A/N: Ok, I'm glad it's Summer, but I'm pissed. I don't know why, I just am. And I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a while. Alright, here it is. Chapter…um…chapter 15.
Last chapter:
"Ino…" He said.
A blonde ponytail from atop a tree dangled and swayed in the breeze. Ino, who was indeed on top of the tree and listening to every word he and Sakura had shared smirked and sat up. "Well done, Neji. Mission accomplished."
She sprinted off the tree and hopped onto the balcony. "I better report to Tenten." She said with a smile and hopped away.
Neji, who was left alone on the balcony, closed his eyes and sighed.
"Be happy…" He said. "…Sakura."
My Sweet Little Game Chapter 15
"Sasuke! Stop!" Sakura shouted at him and chased him. "Stop running from me!"
Sasuke gritted his teeth. Why was he so upset over this whole thing? So what if Sakura was dating Neji, mister pretty boy? But he knew…if he really did love her, he had to let her go. Let her be happy with Neji.
Sasuke turned abruptly around and stared at her straight in the eye.
Sakura skidded to a stop and panted. "S-Sasuke…"
He didn't make a face. Just a cold indifferent emotion.
"Please. I just wanna talk." Sakura offered and put her hands around his cheek. He backed away and stared at the floor.
She bit her lip and sighed. "Ok, just hear me out." She paused and started again. "I want to talk to you. I want to love you. And I'm pouring myself to you right now so please…" she stopped and tears came rolling. She rubbed her eyes and then sniffed.
"Can't we just…go back to the way we used to be?" Sakura sobbed. "Before Neji and before we ended up like this?"
Sasuke opened his mouth. "We can't reverse time and you definitely can't change things the way they are now."
Sakura breathed out. "But I want to try! Let me show you." She walked closer to him and kissed him lightly on the cheek.
Sasuke backed away from her and pushed her away. "Sakura…"
Sakura shook her head. "Sasuke, I—"
"Sakura!" Sasuke shouted at her. He held up his hands in midair. "Stop! Stop chasing me and then chasing Neji and then not being able to decipher your real feelings. Be happy with him already and let me live me life." He finished it with a harsh note then began to walk off.
"But I love you!" Sakura shouted at him.
He stopped. "I love you too, Sakura."
He wanted to say it. He wanted the words to flow out of his mouth and settle everything. But there was one part of him that couldn't bear to see her suffer again in the hands of love. She deserved Neji. He could treat her better than he could himself.
"I'm sorry. But I don'tlove you." Sasuke said, not bothering to turn around. With those last words, he walked off.
Tenten walked down the hallway in search for Sasuke. She had talked to Neji about the whole set up earlier.
A few moments ago…
"Alright then. It's all set up." Tenten smirked when Neji found her on the other balcony. "I'm hoping Sakura will be grateful when she figures out what we did."
Neji didn't reply to her. He just leaned against the balcony ledge peering down.
"Are you really ok with this?" He asked her suddenly but quietly.
"What do you mean?" She challenged him.
"Letting Sasuke go. I mean, you set up everything up from when you had sex with him." Neji said. "Your whole plan to set Sakura and Sasuke up. Are you alright with all that?" He looked at her in eye.
Tenten looked up at the sky without a smile. "What's there to be alright with? It's the right thing to do. They were meant for each other."
Neji smirked. "I guess so. And you've changed a lot during the whole thing. At first, I thought you wanted to break me and Sakura up…but I can see your plan now. It's really…selfless." He said.
Tenten didn't reply and continued looking up at the sky.
"What part of this is selfless?" Tenten asked softly. "You have no idea…"
Neji stared at her. "What do you mean?"
Tenten smirked but kept a clean air. "All of this. The whole plan…was just for my own benefit. I'm really am selfish, aren't I?" She looked over at Neji and smiled a pitied smile.
Neji only smiled back. "No. It's bold. And that's exactly what you are."
End Flashback…
Tenten pattered down the corridor to find Sasuke. But the place was so big and so full of people it was hard just to get around, much less find a single person in it.
She was about to give up in that direction and turned around, to bump right into Sasuke.
"Oh geez, you ok?" Tenten asked Sasuke.
But he paid no heed to her and walked away. Tenten stood there, puzzled for a moment but then grabbed his arm and ordered him to stop.
"Wait! Sasuke, stop!" Tenten held on. "What's the rush?"
Sasuke stared at her for a minute and thrust her hand off his arm.
"Where's Sakura?" She asked seriously.
Sasuke turned to look at her. "She can live happily ever after with Neji. I don't give a damn." He started walking off and left Tenten standing there, still interpreting the whole situation. She immediately began tailing after him when she recognized what he meant.
