TeaFlower Presents…


Disclaimer: Nothing Sonic related belongs to me. Okay? Okay.

Anyway, I'm BACK, guys! Be expecting updates, soon! Maybe… if school allows… Maybe I'll start putting the dates on each chapter… yeah… 9/14/06



Long, long ago, there was a great footrace. There were going to be several participants to this race. One was the renowned Sonic the Hedgehog, another was Miles "Tails" Prower, and even another one was Knuckles the Echidna. The race was just for fun, but, as always, someone wanted to destroy these three…

This person created three robots. One named Metal Sonic. His job was to defeat Sonic in a race, utterly humiliating him and making flee and commit suicide. Another was named Mecha Knuckles. He had Metal Sonic's job, but he was to do that to Knuckles. The final one was Robo Tails. He had the same mission as the other three, but with Tails.

One day, Robo Tails started malfunctioning. It destroyed almost everything that looked even remotely like Tails, including itself. The engineer who made the trio was terrified. He took the Robo Tails's basic programming, fixed it up, and put it in a little voodoo doll of Tails. He called it the Tails Doll. He noted that a little red stone grew out of the doll's forehead. The doll looked soulless, but that's what he wanted.


After most of the racing was done, Metal Sonic, Mecha Knuckles, and Tails Doll didn't kill Sonic and friends. But the Tails Doll started malfunctioning. It went on a rampant killing spree, becoming a fear of many a gamer.

One day, Tails, the one whom the Tails Doll was based, attempted a daring feat: he created other Tails Dolls. The other Tails Dolls, known as TD2, were programmed to stop the Tails Doll at all costs. He sent them everywhere, for he didn't know where the accursed doll would turn up. Sonic, Knuckles, and Tails waited for almost a year for any reports from any of the TD2s. But they gave up, and went about life. But they never forgot that doll.

Now, the Doll is back. Can it be trusted? Has it changed? Will it kill them all? We don't know yet… but will know soon…