened as she undid her belt buckle, even more so as she pulled down her pants a little to reveal her panties. Winry was staring at him the whole time, and she smiled as she saw the blush spread across his face. "What are you expecting, Edward?"

He looked away, with an even deeper blush. "Nothing..."

Winry laughed. "Sure..." She pulled down the clothing to only expose the tattoo on her hip. "You can look now, Ed," she said, amusement clear in her voice. Ed's head whipped around and then he came for a closer look at the tattoo. Winry blushed as his finger ran over the colored skin.

"Winry, what..?" he trailed off.

"I got it for you," she replied. Confusion still colored his eyes. "After you left. The petals are your jacket, the thorns your eyes. And the heart?" she sighed. "The heart is mine."

"I really hurt, you didn't I?" Ed whispered, almost to himself. Winry softly pushed him away, pulling her pants back up, and her belt back on.

"Yeah.. You did.." she said in the same tone of voice. "But you're back now, and you've healed me for the most part."

"Yeah..." Ed agreed softly, and both retreated to their thoughts until a knock was heard at the door. Winry welcomed the person in, and Pinako joined them with a grim look on her face.

"Sorry for interrupting," she said. "But I have something important to tell you."

Ed sat up straighter, more alert. "What is it?"

"It's Al.." Pinako said sadly. "He's dead."

Ed jumped to his feet. "What?! I thought he was going to be okay! What happened?!"

"Ed.." Winry lay her hand on his shoulder. "Calm down."

"What happened?!"

"I don't know," Pinako replied. "Let's get back to the hospital and see what we can find out."

Ed's fists were clenched so tightly that he was trembling as he nodded. "Let's go."

They once again rushed to the hospital, Winry watching Ed throughout the whole trip there. She couldn't decide if he was about to cry or scream. Maybe both. It scared her, because she knew that he wouldn't take this lightly. She knew that she might loose him again.

Ed literally ran into the hospital room where Al had been, stopping dead in his tracks when he took in the sight of the empty bed. Al's doctor was waiting in the room, and walked up to Ed. The doctor was about to say something, when Ed angrily grabbed the front of his shirt. "Where is he?!" Ed shouted in the doctor's face. "Where's Al?"

"I don't know!" the doctor shouted back, though not as loud, and with a bit of fear in his voice. Ed's eyes darkened.

"What do you mean you don't know?" he asked dangerously.

"The body's gone..." Ed growled at this, and the doctor swallowed loudly. "I mean.. Someone must have stolen it-him! Someone must have kidnapped him!"

Ed released the doctor's shirt, causing the man to tumble to the floor. Winry and Pinako arrived in the door way then, both confused about what they saw in the room. Edward glared down at the doctor. "Was there a note?"

The doctor nodded, shoving a crumpled slip of paper into Ed's hand before vacating the room. Ed quickly opened it, his anger growing even more as he read.

Fullmetal Chibi,

You didn't appreciate my present very much, now did you? That's why I took it away. You be a good boy, and I might just give it back.

With Love,


p.s. You have a cute girlfriend, Chibi. You better keep an eye on her.

Ed crumpled the paper into a ball, looking up at the Rockbells with nearly black eyes. "This time, I will kill him."

- - -

(Haha! You thought it was over! Actually, I thought about ending it here.. But I'm not THAT mean)

"Ed..." Winry said quietly as she watched the blond boy frantically throw clothing into his suitcase. "Ed, you promised you wouldn't leave me again..."

The blond boy turned on his girlfriend, eyes burning with anger and pain. "That bastard killed Al! Then he stole his body! I'M PRETTY DAMN SURE THAT JUSTIFIES ME LEAVING, WINRY!"

Winry took an involuntary step back, tears brimming in her eyes as she glanced at the floor. "I'm sorry..." she said just as quietly as before. Ed winced, hearing the pain in the girl's voice. His expression softened as he gently took her hand in his own.

"I'm sorry, Winry, I'm just.."

"I know."

"I have to go."

"I know," she said again. She really did understand. That was his little brother, and he had always been extremely protective. She smiled up at him, a tear running down her cheek. "Just.. Don't forget about me, okay?"

Ed quickly reached up to brush Winry's tears away. "I won't. I promise," he said, pressing a gentle kiss to Winry's temple.

"And Ed?" Winry asked, amusement shining in her watery eyes. "If you die, I'll kill you."

They both laughed. It was a sad, ironic sound. It seemed so out of place, and yet it comforted as much as it hurt. They shared one final kiss before Ed grabbed his suitcase, and headed to the door. As he grabbed the handle, he hesitated. "Winry.. I'm not coming back until he's dead..."

A sob threatened to erupt from Winry's throat, but she choked it back with a forced smile. "I'll wait for you."

Ed smiled sadly, wishing he wasn't causing the girl so much pain. "I love you, Winry."

"I love you too." With that, Ed headed out the door, closing it quietly behind him. Winry watched his retreating figure out of the window. Her tears fell freely know, sobs racking her thin body. "I j-just wish.. Y-you didn't h-h-have to.. Do th-this al-lone..." she choked out threw her pain.

Edward Elric was gone once again. Once again, our of Winry's life. She knew she wouldn't see him for a long time, if she ever saw him again. She also knew that there was nothing she could do to stop him this time. He was out for his brother, as he had been so long ago. Though the past quest seemed pointless after Al's death. Winry just prayed that Ed found what he was looking for, and that his revenge would satisfy his pain. For she had no doubt that he would get his revenge. She just hoped that he didn't die in the process. She knew how very likely that was to happen, and she couldn't imagine living without him...

- - -

Wow.. I really don't think that ending was any better than the last one... I'm sorry! But that's how things went... This story kinda played out like a cheesy soap opera. 0.o;... So.. Sorry for that too, but then again, people seemed to enjoy it. I would like to thank everyone that has followed this story, and also any newcomers. I promise I will get the sequel to you in due time. Please leave reviews! I mean, come on! This is the final chapter! Tell me if you liked it, if it sucked, or what I can do to improve it. Thanks for anyone's support that I have out there. I hope you all enjoyed IGADAY.