This is the last chapter of this story. I hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I will be updating my other stories in the next week. Please read and review.


The next day I knew the time had come to face the music and tell Pony and Soda. I prayed they could still love me especially when they found out I was different and not perfect. Dally came in as I was starting breakfast and sat at the table. He smiled and pulled me down on his leg, I ran my hands through his hair. I knew he could see how nervous I was.

"Relax Babe, things will work out. I'll talk to Steve and Two-Bit. Since Johnny already knows, do you want him to stay or go with me?" he asked.

"Stay," I told him because Lord knows I needed all the moral support I could get since I was scared to death.


"Don't worry D.S., Soda and Pony will understand," I told him trying to calm his fears.

"What if they can't accept us?" he asked in a worried voice.

"We'll deal with that if it happens. Before I let your family fall apart, I will walk away," I told him.

"No, don't say that! Ace, I can't lose you," he cried softly.

"We'll find a way to make it work, but I'm going to head out now. Are you talking to them here?" I asked.

Darry shook his head. "I thought we'd go to the lake," he said smiling.

"I smiled back. "We'll meet you there later. I love you, never forget that," I told him.

"I love you too," he told me as I pressed my lips to his. He pulled away and stood up as Johnny coughed right before Pony shuffled into the room. Giving him one last smile, I left.


"Hey little man, would you do me a favor?" I asked wrapping my hands around a coffee cup.

He nodded. "Go wake Sodapop up, I want to talk to both of you," I told him.

"All right," he left to do as I asked and a few minutes later they were both back in the kitchen.

"What's up Superman?" Soda asked rubbing his eyes.

"I thought we could all play hooky and go to lake since it's a nice day. Johnny's coming to and Dally will bring Two-Bit and Steve later," I explained to them

"Cool, let's hurry and go then," Soda was his usual ball of energy. We ate and then went to the car.


An hour later Darry stood tall and proud, arms crossed on his muscular chest.

"I need to tell you something, I hope you can understand. I should have told you before, but I only realized it myself and I was scared of your reaction. I'm in love with Dallas," he heard the swift intake of breath from Sodapop, but couldn't look at him.

"You don't know what love is," Soda told him flatly. "Is that why Dad sent you away? Why you left us?" he demanded.

"I do know what love is. Soda, for me it's Dallas Winston," Darry walked to the water's edge. "I'm sorry I let you down, I tried to ignore the feelings, but I can't anymore. It's who I am. Dad didn't want to know or try to understand so he sent me away," Soda turned away dragging Pony with him.


I watched my brother's start to leave. "Is it so terrible to want to be happy?" I asked feeling close to tears. Neither Pony nor Soda spoke when they turned to look at me and I was scared to look in their eyes, terrified I would see the same condemnation that had been in Dad's.

"I love Dallas boys," I spoke softly. "Can you at least try to understand that?"

"Does he love you too?" Ponyboy asked me.

"Yes he does. He told me last night, it's the greatest feeling in the world to know that he feels the same way I do," I told them.

"Why are you telling us now?" Soda asked abruptly. I winced at his harsh voice, tears threatened to fall again. Suddenly they both ran to me.

"I can't believe this," Soda exclaimed and there was anger in his usually friendly tone even as they wrapped their arms around my waist.

I held my little brothers trying to stop shaking, hoping it wouldn't be the last time they let me.

"I can't blame you for being mad," I murmured. "I know that I let you down, I'm so sorry boys."

"Sorry!" Soda exclaimed. "Darry, why should you be sorry?" he demanded.

Bewildered I stared at him. "You're look mad, please don't be," I said.

"I am, but at Dad not you. I can't believe he was such a selfish bastard. God, what you've been through," he told me smiling that beautiful smile of his.

"Pony and me love you no matter what," he said.

"Yeah," Pony quickly agreed.

"Can I ask you a question?" Soda asked. I nodded.

"Is there anything that we could do to make you stop loving us?" he wanted to know.

"Of course not," I replied at once.

"Dare, Dad made his love conditional. He only loved you if you were who he wanted you to be, but when you stopped being that person he withdrew his love and sent you away. We won't do that. Our love is unconditional, there no matter what you do or who you love," Soda said.

"Darry, all we want is for you to be happy. If loving Dally does that for you, then I say go for it," Pony told me giving me a big as Soda echoed his thoughts and actions. I wondered how Dally was doing with our other two friends.


Dally walked into the DX glad to find both his buddies there, since it was almost time for Steve to get off work, he decided to wait a few minutes before telling them. Walking to the Curtis house Dally was quiet going over what to say in his head. Once there they sat on the porch.

"Don't look like the brother's are back yet," Two-Bit commented from the steps.

"We're supposed to meet them at the lake, but I wanted to talk to you first," he told them.

"Does this have anything to do with you and Darry?" Two-Bit asked.

Dally nodded as Steve spoke up. "What is going on with you two?" He wanted to know.


"Darry and I have been seeing each other," I told them.

"What? You're both fags?" Steve shouted right before I threw him against the house.