"Wait!" Tenten shouted. "You mean you told her to stay with Neji?! Didn't she tell you she loved you?"
Sasuke didn't stop walking. "She doesn't mean it. She's confused right now about who she really loves. Besides, I don't love her."
Tenten chased after him still. "Hold on! Don't—"
Sasuke turned around abruptly. "Look! She's happy with him, so stop—" Before he could finish, Tenten slapped him in the face. She grabbed his collar and pinned him at the wall. Sasuke, clutched his red cheek, shocked.
"Alright look here!" Tenten ordered. "Someone's confused here, and it ain't Sakura! You love her but you don't want to admit it cause you think love is stupid and that she truly belongs with Neji! Now, she throws herself at you and yet you reject her again."
Tenten pushed him harder against the wall. "Don't tell me that you're denying loving her, Sasuke!"
Sasuke stared at her, stunned. He didn't respond but he wanted to. To say thanks and say that he really did love her no matter how much he denied it. No matter how much he wanted to smash his head against the wall for falling to love or how much he wanted to kiss Sakura every night.
Tenten loosened her grip on his collar and backed up. "Sasuke. If you really love her, shout, scream and do everything you can to prevent losing her again."
Sasuke stared at Tenten with newfound respect. "Tenten…"
"What are you standing there for? Go chase after her now!" Tenten ordered, pointing in the direction Sasuke came from.
Sasuke smiled and did as he was ordered.
Go chase after her…to prevent from losing her.
Sakura, walked lightly in the empty hallway. She had no idea where she was walking. And only the soft tapping of her heels could be heard as they echoed. Clutching her forehead, she exhaled and tried to hold back tears, even though she really just wanted to cry right now.
Sakura leaned against the wall and slid down, crouching at the floor, with her gorgeous gown spread out on the floor under her.
She had lost Neji. And Sasuke in the same night.
"Forehead girl." Someone barked.
Sakura lifted her head to see Ino standing before her.
"What are you doing?" Ino smirked. "I was looking for Sasuke and I thought you'd know where he was."
Sakura didn't answer and just shook her head. "I don't…" But she couldn't finish since it hurt too much to talk and her throat was raspy. If she said a single word, she was afraid she'd burst into tears.
Ino sighed and slid down the wall to crouch right next to Sakura.
"You're lucky." Ino suddenly declared.
Sakura turned her head to look at her.
"I mean, Sasuke loves you." Ino said and flung her arms out for dramatic effect. "And yet, here you sit, complaining about how your life has turned out up to this point." She shook her head and sighed.
Sakura didn't reply. She could only look down.
"OK fine. So it really sucked." Ino said. "But he does love you. Look at the way he's behaved throughout your whole relationship with Neji. He protects you, Sakura. Like no one else."
Sakura sighed. "You're wrong. He turned me away."
"So now you're gonna turn him away?" Ino asked.
Sakura didn't reply.
"Look. If you love him, fight for it. Even if the pain becomes too much to bear. You're never going to win if you don't continue fighting." Ino smiled at her. "How're you gonna move forward if you won't take chances?"
Sakura looked at her. She attempted to smile. "You know, you're not so bad as Ino the Shrink." Her voice was raspy.
Ino smiled. "Go find him now."
"Neji! Where did Sakura go?" Sasuke bellowed at him.
Neji turned around from his conversation with a couple of girls to see Sasuke, all sweaty and anxious. "You went after you. What happened?"
But Sasuke didn't wait for an answer and took off again to find her. This was his last chance. He had to find her before he lost her again.
Sakura was running around looking for Sasuke as well.
They were both running in circles.
Ino and Tenten were both watching them from afar and smiled.
"So our plan did work after all." Ino said. "I'm surprised, Tenten. You did this all for those two?" She pointed at them.
Tenten sighed and crossed her arms. "No. I'm not bold enough to do that. More like, I wanted Neji for myself."
Ino laughed and shook her head. "But hey, you could have just stole him away from Sakura if you wanted. So it is a nice thing to do." They continued watching the two. Tenten smiled softly.
"Those two better be happy together." Tenten said. She sighed and closed her eyes, smiling. "Ah well. They were meant for each other. This isn't something to worry about."
Ino sighed and laughed. "You're right." She walked off right after Tenten.
End of chapter.
Late update. Eek. I'm obsessed with Bleach right now. And the Sims. And I'm kinda sad because summer is almost over. Anyways, NOTE: For Naruto Truth or Dare fans, I'm getting to work on that chapter, but I've lost inspiration. So you'll have to wait longer.
EEK. EEK. EEK. My dad's friends are going to New York for 3 days and I'm taking care of their dog!