Chapter One

Disclaimer: I do not own Drake & Josh. (so sorry, I forgot to put up a disclaimer!)

"Drake, Drake, you'll never believe what I got!" Josh yelled excitedly, running into the room.


"Two plane tickets to the Bahamas!"

"Wow! Really? I mean, I've always wanted to go to the Bahamas!" Drake jumped out of his chair and put his guitar down.

"I know! You and I can spend a Megan-free week on the beach!"

"Yay! When do we go?"

"Tomorrow. So start packing, brother…"

"From another mother!" Drake finished, getting out his suitcase and throwing clothes into it.

"Flight #666 now boarding." The speaker announced.

"That's our plane, Drake. Come on." Josh said, walking over to the flight attendant and handing her their tickets. She smiled and ushered them inside.

The brothers sat down in their assigned seats, which happened to be next to each other.

"Isn't it cool that we can sit together? Much better arrangements than before!" Josh exclaimed.

"Not really…" Drake trailed off.

"Aww, come on, I have to sit near you and I'm not complaining." Josh teased.


"Kidding." Josh laughed.

Time seemed to go quickly. They were only a few minutes away from the Bahamas.

Hey, we're going through the Bermuda Triangle! And we haven't had any trouble so far. How cool. Josh smiled at the thought. But suddenly, a flight attendant made the announcement.

"Please buckle your seatbelts; we're having some problems."

Drake and Josh buckled themselves in, and the flight attendant walked past.

"Excuse me, ma'am, what's wrong?" Josh asked her.

"Our engines are failing. We're trying to land safely." She replied.

Drake and Josh looked at each other nervously. That didn't sound like it would the safe, not-risky landing they had been expecting. Something was seriously wrong. Suddenly the plane shook violently.

"What's going on?" Drake looked at Josh in fright.

"I don't know." Josh whispered back.

"I'm sure we'll be safe." Drake said uncertainly, trying to comfort himself.

"I wouldn't be too sure about that." Josh looked down at the raging ocean that seemed to be getting closer and closer every second.

Drake leaned over and looked out the window.

"Dude! The plane's going down!" Drake shrieked.

The plane was plummeting down, about to collide with the sea. Suddenly, everything went black.