"Keep your trap shut," I growled.

"Dal, you've been hanging with that broad," Two-Bit told me.

"I know. Two-Bit, she don't mean anything to me. Darry pushed me away and I wanted to hurt him.

"How long has this been going on?" Steve inquired.

"Years, we are in love. If you can't or won't accept it fine, but if you have anything to say, say it to me not Darry," I ordered menacingly.

"Do the boys know?" Steve wanted to know.

"They probably do by now," I told them.

"Well my friend, if Darry is who you want then I say go get him," Two-Bit said with a grin.

Steve kept quiet as we got in the car and drove down the road.


"Darry, can Johnny and me talk a walk in the woods?" Pony asked when Dally pulled in.

"Stay on the trail and don't go too far," I told him. Soda ran to meet Steve, and then they took off with Two-Bit to catch the younger boys. I smiled when Dally walked over to me. I wanted to kiss him so much, but now was not the time and I knew that I couldn't so I had to settle for gazing at him.

"Hey D.S., how did it go?" Dally asked me.

"Great, they said if you make me happy, that's all that matters to them," I said grinning.

"Do I make you happy?" he wanted to know.

"God yes you do, what about Two-Bit and Steve?" I asked him.

"Two-Bit is fine with it. Steve has a problem with us although he never said anything to me about it," Dally said lighting a weed.


Steve was disgusted with the two older men. They were greasers for God's sake. They were supposed to get drunk and chase broads, not each other. He was mad that Soda seemed okay with it. When they caught up to the rest of the guys, he immediately took his rage out on Ponyboy.

"Hey Pony, guess this means if Darry adopts you that he will be your new Mama," Steve taunted the boy.

"Steve, stop it," Soda snapped looking at his little brother.

"Why? It's true, he's a fag," Steve bit out.

"Why do you always have to be so hateful?" Pony asked. "Darry's always tried to help you. He's not hurting anyone," he cried before quickly stalking off followed by Johnny.

"Why do you have to be mean to Pony?" Soda asked.

"It's true," Steve said before Soda punched him in the eye.

"We'd better catch them before they get back," Two-Bit said.


Dally and me were walking by the path when Pony came crashing through the brush. He'd been crying and tripped over some roots. I helped him up.

"Darry," he jerked away from me and took off again. When the other came up behind him, I could see Soda and Steve were mad.

"Ponyboy, stop," I called but he kept running.

"Darry, Johnny and me will get the kid," Dally told me while I turned to face my angry brother and his best friend.

"What happened?" I asked trying to remain calm.

"Nothing for you to worry about Superman, I took care of it," Soda told me. I noticed Steve's eye was turning black.

"Go find Pony, I got this covered," he said so I ran down the path.


"Steve, that was uncalled for. Don't ever say that to Pony again, if you have a problem with Darry and Dally take it up with them, not Pony," I told him.

"Yeah all right," he said sitting down.

"Why does it bother you so much?" I wanted to know.

"I guess I just don't understand how they can willingly do that Soda," he said quietly.

"You mean be together?" I asked staring at my friend, who nodded and lowered his head. I knew what he was talking about.

"Stevie, it's not like that. They love each other," I told him softly knowing he was thinking about what his drunken father had forced on him last year. I was the only one that he had told.

He looked at me and I knew that he didn't want to talk about this. "Come on, let's go find the gang," I said standing up and offering him a hand. When we met up with them, Steve apologized and we went home.


I sighed and turned off the water, getting out I wrapped a towel around my lean hips and went to my room. It had been a long, tense day, but everything had worked out. The boys were spending the night at Two-Bit's so Dally and me were alone. He was lying on the bed, an arm across his eyes.

"Ace," I called softly.

Dally moved his arm and looked at me.

"Will you hold me?" I asked nervously.

"Of course I will, come here babe," he moved over to make room on the bed for me.

"Not like that, I need you to hold me our way," I whispered.

"Whatever you need," he rose to his feet and started to take his clothes off. I stared at him admiring his naked body. Dally groaned in sweet agony when I closed my hand around his erection.


I sat on the bed against the headboard and pulled Darry until he was straddling me with his knees on either side of me.

"Are you comfortable Babe?" I asked.

Darry nodded as I nestled him closer and slipped a finger inside him. He shivered while I made sure he was ready for me.

"Ace, hurry I want you inside me so much I hurt," Darry pleaded with me.

"You do it," I told him.

Lifting himself a little, he gently impaled himself on my rock hard member. We both groaned loudly when he stopped, then looked at me.

"Now hold me," he pleaded. I nodded and wrapped both arms around him as his head settled on my shoulder.


Dally tightened his grip as the younger greaser shuddered and started to rock back and forth. He waited knowing Darry would talk when he was ready. After about 10 minutes he did.

"I was so scared that I would lose them today," he finally said.

"I know you were, but you didn't. They still love you, just like me," Dally said quietly rubbing Darry's back.

"I love you Ace," Darry told him watching Dally's eyes as he slowly moved up and down his hard length. Dally gritted his teeth and let Darry set the pace as they loved each other. Then suddenly, he couldn't wait and grasping Darry's hips, he thrust in and out rapidly, his breath harshly exploding from him.

"Oh God, D.S.," he moaned.

"Now Ace, now," Darry shouted as wave after wave of sensation swept through him. As soon as Darry felt Dally's hot fluid spurting inside him, he came all over their stomachs and collapsed on Dally's lap. After a few minutes Dally untangled them and eased Darry down on the bed. He pulled the blanket over them before settling the man into his arms. Darry sighed.

"That was a contented sound," Dally said.

"Yeah, it was. Dally, for the first time in a long time, I am right where I want to be," he told him.

"That's good, because I am to," Dally said.

Dally had to ask the question that had been on his mind.

"Darry, do you feel guilty when I make love to you? Does it feel you with shame that I can make you feel things girls can't?" he asked.

"Ace, I don't feel guilt or shame when I am with you. You have my mind, body and soul, but what about you?"

"What about me?" Dally asked.

"You have a lot of hate in your heart, I'm afraid of losing you," Darry confessed.

"You don't have to be scared," Dally said kissing him gently. "I'll never hurt you or leave you. Loving you is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I need you D.S.," he rasped out.

"I need to, I need to love you now," Darry said. Dally nodded and felt hands on his hard heat.

"Yes, this is what I want," Darry gasped as he grasped Dally's erection. His lips smothered Dally's moans and their tongues danced together in desperate need.

Soon Darry was inside him, thrusting, retreating, and thrusting again. The force of Darry's thrusts rocked him to the core and Dally could only gasp as he was carried closer to his completion. Dally watched Darry throw back his head and moan his name. He held the blond man possessively as his seed spilled deep inside Dally. After the two men recovered from their passion, they lay down.

"I love you Ace," Darry mumbled sleepily.

"I love you too D.S., now go to sleep. The boys will probably be home early in the morning," Dally laughed as Darry burrowed deeper into his arms before they drifted into a deep sleep.

It was early in the morning when Dally woke up Darry's soft snore told him that he was still asleep, his head pillowed on the older greaser's shoulder. Dally groaned s passion ran through him. Darry's body was warm and so tempting that the need to make him his again burned like fire. Softly stroking Darry's face, Dally grinned when the blue eyes he loved opened clouded with sleep.

A heart beat later Dally's mouth ground against Darry's while he pushed him to lie on his back. His tongue thrust deep as he teased and tasted his lover demanding that Darry return his passion. Dally started kissing his way down Darry's body as he moved against him.

"Ace, I love it when you touch me..." he moaned when the warm fingers caressed his rigid member.

Darry reached around to touch Dally's hard on and when Dally's mouth replaced his hand, Darry struggled to breathe. He tried to protest, but it went unheard as Dally licked up and down his man hood. When the two men could take no more, Dally plunge deep inside and felt him respond and tighten around him. His eyes were dark with passion. Darry's eyes were closed.

"No," Dally said fiercely. "Watch me, I want you to see what you do to me," his thrusts became faster. Darry obeyed and moved his hips against him, their movements becoming frenzied. Dally's mouth found his as they reached their climax. He stayed in Darry until their breathing slowed and their racing hearts eased and eventually the couple dozed off again.

The slamming door woke Darry up; Dally was still sleeping so he got up, dressed and quietly left the room, headed to the kitchen.

Soda was making breakfast while the rest of the guys were gathered around the table.

"Do you think Darry will let you go?" Two-Bit asked.

Soda shrugged his shoulders and flipped eggs.

"Let you go where?" Darry asked sitting down by Ponyboy.

"We wanted to go to the lake today," Pony told him excitedly. "Can we?" he asked.

"If you want to, I'll meet you there maybe we could have a cookout," Darry told them.

"Tuff," Two-Bit said.

"Want some breakfast?" Soda asked Darry.

"No, I'm fine," he said.

The five boys ate then ran to get ready. Darry told Soda to keep an eye on Pony and they left.

Darry stood in the door watching Dally, then lay beside him. He never got tired of looking at his lover. Almost as if he felt eyes on him, Dally's opened.

"Good morning D.S.," he murmured smiling.

"Good morning Dal, we're going to meet the gang later today," he said.

Dally nodded and pulled his jeans on to go to the bathroom, then came back and sat on the bed. Darry turned on his back, pulling Dally to him.

Ace," he said.

"Hmmmm?" Dally answered, pushing his jeans off again.

"Are you tired?" his hands skimmed Dally's flat stomach.

Dally grinned at him. "What do you want to do?"

"I need you again. I want you to ride me this time," he requested.

"Anything you want," Dally gripped Darry's erection and spread lube on it while Darry made sure his passage was ready. Then all thoughts vanished as he lowered himself on Darry's hard staff. Their hands caressed each other, whispering each other's names they bucked and came hard together.

"Wow," was all Darry could manage. Later the two greasers took a shower, enjoyed a quiet lunch and then headed out to the lake to enjoy the afternoon with their family.

THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!